I didn't mean it in a bad way its actually a good outlook and a good book for angsty teens I recommend reading it if you can. Someone stole my copy, fittingly.
Because of such treacherous behavior, veterans are not getting the help they need, and many are dying before they ever see a dime of what they were promised.
To springboard off this point, my unpopular opinion is that soldiers aren't heroes. I have no personal animosity toward them, but America's 'cult of the veteran' is just bullshit that's used to manipulate and pacify us during wartime.
I definitely feel for the ones who were ripped off though. One of my coworkers at my last job served three deployments in Iraq with the army. The military pulled his free healthcare out from under him. To make matters worse, he was exposed to depleted uranium and is now sterile and will probably die of lymphoma before he's fifty. He joined up because he was a misfit with nowhere else to go and stayed because the military was the closest thing to a family he had (his own words). Devoting your life to the state is an abusive relationship though, because the state can never love you back.
I feel that if men would simply keep their word, would honor the agreement that they make, that the world would be in a much better place.
… more I hate people who are dishonest, and who will say anything and everything that you want to hear just so they can get ahead. And that's the biggest reason why I hate politicians!
I hate people who try to force their way of life, or their ideas on other people. I've even seen those who claim to be Live and Let Live, and yet their actions have revealed them to be just like the very types of people that they claim to be against.
And our government is an excellent example of such despicable Behavior.
For example, the government constantly made treaties with the Indians, and then constantly broke them whenever it was in the government's best interest.
And as a result, many of those indians, young and old, had their human rights violated, and many outright died because of such treachery.
And our… [view original content]
I'm an evil Nazi Loving, Japanese Imperial Loving, White Supremacist, Racist, and a whole bunch of stuff according to some people I've debated with over the years. I'm not really any of those but if you've seen the reaction people throw my direction they will say such things. lol. Which is funny, as I support even STILL President Obama.
Japanese Empire Loving = defending their justified right for attacking Pearl Harbor, oh do other Americans get mad over that. All kinds of insults get thrown at you for saying such a thing.
Being a Moderate really does suck. Conservatives and Liberals alike will bark at you. I'm conservative because I'm Nationalist, and believe the cultural identify of a nation must be protected. I'm Liberal because I like the idea of socialist style social nets, animal rights, and workers rights.
It's sad when you take up none fable stances on historical events as well. Washington didn't have wooden teeth!!! The South sure fought for State's Rights but the Rights to do what? Slavery!!!" sighs And then the flak just rolls in.
I'm an evil Nazi Loving, Japanese Imperial Loving, White Supremacist, Racist, and a whole bunch of stuff according to some people I've debat… moreed with over the years. I'm not really any of those but if you've seen the reaction people throw my direction they will say such things. lol. Which is funny, as I support even STILL President Obama.
Japanese Empire Loving = defending their justified right for attacking Pearl Harbor, oh do other Americans get mad over that. All kinds of insults get thrown at you for saying such a thing.
Being a Moderate really does suck. Conservatives and Liberals alike will bark at you. I'm conservative because I'm Nationalist, and believe the cultural identify of a nation must be protected. I'm Liberal because I like the idea of socialist style social nets, animal rights, and workers rights.
It's sad when you take up none fable stances on historical events as well. Washington didn't have wooden teeth!!! … [view original content]
An Economic Embargo is technically an act of war according to the rules that existed at the time. It was crippling as well, Coal/Oil were necessary or Japan's entire economy would collapse. As Japan had no real source of either in any territories they held. We knew this as well.
The Flying Tigers are not paid for by the Chinese, but were American Pilots flying American Planes, Firing American Bullets, with American Ground Crews, and American Officers, Paid by the American Government. Roosevelt already signed in July of 1941 to start sending "Fake" Mercenary Bombers to China to bomb Japan as well. When the USA became directly involved most Flying Tigers came back to the US Army Airforce no longer playing the false role of mercenary.
We are supplying Arms, resources, and Finance to Japan's enemies.
