-Do you really need a special edition of LeChuck Revenge and all the calssics?
-Dont you love them just the way they are in all their vintage and pixelated glory?
I do love the old ones, but on current HD monitors they look like crud and take up only a small portion of the screen. The SE edition graphics are faithful to the original and still fit the mood of the game so what's the problem?
-Are you happy when hollywood makes remake after remake of classic movies?
-Would you be thrilled if George Lucas decides to make a "Special Edition" of Raiders Of The Lost Ark with improved special effects?
-Would you encourage him to make the same with the rest of the movies?
This comparisons have nothing to do with what is essentially exactly the same game with HD graphics. Movie remakes always change story aspects and cut scenes from the originals or replace them with something else and are mostly never faithful to the original.
Special Editions need to exist so a modern audience can appreciate them.
Yes! but what makes me sad is that instead of take advantage of this moment where LucasArts seems to be interested again on adventures games, the fanbase is more worried about new special editions that on new adventures.
"Modern audiences" and marketing people should be the ones claiming for SE. The fanbase should be trying to persue more creative ways. (IMO)
Yes! but what makes me sad is that instead of take advantage of this moment where LucasArts seems to be interested again on adventures games, the fanbase is more worried about new special editions that on new adventures.
"Modern audiences" and marketing people should be the ones claiming for SE. The fanbase should be trying to persue more creative ways. (IMO)
For LucasArts it makes more sense to re-establish a fan base and suck back in old followers with remakes of their great but dated games. I enjoy the SEs and see them as a transitional step toward LucasArts licensing their old IPs and making real sequels or new original IPs. They are making some kind of side scrolling puzzle game for XBox 360 Arcade.
So here I think you can have your cake and eat it too. Besides some of those games are REALLY dated. I have a hard time playing Zak McKraken with 12 verbs.
Wouldn't you guys rather see LA letting Telltale do the new games? I would. For those of you who don't know, most of the people at Telltale are the ones who were responsible for the originals (consequently, changing some of us forever.)
Im probably one of the few people who is against this whole SE thing.
I feel so alone.
-Do you really need a special edition of LeChuck Revenge and all the calssics?
-Dont you love them just the way they are in all their vintage and pixelated glory?
-Wouldnt it be much better to encourage LucasArts to make new adventures instead of doing new "Special Editions"?
-Are you happy when hollywood makes remake after remake of classic movies?
-Would you be thrilled if George Lucas decides to make a "Special Edition" of Raiders Of The Lost Ark with improved special effects?
-Would you encourage him to make the same with the rest of the movies?
Well the interviews you can find on the net speak a lot for themselves. This guy came from EA and he only knew as business model to milk franchises which EA successfully did at that time.
He went for a low risk strategy, the problem with this is, that if you do that this wears thin after a few years, Star Wars held longer than I expected especially if you turn out games in mass production milking it over and over again.
Don't take me wrong - I love Star Wars. X-wing and Rebel Assault were the games that introduced me LucasArts and made me buy Monkey Island games. Dark Forces, Jedi Kningt and Mysteries of the Sith weren't bad, too. And KotOR 2 was great (sooo Planescape:Torment-like).
Only thing is that something was missing in those games during Ward's rule. That bound between the company and a gamer, which's present in TellTale games.
-Do you really need a special edition of LeChuck Revenge and all the calssics?
Need? Not particularly. But it's pretty and looks nice on my HD TV, when I don't have my floppies or a computer that they look nice on anymore.
It doesn't replace my beloved original, and I'm sure I'll play through it again, but this is a nice distraction. A reason to refresh myself in Monkey goodness, and a step in the right direction for LucasArts.
Special Editions are better than a decade of nothing.
-Dont you love them just the way they are in all their vintage and pixelated glory?
Yes. But these are nice too. It's a nice refresher course for an old classic. And the music just sounds excellent.
-Wouldnt it be much better to encourage LucasArts to make new adventures instead of doing new "Special Editions"?
But we are getting a new adventure through Tales. They're licensing that IP out to capable hands, and it's working out well for Monkey Island so far. I'd like to see them continue this, but how much do you really expect them to do at once? Besides, this is the lowest cost option for them right now to test the adventure game waters.
-Are you happy when hollywood makes remake after remake of classic movies?
