Bringing up Past Choices

Remember Lee's confrontation with the stranger, the Crooked Man trial, Fiona's ranting on Rhys, and the traitor revelation? Well I was thinking that someone would have brought up the past choices Jesse made in the previous episodes. Now that I think about it, Aiden should have done that? Like these below as how I imagine it would go.

  • You let that Wither Storm devour Petra/Gabriel, so you could save a "girl with a pick axe"/"warrior with a diamond sword".
  • She/he told you about her/his sickness, and "tried to keep"/"kept" it a secret from your friends.
  • I heard that you left Lukas to fend for himself against a golem.
  • Don't you put up with your missions before friendship? (referencing a decision in Episode 3)
  • You left Gabriel/Petra behind while he/she's sick.

So what do you think?

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