Why wouldn't they? Same goes for why Germany had a right to declare war on the USA as well. We were fighting the war already in the Atlantic. Americans were enlisting with the help of the US Government into the RAF flying American supplied aircraft even. Like in Asia when the USA became involved all these volunteers rejoined the US Army Airforce as well even taking their American planes with them. We were not just giving the British warships but also helping them with patrols. Britain gave the USA Iceland so we could patrol parts of the North Sea. We were already attacking German merchant ships, and U-Boats in international waters. Let alone the gobs of weapons/financial/resource support we were already giving to Britain and the USSR. USSR would of been doomed if it wasn't for the fact we gave them food/fuel and trucks.. oh gosh those trucks. Russia which had no real good rail system those trucks allowed the USSR to move men/supply considerably faster than the Germans could.
There is no way in heck the USA was playing Neutral. Not one bit, in fact the USA was fueling the war against the Axis powers a war that could of ended years earlier than it eventually did, possibly saving tens of millions of lives. Giving Legalistic support to nations that would of likely lost without it. Mean while we instituted the first ever in US History Peace Time Military Draft in anticipation of getting involved in the war. Roosevelt's administration were gearing up for war, cattle prodding the Axis to shoot first, and eventually one of them did, so we had an excuse to Join the war while playing the "We are Defending ourselves" card.
To be completely fair, under the Hague Convention of 1907, what Japan did was "illegal" since a state of war did not exist between the United States and Japan, Japan did not issue a warning, nor did they issue an ultimatum. I, too, think the attack was ultimately justified, but you can't really fault others for not agreeing. Admiral Yamamoto (guy that planned the attack) even knew that if Japan lost the war, he'd be tried as a war criminal.
It's uncivil of people to insult you over it, but surely you must understand that they view you as defending the "enemy?" We are taught a lot of the Japanese war crimes that took place over the course of the war, so they sort of see you as defending people that were just as bad, if not worse, than the Nazi's. It also has a lot to do with national pride, as I'm sure you know. It's quite something how angry Americans can still be over Pearl Harbor. I've seen people go as far as to justify the dropping of the Atomic Bombs as vengeance.
I read all reviews saying michonne was terrible game with bad characters and plot
I loved story, connected with all characters and felt h… moread best villain of any telltale game and apart from Lee most badass lead Michonne is awesome.
I liked gameplay I hated twd s2
This game reignited my passion for s3
Probably my 3rd fav telltale game with borderlands and twd s1 ahead of it
* An Economic Embargo is technically an act of war according to the rules that existed at the time. It was crippling as well, Coal/Oil were… more necessary or Japan's entire economy would collapse. As Japan had no real source of either in any territories they held. We knew this as well.
* The Flying Tigers are not paid for by the Chinese, but were American Pilots flying American Planes, Firing American Bullets, with American Ground Crews, and American Officers, Paid by the American Government. Roosevelt already signed in July of 1941 to start sending "Fake" Mercenary Bombers to China to bomb Japan as well. When the USA became directly involved most Flying Tigers came back to the US Army Airforce no longer playing the false role of mercenary.
* We are supplying Arms, resources, and Finance to Japan's enemies.
Why wouldn't they? Same goes for why Germany had a right to declare war on the USA as well. We were fighting the war already in… [view original content]
Not exactly fair to say that. Most nations didn't follow the Hagues Convention at the time. Why would you dare announce you're going to attack someone just to warn them you're going to attack them? At a military perspective you're an idiot if you do. The United States didn't, and we were already very well involved in the war already.
Germany never officially declared war on Poland, UK, France or Russia during the war until it's armies already started moving, look at the success it brought them in those first 3 years. Russia constantly attacked Japan in Korea and Manchuria throughout the 1930s as well, without any declaration of war. Heck even when they marched in in 1945 they broke an already existing None Aggression Treaty with Japan created because of the 1930 incursions. If I recall Japan and Russia are still technically at war as they never signed a peace treaty. =P
Now to be fair with the Japanese. They actually planned on that Declaration, and Ultimatum, however, if you ever heard the story of the difficulties in translating/typing at the Japanese Embassy in Washington. The Declaration didn't arrive until an hour after it started. They at least tried to get it officially on the books.
