How do you play Jesse?

What kind of personality do you give your Jesse?

My Jesse is more or less a classic heroic person. He genuinely want to help people in need and always approach people with a polite and friendly attitude. He is humble, as he didn't show any jealousy toward the Ocelot winning in Episode 1. He has a close relationship with Petra, Lukas and Olivia. While my Jesse tends to be annoyed by Axel's attitude with things and slightly take his personality less seriously, he does care about him as he did protect him in Episode 3. However, my Jesse also have a dark side. He is ruthless and merciless toward those he consider his enemy. He punched Ivor in Episode 1, siding to attack him in Episode 2 and doesn't show any mercy to Aiden in Episode 5.


  • My Jesse is genuinely nice to everyone, even Aiden and Ivor in the past episodes. That is, everyone except Lukas. I made Jesse be mean to him along with Axel in the hut, didn't give him the cookie and let him leave the hut. I had to replay just to give him armour. It's pretty funny making Lukas annoyed.

  • My Jesse is nice to all of his friends. He is close to Petra, Lukas and Axel. With Olivia, he is just stable.

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