Generally not. But I did like the Star Trek series remaster, which redid effects and the opening music and cleaned up the picture, making the original series look nicer while remaining totally faithful to the source material.
-Would you be thrilled if George Lucas decides to make a "Special Edition" of Raiders Of The Lost Ark with improved special effects?
-Would you encourage him to make the same with the rest of the movies?
George Lucas should have his franchises taken away. He should be told to sit in the corner and think about what he's done. He should stay in that corner until he promises to play nice with Mr. Gary Kurtz.
Anyway, just think of all the people who have never played Secret before and now it's widely available for them. That wouldn't have been possible if Lucasarts just kept sitting on it forever.
I'm not usually a fan of remakes/reissues, but I like what they did with the Special Edition. They didn't make any unecessary changes to the original, they just gave us that + tons of shiny new stuff that feels like a tribute to it rather than an updated replacement.
I dont really see how special editions with improved graphics etc can be a problem, even for you die hard monkey island fans.
I mean, the old games wont disappear just because they decide to make new ones
The old Secret of monkey island version was good then, but i think its fair that they keep doing the SE thingy to attract new customers. I tried the F10 button while playing the SE and boy does the old game look bad.
I have no problems with the SE, I just think they're not as needed as some people on the forums make them out to be.
However, I would love to see an update to MI 2. People that complain need to realize even the SoMI that most people played was a remake. There was a huge update between the initial EGA release and the enhanced VGA release that followed shortly after. Not only in graphics (both background and having a graphical inventory) but cutting down the verb list from 12 to 9. The current SE is no different than that update.
In regards to the SE, however, I do think if they are to remake MI 2 they should refine the interface a bit more. There were times were using the SE interface was downright clunky and it was easier to switch to the classic view (like the grog and melting cups sequence). Additionally, some of the new art didn't match up with the old art causing some weird detection areas. If they can iron out these problems, then I'm all for it. Also, it would be a nice option to be able to use the new sound with the older graphics.
^ Though seriously, do you really NEED to update the graphics on MI2? I honestly like them the way they are. They're perfect for the game, and unlike SMI, they stand the test of time. SMI was drawn with a mouse, while most of the stuff in MI2 was painted on paper, and scanned. I mean, if people hate the aspect ratio correcting black bars on the side that bad, then they can always feel free to add a "widescreen" option that stretches the image. I'm gonna start a poll.
-Do you really need a special edition of LeChuck Revenge and all the calssics?
-Dont you love them just the way they are in all their vintage and pixelated glory?
-Wouldnt it be much better to encourage LucasArts to make new adventures instead of doing new "Special Editions"?
-Are you happy when hollywood makes remake after remake of classic movies?
-Would you be thrilled if George Lucas decides to make a "Special Edition" of Raiders Of The Lost Ark with improved special effects?
-Would you encourage him to make the same with the rest of the movies?
It doesn't hurt to have a special edition. And if you like them vintage don't buy it? Stick with the original? Or buy the special edition and just press the button to change the graphics.
-Wouldnt it be much better to encourage LucasArts to make new adventures instead of doing new "Special Editions"?
Not their market. Telltale make the point and clicks now. LucasArts are looked at for Star Wars. Sighn of the times. To be honest the only reason Monkey Island: SE is selling is because its more user friendly on newcomers.
-Are you happy when hollywood makes remake after remake of classic movies?
-Would you be thrilled if George Lucas decides to make a "Special Edition" of Raiders Of The Lost Ark with improved special effects?
-Would you encourage him to make the same with the rest of the movies?
He did. DVD box set with new effects. And yes I would. So he did.
And Remakes are fine when done well. Star Trek works beautifully. So does the Doctor Who reboot. War Of the Worlds. Day the Earth Stood Still. every single batman film. Spider man films. Star Wars prequels. Indiana Jones sequels. Pirates of the carabian Your so called "classics" are remakes. Everything in Hollywood is.
Honestly SE is just new stuff on an old classic. Its 100% loyal. A press of the button will take you to your old faviroute if you want.
It annoys me when fans whine about something they are apparently a fan of.
Left4Dead 2 is hated because its more or less the same. People still worked hard on that. Had sleepless nights over it.
Same with Monkey Island: SE. People lost sleep and nights over this. If you don't get it. You loose nothing. If you get it. You gain everything.