Though to be fair, oddly Germany never officially declared war, but their last attempt to resolving issues with Poland did have an ultimatum, in a lot of respects it was a defacto declaration of war if Poland did not comply. It's also why Poland started mobilizing troops months in advance of the Germany Army as well, they had no wish to comply, definitely with UK and France at their backs.
In the end it's all just politics. A lot of the rules created were often created in ways to undermined acts of aggression by pre-existing globule Empires to help insure the safety of their Empires. lol
To be completely fair, under the Hague Convention of 1907, what Japan did was "illegal" since a state of war did not exist between the Unite… mored States and Japan, Japan did not issue a warning, nor did they issue an ultimatum. I, too, think the attack was ultimately justified, but you can't really fault others for not agreeing. Admiral Yamamoto (guy that planned the attack) even knew that if Japan lost the war, he'd be tried as a war criminal.
It's uncivil of people to insult you over it, but surely you must understand that they view you as defending the "enemy?" We are taught a lot of the Japanese war crimes that took place over the course of the war, so they sort of see you as defending people that were just as bad, if not worse, than the Nazi's. It also has a lot to do with national pride, as I'm sure you know. It's quite something how angry Americans can still be over Pearl Harbor. I've seen people go as far as to justify the dropping of the Atomic Bombs as vengeance.
Oh, I'm aware of all of that, I just wanted to point out why Americans can get so, uh, "passionate" about it. As I'm sure we can both agree, World War II is one of the biggest clusterfucks in history. It really is something how an event that transpired over 70 years ago can cause people to be so belligerent.
Not exactly fair to say that. Most nations didn't follow the Hagues Convention at the time. Why would you dare announce you're going to a… morettack someone just to warn them you're going to attack them? At a military perspective you're an idiot if you do. The United States didn't, and we were already very well involved in the war already.
Germany never officially declared war on Poland, UK, France or Russia during the war until it's armies already started moving, look at the success it brought them in those first 3 years. Russia constantly attacked Japan in Korea and Manchuria throughout the 1930s as well, without any declaration of war. Heck even when they marched in in 1945 they broke an already existing None Aggression Treaty with Japan created because of the 1930 incursions. If I recall Japan and Russia are still technically at war as they never signed a peace treaty. =P
Now to be fair with the Japanese. They actually planne… [view original content]
Not exactly fair to say that. Most nations didn't follow the Hagues Convention at the time. Why would you dare announce you're going to a… morettack someone just to warn them you're going to attack them? At a military perspective you're an idiot if you do. The United States didn't, and we were already very well involved in the war already.
Germany never officially declared war on Poland, UK, France or Russia during the war until it's armies already started moving, look at the success it brought them in those first 3 years. Russia constantly attacked Japan in Korea and Manchuria throughout the 1930s as well, without any declaration of war. Heck even when they marched in in 1945 they broke an already existing None Aggression Treaty with Japan created because of the 1930 incursions. If I recall Japan and Russia are still technically at war as they never signed a peace treaty. =P
Now to be fair with the Japanese. They actually planne… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 by TTG gameplay was nice but storyline became completly trash when EP3 came out EP4 could have saved it but nope!
I thought Batman V Superman was oké
I hate Arkham Knight
When people bash your favorite things while they never watched/played or know anything about it THIS!
I thought Red Dead Redemption ending was oké I have seen worse
Final Fantasy 7 is overrated: I enjoyed it but it just came out on the right time the right day the right year. The storyline was spread out way to long over the game IN MY OPINION and please please put something in the game to remind me what I'm doing or give better direction. I forgot what to do in the storyline because I was busy with side quests or mini games so I went to youtube to find out what happened so I could find where the hell I needed to go -_-
I love Kingdom Hearts series but I don't like Kingdom Hearts 1 at all.
ASSASSIN'S CREED UNITY IS OVERRATED- ''but Josh not many people like'' and still to many people like this game!
I love the Rageaholic videos and reviews and I think he needs more subs!
Game/movie reviewers give 8/10 away to everything, a friend of my said ''this game is enjoyable so it's a 8/10 a 7 is decent and 6 is bad'' WTF
Incest: I will get hate for this but if one of my friends told me he hooked up with his sister because he loves her and I mean incest I would be like ''oké sure'' look I can't do anything if they love each other and if they agreed on it together and nothing was forced I don't care or a niece and nephew love each other but I do think they shouldn't have children because the child could get problems
I don't care if a friend of my is naked please don't! but I don't care that much at all.
