What Do You Guys Think Is Good About Minecraft Story Mode?

On this discussion you can share your favourite things about Minecraft Story Mode!


  • Hubs,Music,Cast.

  • I like the music, characters and the fact that it is based of minecraft :)

  • The jokes.

  • I really like this game. This is like a combination between Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands (Sword fights and humor). I don't really understand the hate on it. Because it's based on Minecraft? I don't even like Minecraft itself.

  • Hm, lets see, Practically EVERYTHING.

  • The world is intriguing and I like how the crafting gives us a better illusion of interacting with the world. And the music is nice.

  • the more human kind of style they gave it and there use of minecraft concepts, like spawn eggs, comand blocks, monsters and fan made things like sky block

  • enter link description here

    im such a savage

    ok fine the soundtrack is good

  • Return of the hubs, combat is pretty cool, puzzles are nice too, some of the choices matter a lot, ability to choose Jesse's gender, that we didn't have to wait long for Episodes 2-4 :P

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Some of the jokes are good (just not on the level of TFTB though that's a high bar), having hubs and simple puzzles definitely works for this series, crafting is fun, being able to move during an action scene is cool, although the Wither storm arc got a bit dull near the end this new one seems interesting.

  • I like the soundtrack and the extra gameplay mechanics that other modern Telltale titles don't have. Also, some of the environments/creations they imported from Minecraft are really creative, seeing as how they made items/tested inventions by hand before bringing them into Story Mode.

  • Voice acting (on most characters)

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