^ Though seriously, do you really NEED to update the graphics on MI2? I honestly like them the way they are. They're perfect for the game, and unlike SMI, they stand the test of time. SMI was drawn with a mouse, while most of the stuff in MI2 was painted on paper, and scanned. I mean, if people hate the aspect ratio correcting black bars on the side that bad, then they can always feel free to add a "widescreen" option that stretches the image. I'm gonna start a poll.
I bought MI3 with MI1 and MI2. I was a kid and I will say this as part of the new generation who Lucas aim to sell to. I couldn't stand MI2. Their was so much going on. At the time it was beautiful but to a younger generation. It gave me headaches. In the end I looked up a guide so I could just see how the story went. And if you don't want the updated isn't that the point of switching with a button?
^ Well, that's just a case of differing opinions. I played CMI way back in 2001. And I played MI2 in 2007, and to be honest, I thought it was beautiful.
Or buy the special edition and just press the button to change the graphics.
It annoys me when fans whine about something they are apparently a fan of.
The button takes me to the VGA version, and im eternally bonded with the EGA one.
And im not whining about this realesed SE, i think SEs are nice things to do ONCE in a while.
But a full wave of SE, while new games could be done with the same money and human effort, thats what i dont like.
You see, you mention earlier the VGA version as "the old favorite" and probably its the version most of the fans know and love, but its not exactly the original (only technically speaking). But anyway its has somehow "replaced" the EGA one, cause everytime Monkey Island is mentioned somewhere, a VGA picture comes along to ilustrate the whole thing.
My fear is that in a few years this SEs are gonna replace the old ones, and everytime someone mentions Monkey Island, instead of the Purcellian young hero, this new goofy Guybrush will appear to represent it.
And that, somehow, its wrong to me.
My question is.....WHO CARES? The old EGA and VGA games have had their day in the sun. A particularly long one. Who cares if a new generation would rather look at the SE graphics? Who REALLY cares? You've got the old one and can play it all you like, but face it. Nobody is going to play the old ones anymore. So who cares? They've certainly had enough time in the limelight to say that they can officially retire. And as long as we've got classic mode toggles, then who cares? I don't understand the resistance to move forward. It's not like we're forgetting what made the originals special....the people who created SMI:SE clearly see that.
And I don't really trust LA to release new adventure games at this point.....I don't believe there's a single soul that works there currently who has any experience in the field at all. Thus, I'd rather they keep making special editions until they do.
And I don't really trust LA to release new adventure games at this point.....I don't believe there's a single soul that works there currently who has any experience in the field at all. Thus, I'd rather they keep making special editions until they do.
That sums up my feelings, they've been sucking the scaly Star Wars shlong for too long to be trusted just yet.
I'm absolutely sure there will be a MI2 SE. Mainly because I guess MI1 SE will be a considerable success, financial-wise. Take a look at the credits - most of the drawings were done in asian countries so I think the cost of that was very manageable. The whole audio thing, voices as well as music, is probably a bit more expensive. Still, I wouldn't even be surprised if they were already in the profit zone.
Also, I think it won't be too long until they release MI2 SE. I'd be surprised if it wasn't already being worked on. Plus, MI1SE was released shortly after they announced it, too.. so my guess is they'll release it in 2-3 months. People are addicted and craving for more now, why let them lose interest in MI again when you could have their money in 2-3 month anyway? :P
A lot of people have wanted LucasArts to go back to adventure games, and I understand that. However, a lot of their adventure staff either went with Double Fine or Telltale. Do they have enough credible employees with adventure game experience to bring back the genre, or would it be a pale imitation of their previous works?
Edit: Eh, sorry. It's already discussed above, but I didn't feel like reading the rest of the topic before posting.
I'm sick of people writing off LucasArts chances of making new adventure games simply because the people currently working for them have little or no experience (that you know of anyway). How are they going to get the experience you want them to have without being 'allowed' to try and make adventure games?
I wonder what the experience level of the developers at Lucasfilm Games was when it was founded, and the adventure games of the '80s or when it became LucasArts at the start of the 'golden era' of adventure games at the start of the 1990s. I mean, take Ron Gilbert. His first fully released game was Maniac Mansion, a game which I feel started the golden era so fondly remembered. So experience doesn't mean everything.