I don't care you have ''fun'' with yourself so long you don't shake your hand with me on the same day or haven't washed your hand this also counts for sex.
I don't want children
I will not respect my parents because they gave me life if they make me their slave which thank God they didn't do to me.
Brilliant story don't make me laugh it was a cliche revenge plot with Arno looking like Ezio and after Bellec the game storyline became more filler with the most random terrible plot things I could see a Templar grandmaster do.
You are okay with peadophiles? Wtf? Incest? There are biological reasons these things are wrong...not just society deciding it's wrong.
Sorry but that's completely sick and deluded, especially your peadophilia comment.
Well of course, a lot.
* I am fine with Cluke shippers, I even think that if a few years had passed, this ship would be fascinating and… more have a lot of potential.
* I am fine with incest, this time, not only in a fictional context. ( any type of incest, as long as the two people involved are okay with it )
* I don't really mind pedophiles and would be okay with one in my street, like some of you may have without even knowing, because pedophiles =/= rapists by definition. There are many pedophiles I am sure, they are just smart enough not to talk about their sexual preferences. I just think they grew with a really unfortunate sexuality, but like all sexualities, they aren't obligated to act on them. I feel bad for them because of course, I can't simply allow them to act on their feelings, some of them are really into very young children.
Be more open minded maybe and know that as long as they don't try anything they are just people.
*… [view original content]
You are okay with peadophiles? Wtf? Incest? There are biological reasons these things are wrong...not just society deciding it's wrong.
Sorry but that's completely sick and deluded, especially your peadophilia comment.
^ This man is so close to getting it.
Because of such treacherous behavior, veterans are not getting the help they need, and many are … moredying before they ever see a dime of what they were promised.
To springboard off this point, my unpopular opinion is that soldiers aren't heroes. I have no personal animosity toward them, but America's 'cult of the veteran' is just bullshit that's used to manipulate and pacify us during wartime.
I definitely feel for the ones who were ripped off though. One of my coworkers at my last job served three deployments in Iraq with the army. The military pulled his free healthcare out from under him. To make matters worse, he was exposed to depleted uranium and is now sterile and will probably die of lymphoma before he's fifty. He joined up because he was a misfit with nowhere else to go and stayed because the military was the closest thing to a family he had (his own words). Devoting your life … [view original content]
"You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered. What kinda friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
And I think you have to tell Kenny your secret of being a murderer to get that speech, and you can only do that if you have Carley.
Norma is fantastic, Randall too.
Norma is underrated as hell. One of the highlights of the miniseries, and one of the best TWD antagonists across the franchise, in my opinion.
Mostly for the same reasons Hikaru Sulu didn't agree with it. Another reason is that I think if they were going to add a gay character into Star Trek, they should have left it for Star Trek Discovery to do, instead of it being Sulu.
Lilly is the most underrated and overhated Walking Dead character
I just find it funny that everyone forgets that she hold back when you kill her father she could've lost her mind days before EP3 happened and what if it was Kenny what if you killed Duck on the ground.
I believe drugs should be legalised. And yes, I mean all drugs.
I support abortion. It should be a choice. Everyone makes mistakes, ya know like forgetting to use protection, and not every woman wants to be landed with a little brat.
I don't support "political correctness" and believe freedom of speech, no matter how offensive, should be allowed even if it upsets people.
I believe Northern Ireland should be united with the Republic of Ireland. Looking back through history, no offense to the British government, but they have no right to the land. In my opinion, of course.
I think the Catholic Church should just vanish from Earth. Though, I do believe everyone has a right to their religious beliefs, I just personally think the Church after everything it's done, should seriously be abolished.
I think the Wolf Among Us is Telltale's best game. I like the TWD and all, but when it comes to personal taste, interesting story and characters, Wolf's the game for me.
I watch soap operas. Don't judge.
I believe strongly in the sovereignty and nationalism of a nation, so long as it isn't taken to extremes.
