Episode 5's Moral Choice of Power

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” - Abraham Lincoln

Anybody else found the whole moral choice of power throughout the episode interesting?
The whole dystopia society (Sky City) with the “oppressive leader” (Isa), the rebellion / people (Build Club) and power as some sort of entity (the Eversource).
It was nice how it’s all embedded throughout the storyline.
To simply put it, who do you think deserves power? What did you choose during these choices:

  • Who to give the Eversource to: Yourself/The People/Leave it alone (even though Isa prevents this from happening anyway)
  • Who to give power to: Isa/Milo/Both

Could sharing power between Isa and Milo actually be a possible solution in real life?

Any thoughts?


  • First off once I found it why these people needed the ever source I didn't want it but I was originally planning to take it
    Secondly I gave power to Isa, she was only being oppressive so that people died, she only controlled the use of resources, and now that there are so much, what is she going to be oppressive about, I never really saw Milo as a leader

  • I really dislike Milo. Like, really. And I kept waiting for him to betray everybody because I didn't trust him for a second. I think the best option here was to just leave the Eversource where it was, like Lukas said, since taking it would doom the city.

    But I also do not like the idea of giving up freedom for security, which is why I think the best final choice is to make Isa and Milo be in charge together. Hoping for some balance, you know? I mean, Milo was talking about letting people learn from their mistakes, but lots of these mistakes could get them killed, so they needed some organization to at least survive the first night.

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