I wasn't saying that it would be impossible. The thing is, with video games you only get so many chances to make a good product. The people may not have had experience working on adventure games when they started, but they proved their worth right away. But they weren't just well designed games, they had a nice, quirky sense of humor, and I can't imagine playing an adventure game that has good puzzles but dry dialog and setting. That, and I assumed that the people who worked on adventure games had played adventure games from other companies, but they've been out of vogue for awhile, and depending on the new people's gaming history, they might not know what makes an adventure game good.
But a full wave of SE, while new games could be done with the same money and human effort, thats what i dont like..
You really think its as easy to do completely new game where you basicly have to do everything from scratch... story, characters, locations, music etc etc? Compared to special edition where you "only" need to redo graphics, record voices and music and thats pretty much it.
It takes lot less effort to make these special editions than completely new games, and the the price tells it too. I want more of these special editions with low prices!
I do love the old ones, but on current HD monitors they look like crud and take up only a small portion of the screen. The SE edition graphics are faithful to the original and still fit the mood of the game so what's the problem?
Last time I checked they had an episodic follow up to Monkey Island on the go as well.
This comparisons have nothing to do with what is essentially exactly the same game with HD graphics. Movie remakes always change story aspects and cut scenes from the originals or replace them with something else and are mostly never faithful to the original.
However they're actually more likely to want to play Escape simply due to the voice over, music and although blocky recognizable graphics.
That needs to happen.
Also, I just wish we could have the new sounds with the old graphics. I'd love to have the new music and the voice-overs with the old pixels.
Yes! but what makes me sad is that instead of take advantage of this moment where LucasArts seems to be interested again on adventures games, the fanbase is more worried about new special editions that on new adventures.
"Modern audiences" and marketing people should be the ones claiming for SE. The fanbase should be trying to persue more creative ways. (IMO)
So here I think you can have your cake and eat it too. Besides some of those games are REALLY dated. I have a hard time playing Zak McKraken with 12 verbs.
We can only dream that it will be in a whole new game .... oh wait, we allready have TOMI.
Or maybe it means on the iPhone....
Hope it means more remakes and further Monkey Island games.
Heres a pic of the classic ending of MI that I posted before when waiting for TOMI to come out
I completely agree.
Don't take me wrong - I love Star Wars. X-wing and Rebel Assault were the games that introduced me LucasArts and made me buy Monkey Island games. Dark Forces, Jedi Kningt and Mysteries of the Sith weren't bad, too. And KotOR 2 was great (sooo Planescape:Torment-like).
Only thing is that something was missing in those games during Ward's rule. That bound between the company and a gamer, which's present in TellTale games.
It doesn't replace my beloved original, and I'm sure I'll play through it again, but this is a nice distraction. A reason to refresh myself in Monkey goodness, and a step in the right direction for LucasArts.
Special Editions are better than a decade of nothing.
Yes. But these are nice too. It's a nice refresher course for an old classic. And the music just sounds excellent. But we are getting a new adventure through Tales. They're licensing that IP out to capable hands, and it's working out well for Monkey Island so far. I'd like to see them continue this, but how much do you really expect them to do at once? Besides, this is the lowest cost option for them right now to test the adventure game waters. Generally not. But I did like the Star Trek series remaster, which redid effects and the opening music and cleaned up the picture, making the original series look nicer while remaining totally faithful to the source material. George Lucas should have his franchises taken away. He should be told to sit in the corner and think about what he's done. He should stay in that corner until he promises to play nice with Mr. Gary Kurtz.
Anyway, just think of all the people who have never played Secret before and now it's widely available for them. That wouldn't have been possible if Lucasarts just kept sitting on it forever.
I'm not usually a fan of remakes/reissues, but I like what they did with the Special Edition. They didn't make any unecessary changes to the original, they just gave us that + tons of shiny new stuff that feels like a tribute to it rather than an updated replacement.
I mean, the old games wont disappear just because they decide to make new ones
The old Secret of monkey island version was good then, but i think its fair that they keep doing the SE thingy to attract new customers. I tried the F10 button while playing the SE and boy does the old game look bad.
However, I would love to see an update to MI 2. People that complain need to realize even the SoMI that most people played was a remake. There was a huge update between the initial EGA release and the enhanced VGA release that followed shortly after. Not only in graphics (both background and having a graphical inventory) but cutting down the verb list from 12 to 9. The current SE is no different than that update.