I don't support the European Union because at it's core, it's an undemocratic establishment with no regard for the actual citizens living in the countries they've tried to control.
I think everyone has a right to do what they want with their own lives, provided they're not hurting anyone. Whether you're fucking your cousin or your sister isn't an issue for me, or you're interested in getting whipped or abused by dominant females. Your life, your choices.
I think the spicier food is, the better. Whether it's pizza, chips, sandwiches, a bit of spice just improves everything.
I don't believe in this whole "marriage automatically means love" thing and that it should be something you strive to have one day. You wanna get married that's great if you like that crap, but please, don't tell me I should get married because that's what's expected.
I have never or will ever express interest in having children. Sorry mam, it ain't happening.
I don't get the hype around Star Wars or any science fiction films, for that matter.
I don't support censorship of any kind. Not in movies, TV, books, internet videos, whatever, censorship, in my opinion, shouldn't exist.
I think everyone, no matter your position, your job, your gender, etc, should be treated equal.
No, actually you don't. In one of my playthroughs I saved Doug and sided with Kenny on all significant waypoints and still got the bro speech, even though I fought with him on the train.
"You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered. What kinda friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitt… moreen or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
And I think you have to tell Kenny your secret of being a murderer to get that speech, and you can only do that if you have Carley.
No, actually you don't. In one of my playthroughs I saved Doug and sided with Kenny on all significant waypoints and still got the bro speech, even though I fought with him on the train.
The US National Anthem sucks. I mean, the instrumental version at the Olympics is okay, but the Acapella versions that seem so popular are just fucking terrible. The anthem should be something for rowdy fans to sing together. Instead, it's a minute and a half of suck where you stand in awkward silence while one performer belts out their own tortured, little variation of the Star Spangled Banner.
I'm a staunch secularist, but I would be overjoyed if God Bless America became the anthem. Now that's a good song!
I didn't mean it in a bad way its actually a good outlook and a good book for angsty teens I recommend reading it if you can. Someone stole my copy, fittingly.
^ This man is so close to getting it.
To springboard off this point, my unpopular opinion is that soldiers aren't heroes. I have no personal animosity toward them, but America's 'cult of the veteran' is just bullshit that's used to manipulate and pacify us during wartime.
I definitely feel for the ones who were ripped off though. One of my coworkers at my last job served three deployments in Iraq with the army. The military pulled his free healthcare out from under him. To make matters worse, he was exposed to depleted uranium and is now sterile and will probably die of lymphoma before he's fifty. He joined up because he was a misfit with nowhere else to go and stayed because the military was the closest thing to a family he had (his own words). Devoting your life to the state is an abusive relationship though, because the state can never love you back.
I'm an evil Nazi Loving, Japanese Imperial Loving, White Supremacist, Racist, and a whole bunch of stuff according to some people I've debated with over the years. I'm not really any of those but if you've seen the reaction people throw my direction they will say such things. lol. Which is funny, as I support even STILL President Obama.
Japanese Empire Loving = defending their justified right for attacking Pearl Harbor, oh do other Americans get mad over that. All kinds of insults get thrown at you for saying such a thing.
Being a Moderate really does suck. Conservatives and Liberals alike will bark at you. I'm conservative because I'm Nationalist, and believe the cultural identify of a nation must be protected. I'm Liberal because I like the idea of socialist style social nets, animal rights, and workers rights.
It's sad when you take up none fable stances on historical events as well. Washington didn't have wooden teeth!!! The South sure fought for State's Rights but the Rights to do what? Slavery!!!" sighs And then the flak just rolls in.
Wow, you're such a good photograph, it must've taken years to take that picture.
Yup masturbating ants are quite rare.
Interesting. Why do you think what Japanese did was right?
Why wouldn't they? Same goes for why Germany had a right to declare war on the USA as well. We were fighting the war already in the Atlantic. Americans were enlisting with the help of the US Government into the RAF flying American supplied aircraft even. Like in Asia when the USA became involved all these volunteers rejoined the US Army Airforce as well even taking their American planes with them. We were not just giving the British warships but also helping them with patrols. Britain gave the USA Iceland so we could patrol parts of the North Sea. We were already attacking German merchant ships, and U-Boats in international waters. Let alone the gobs of weapons/financial/resource support we were already giving to Britain and the USSR. USSR would of been doomed if it wasn't for the fact we gave them food/fuel and trucks.. oh gosh those trucks. Russia which had no real good rail system those trucks allowed the USSR to move men/supply considerably faster than the Germans could.
