What do you think about games with schizoprenia theme?
Hi. I write game with this theme. And I want to know your opinions to this theme. Do you have some good ideas or advices?
Something what you wish in game like this?
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Well, are we talking about schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, because they're commonly confused. Schizophrenia includes disorganized speech, deficits in cognitive function, and hallucinations.
Not specifically schizophrenia, but there's an old game I remember that takes place in an insane asylum with different characters all having different problems. Some have special abilities, and some are just nuts. The ones with special abilities change every time you play, which makes replays of the game different.
I mention this as an idea that might be helpful.
I thought multiple personality disorder is a type of schizophrenia, so thanks
. I don´t know if it´s a schizophrenia. I don´t know what it´s called. The point is that someone is doing something and doesn´t know he doing that.
EDIT: Yes, I think it is a split personality.
That´s good idea.
It seems like it could be an emotional and unique game. My advice would be to make hallucinations a big part of the game. They could sometimes be nice and other times be nightmarish. Or what you could do is make a game based off of a famous schizophrenic person. Almost like a biography.
A Beautiful Mind Simulator?
That biography is very good idea, but I have a characters and good beggining of the story, so I will be doing on this. Hallucinations will be there because I want to do some part very scary. The main character experienced trauma when his parents died, so it´s not difficult to imagine some of the hallucinations. Thank you.
Maybe if anyone knew some side effects of this disease that i could make good use in this game.
A early sign of schizophrenia is talking in nonsensical rhyme its called clang, I think alot of "aspiring rappers" might have it :P
Edit: what you said about not being aware of doing things reminded me ofthis
Haha, that thing with rhymes is interesting
. Thanks
If you dont really know about schizophrenia why do you want to write about that theme?
The situation must be improving, cuz most aspiring rappers don't even bother to rhyme anymore. :P
Wow, i'm kind of curious to know what game you are talking about, do you remember it's name?
So this game should write only a psychiatrist?
It is as if the Life Is Strange could write only Dr. Who because only he can travel through time.
I really like that theme. It´s so interesting and dark.
Kind of reminds me of psychonauts, except the characters don't change through playthroughs in it.
Im not saying you cant but if your basing the game around it id like to think you at least understand the condition in the basics
@ClementineIsntDementine @Mintery @CrazedRabbit
I didn't mention the name before because it's positively ancient (1982): BEDLAM
It's an old TRS-80 adventure game. You can find more than you want to know about it here.
thanks! that looks interesting, I might give it a try.
I'm of two minds about it.
slow clap