In regards to the SE, however, I do think if they are to remake MI 2 they should refine the interface a bit more. There were times were using the SE interface was downright clunky and it was easier to switch to the classic view (like the grog and melting cups sequence). Additionally, some of the new art didn't match up with the old art causing some weird detection areas. If they can iron out these problems, then I'm all for it. Also, it would be a nice option to be able to use the new sound with the older graphics.
It doesn't hurt to have a special edition. And if you like them vintage don't buy it? Stick with the original? Or buy the special edition and just press the button to change the graphics. Not their market. Telltale make the point and clicks now. LucasArts are looked at for Star Wars. Sighn of the times. To be honest the only reason Monkey Island: SE is selling is because its more user friendly on newcomers.
He did. DVD box set with new effects. And yes I would. So he did.
And Remakes are fine when done well. Star Trek works beautifully. So does the Doctor Who reboot. War Of the Worlds. Day the Earth Stood Still. every single batman film. Spider man films. Star Wars prequels. Indiana Jones sequels. Pirates of the carabian
Honestly SE is just new stuff on an old classic. Its 100% loyal. A press of the button will take you to your old faviroute if you want.
It annoys me when fans whine about something they are apparently a fan of.
Left4Dead 2 is hated because its more or less the same. People still worked hard on that. Had sleepless nights over it.
Same with Monkey Island: SE. People lost sleep and nights over this. If you don't get it. You loose nothing. If you get it. You gain everything.
I bought MI3 with MI1 and MI2. I was a kid and I will say this as part of the new generation who Lucas aim to sell to. I couldn't stand MI2. Their was so much going on. At the time it was beautiful but to a younger generation. It gave me headaches. In the end I looked up a guide so I could just see how the story went. And if you don't want the updated isn't that the point of switching with a button?
The button takes me to the VGA version, and im eternally bonded with the EGA one.
And im not whining about this realesed SE, i think SEs are nice things to do ONCE in a while.
But a full wave of SE, while new games could be done with the same money and human effort, thats what i dont like.
You see, you mention earlier the VGA version as "the old favorite" and probably its the version most of the fans know and love, but its not exactly the original (only technically speaking). But anyway its has somehow "replaced" the EGA one, cause everytime Monkey Island is mentioned somewhere, a VGA picture comes along to ilustrate the whole thing.
My fear is that in a few years this SEs are gonna replace the old ones, and everytime someone mentions Monkey Island, instead of the Purcellian young hero, this new goofy Guybrush will appear to represent it.
And that, somehow, its wrong to me.
And I don't really trust LA to release new adventure games at this point.....I don't believe there's a single soul that works there currently who has any experience in the field at all. Thus, I'd rather they keep making special editions until they do.
I don't know about Ron but I think he only works for Hothead. Don't hold me to that though.
That sums up my feelings, they've been sucking the scaly Star Wars shlong for too long to be trusted just yet.
Also, I think it won't be too long until they release MI2 SE. I'd be surprised if it wasn't already being worked on. Plus, MI1SE was released shortly after they announced it, too.. so my guess is they'll release it in 2-3 months. People are addicted and craving for more now, why let them lose interest in MI again when you could have their money in 2-3 month anyway? :P
A lot of people have wanted LucasArts to go back to adventure games, and I understand that. However, a lot of their adventure staff either went with Double Fine or Telltale. Do they have enough credible employees with adventure game experience to bring back the genre, or would it be a pale imitation of their previous works?
Edit: Eh, sorry. It's already discussed above, but I didn't feel like reading the rest of the topic before posting.
I wonder what the experience level of the developers at Lucasfilm Games was when it was founded, and the adventure games of the '80s or when it became LucasArts at the start of the 'golden era' of adventure games at the start of the 1990s. I mean, take Ron Gilbert. His first fully released game was Maniac Mansion, a game which I feel started the golden era so fondly remembered. So experience doesn't mean everything.
You really think its as easy to do completely new game where you basicly have to do everything from scratch... story, characters, locations, music etc etc? Compared to special edition where you "only" need to redo graphics, record voices and music and thats pretty much it.
It takes lot less effort to make these special editions than completely new games, and the the price tells it too. I want more of these special editions with low prices!