There is no way in heck the USA was playing Neutral. Not one bit, in fact the USA was fueling the war against the Axis powers a war that could of ended years earlier than it eventually did, possibly saving tens of millions of lives. Giving Legalistic support to nations that would of likely lost without it. Mean while we instituted the first ever in US History Peace Time Military Draft in anticipation of getting involved in the war. Roosevelt's administration were gearing up for war, cattle prodding the Axis to shoot first, and eventually one of them did, so we had an excuse to Join the war while playing the "We are Defending ourselves" card.
Me to just takes me out of story and constant traveling to next destination and missions far away really long and boring process in some games for me.
I'd rather constant story then constant traveling to the next part of the story.
I read all reviews saying michonne was terrible game with bad characters and plot
I loved story, connected with all characters and felt had best villain of any telltale game and apart from Lee most badass lead Michonne is awesome.
I liked gameplay I hated twd s2
This game reignited my passion for s3
Probably my 3rd fav telltale game with borderlands and twd s1 ahead of it
To be completely fair, under the Hague Convention of 1907, what Japan did was "illegal" since a state of war did not exist between the United States and Japan, Japan did not issue a warning, nor did they issue an ultimatum. I, too, think the attack was ultimately justified, but you can't really fault others for not agreeing. Admiral Yamamoto (guy that planned the attack) even knew that if Japan lost the war, he'd be tried as a war criminal.
It's uncivil of people to insult you over it, but surely you must understand that they view you as defending the "enemy?" We are taught a lot of the Japanese war crimes that took place over the course of the war, so they sort of see you as defending people that were just as bad, if not worse, than the Nazi's. It also has a lot to do with national pride, as I'm sure you know. It's quite something how angry Americans can still be over Pearl Harbor. I've seen people go as far as to justify the dropping of the Atomic Bombs as vengeance.
Glad you enjoyed it Mark because not much people did!
I loved it too and re-hyped me as well. Norma is fantastic, Randall too.
Thanks for your long answer!
Not exactly fair to say that. Most nations didn't follow the Hagues Convention at the time. Why would you dare announce you're going to attack someone just to warn them you're going to attack them? At a military perspective you're an idiot if you do. The United States didn't, and we were already very well involved in the war already.
Germany never officially declared war on Poland, UK, France or Russia during the war until it's armies already started moving, look at the success it brought them in those first 3 years. Russia constantly attacked Japan in Korea and Manchuria throughout the 1930s as well, without any declaration of war. Heck even when they marched in in 1945 they broke an already existing None Aggression Treaty with Japan created because of the 1930 incursions. If I recall Japan and Russia are still technically at war as they never signed a peace treaty. =P
Now to be fair with the Japanese. They actually planned on that Declaration, and Ultimatum, however, if you ever heard the story of the difficulties in translating/typing at the Japanese Embassy in Washington. The Declaration didn't arrive until an hour after it started. They at least tried to get it officially on the books.
Though to be fair, oddly Germany never officially declared war, but their last attempt to resolving issues with Poland did have an ultimatum, in a lot of respects it was a defacto declaration of war if Poland did not comply. It's also why Poland started mobilizing troops months in advance of the Germany Army as well, they had no wish to comply, definitely with UK and France at their backs.
In the end it's all just politics. A lot of the rules created were often created in ways to undermined acts of aggression by pre-existing globule Empires to help insure the safety of their Empires. lol
Oh, I'm aware of all of that, I just wanted to point out why Americans can get so, uh, "passionate" about it. As I'm sure we can both agree, World War II is one of the biggest clusterfucks in history. It really is something how an event that transpired over 70 years ago can cause people to be so belligerent.
I hate Call Of Duty.
I don't think you're the minority there.
