Your Favourite Episode So Far



  • Definitely felt that Episode 5 was the best so far.

    1. A Block and a Hard Place
    2. The Order of the Stone
    3. Order Up!
    4. The Last Place you Look
    5. Assembly Required
  • edited April 2016

    Number 5 - Assembly Required. It's not bad, but it's just TOO short for Telltale standards.

    Number 4 - The Last Place You Look. It kinda got a little boring in-between some moments.

    Number 3 - The Order of the Stone. It was a good start to the series, not throwing too much at you, but enough to get you hooked.

    Number 2 - Order Up. It's a great way to start Jesse's new adventure as the New Order of the Stone. And I especially liked Aiden's change of character, from a normal bully, to an enraged psychopath that wanted things to go his way.

    Number 1 - A Block and a Hard Place. Hands down, if Telltale made this game to be FOUR episodes, this episode would be a FANTASTIC conclusion to the series. Also, R.I.P. Reuben.

  • edited April 2016

    By gameplay or overall writing standards?

    By narrative:

    Five: The Order of the Stone. While structurally sound, it's my least favorite overall.

    Four: Assembly Required. The diversity in choice was entertaining, and I enjoyed seeing these isolated stories at work in Redstonia and Boom Town, but when all is said and done they just aren't paced very well.

    Three: The Last Place You Look. Even though there's technically not much accomplished in this episode, it holds up surprisingly well in terms of writing.

    Two: Order Up. MCSM seems at it's best when telling one story per episode, rather than creating an arch that spans over the course of several episodes. That said, some minor inconsistencies and missed opportunities hold it back from being TellTale's best creation.

    One: A Block and a Hard Place. This one isn't the best in consistency either, but it manages to be diverse and interesting enough for a satisfying conclusion to the Wither Storm arch.

    By gameplay:

    Five: The Order of the Stone. There are some interesting options given, but overall it's just not fun to see these choices in action.

    Four: The Last Place You Look. In spite of some unique moments with Lukas and the group as a whole, there's little sense of consequence and diversity.

    Three: Order Up. As far as I can tell, choices don't seem very impactful in this episode either, though it's definitely more fun to play through thanks to excellent writing and unique situations.

    Two: A Block and a Hard Place. I rank this at number two since some of the illusion of impactful choice making is reliant on episode one to work. That being said, there are a lot of fun concepts here. It's clear that TellTale put their best foot forward to create an enjoyable finale.

    One: Assembly Required. This is where Patton Oswalt's promise of "choices and hidden choices" sees the most fulfillment, and it's great to see how different options lead to entertaining scenarios. For a short experience, Assembly Required has an amazing amount of content on offer, enough to warrant multiple playthroughs.

  • I got bored during Ep.3 Just an opinion

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