Can't play episode 4 of season one.

I am playing the game on my tablet and every time I try to start episode 4, it shows loading then cuts off. I am back on my home screen. Is there a way to fix this? There have been some problems episode 2 for me but that's it.


  • MicahMoo11MicahMoo11 Banned
    edited April 2016

    Wright Micah Final Draft Build 09*, Telltale Community

    i only have this problem when i'm having no space in my hard drove so i surgest that you clare your data by using cleaner, or you can remove 1 episode like 3 or 2 ( episode 2 is about 1.1 gb the bagest in the untire game). episode 2 hmm will i'm l your phone might have low specks if your running android devices he is my suggestion go to settings tune apps tune find download and remove every sega app catse in the app info tune clack clear data. the only downside is that you have to reenter your facebook app for excel. that's the best i can help you with your issel.

    hmm the only other thing i also might be thecking. that it might cut off like my old phone; android 510 samessung. that does that is because the cpu is to slow for the game. soo i'v of updated to LG G4 and it solved all my proplems. if it is the cpu i advise of you conducting telltale stuff. unbelievable i don;t really thank there help you.

    i really hope that mods don't closed this but i have a feeling there where so i see Ozzy. uk did yesday in the game of thouns thread quite upsetting.

    *spilling will not be curating and i do have Dyslexic but i do have one of sisters pruff reading to make sure it is readable.

  • For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Games Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on what game you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.

    If you still need further assistance, you may also try the following:

    I'm going to close this discussion and move it to the archived Support Forum section, but you can still receive help from Telltale Staff members by trying any of the options above.

  • There are no bad intentions behind us moving threads to Support Forums. We aren't trying to hide anything, we're just directing people to the Telltale Support center where they can get official help.

    MicahMoo11 posted: »

    Wright Micah Final Draft Build 09*, Telltale Community i only have this problem when i'm having no space in my hard drove so i surgest th

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