No... Just don't it was one of the worst storylines I have seen in my life it is for a fact a bad storyline
So do I.
Brilliant story don't make me laugh it was a cliche revenge plot with Arno looking like Ezio and after Bellec the game storyline became more filler with the most random terrible plot things I could see a Templar grandmaster do.
I've always wanted something really bad and disastrous to happen to me, and end up surviving so I could live to tell the tale.
You are okay with peadophiles? Wtf? Incest? There are biological reasons these things are wrong...not just society deciding it's wrong.
Sorry but that's completely sick and deluded, especially your peadophilia comment.
I wanted to say that, but...I didn't wanna get shitstormed at.
Assassins Creed 3 is the best Assassins Creed.
I love Call of Duty
I feel sad for your coworker.
Which bro speech are you referring too? And how does saving Carly over Doug give you that option?
"You've always been there for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered. What kinda friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? Bitten or not, I'm with you to the end. You can count on me."
And I think you have to tell Kenny your secret of being a murderer to get that speech, and you can only do that if you have Carley.
Norma is underrated as hell. One of the highlights of the miniseries, and one of the best TWD antagonists across the franchise, in my opinion.
Pretty much this.
Mostly for the same reasons Hikaru Sulu didn't agree with it. Another reason is that I think if they were going to add a gay character into Star Trek, they should have left it for Star Trek Discovery to do, instead of it being Sulu.
Assassin's Creed 3 must be the most overhated game I have ever played
Lilly is the most underrated and overhated Walking Dead character

I just find it funny that everyone forgets that she hold back when you kill her father she could've lost her mind days before EP3 happened and what if it was Kenny what if you killed Duck on the ground.
I believe drugs should be legalised. And yes, I mean all drugs.
I support abortion. It should be a choice. Everyone makes mistakes, ya know like forgetting to use protection, and not every woman wants to be landed with a little brat.
I don't support "political correctness" and believe freedom of speech, no matter how offensive, should be allowed even if it upsets people.
I believe Northern Ireland should be united with the Republic of Ireland. Looking back through history, no offense to the British government, but they have no right to the land. In my opinion, of course.
I think the Catholic Church should just vanish from Earth. Though, I do believe everyone has a right to their religious beliefs, I just personally think the Church after everything it's done, should seriously be abolished.
I think the Wolf Among Us is Telltale's best game. I like the TWD and all, but when it comes to personal taste, interesting story and characters, Wolf's the game for me.
I watch soap operas. Don't judge.
I believe strongly in the sovereignty and nationalism of a nation, so long as it isn't taken to extremes.
I don't support the European Union because at it's core, it's an undemocratic establishment with no regard for the actual citizens living in the countries they've tried to control.
I think everyone has a right to do what they want with their own lives, provided they're not hurting anyone. Whether you're fucking your cousin or your sister isn't an issue for me, or you're interested in getting whipped or abused by dominant females. Your life, your choices.
I think the spicier food is, the better. Whether it's pizza, chips, sandwiches, a bit of spice just improves everything.
I don't believe in this whole "marriage automatically means love" thing and that it should be something you strive to have one day. You wanna get married that's great if you like that crap, but please, don't tell me I should get married because that's what's expected.
I have never or will ever express interest in having children. Sorry mam, it ain't happening.
I don't get the hype around Star Wars or any science fiction films, for that matter.
I don't support censorship of any kind. Not in movies, TV, books, internet videos, whatever, censorship, in my opinion, shouldn't exist.
I think everyone, no matter your position, your job, your gender, etc, should be treated equal.
I don't support the class system.
No, actually you don't. In one of my playthroughs I saved Doug and sided with Kenny on all significant waypoints and still got the bro speech, even though I fought with him on the train.
Oh, he forgives you for not telling the secret?
The US National Anthem sucks. I mean, the instrumental version at the Olympics is okay, but the Acapella versions that seem so popular are just fucking terrible. The anthem should be something for rowdy fans to sing together. Instead, it's a minute and a half of suck where you stand in awkward silence while one performer belts out their own tortured, little variation of the Star Spangled Banner.
I'm a staunch secularist, but I would be overjoyed if God Bless America became the anthem. Now that's a good song!