What is your view of fashion, and the fashion industry?
Personally, I have never really care that much about fashion. one of the biggest reasons why I've never really cared for it, is that:
What's considered in today, is out the next. fashion trends change so quickly that if you're not careful, you'll end up looking out of style. Quite frankly I consider that to be a pain in the ass, to keep up with all this crap.
By not keeping up with fashion, I actually save money. I mean you go to a lot of these department stores, you're going to see designer jeans and button-down shirt selling for a shit load of money. For example, a good pair of designer jeans can cost you as much as a $100.
Now admittedly you don't have to spend a hundred bucks on a pair of designer jeans. There are places you can find designer clothes at a cheaper price. But still with it constantly changing all the time, as to what's fashionable and what isn't, why do people even bother to try to keep up with that?
And besides who has the time? If your teenager, you have school, you have homework, you have after school activities, and whatnot. And frankly it's not fair to ask your parents to drop tons and tons of money a month on clothes, just so you can look cool.
if you want nice clothes, and shoes, you should go get a job, and work for it. Because that's exactly what your parents have to do in order to make sure you have food to eat, a place to sleep, clothes on your back, and a school you can go to.
And if you're an adult you have a job to go to, you have a car payment to make, you have to worry about making enough money so that you can put food on your table, you gotta make sure you have enough money at the end of the month so you can pay your bills, and then at the end of the year you gotta make sure you have enough money so you can pay your taxes on time.
So with all that said and done, how important are designer clothes, really?
And as in regards to the fashion industry, it's no big secret that many of the people who run the fashion industry, are gay men. And since they run the fashion industry, it makes sense that they would want to make clothes appeal to them.
Like for example, there trying to bring back skinny jeans that are trying to sell them to men. But back in the sixties skinny jeans were popular among women.
And also, a lot of the men's haircuts that spring from the fashion industry are designed by gay men, and they're gonna come up with hairstyles that they like.
Also, that designer stubble that has been very fashionable among men, well it was originally worn by Singer George Michaels - who came out as a homosexual in the 90s.
So the way I figure it, why would I, as a straight man, want to dress up, or look, like a homosexual man?
And not saying there is anything wrong with things like designer stubble, but my point is, if you're a gay guy - then be gay. But if you're a straight guy - be straight.
Also, when it comes to things like sagging pants, that style comes from prison, and it serves as as an indicator to the other prisoners that you are sexually available, whether by choice or by force.
To put it in layman's terms - sagging pants in prison shows that you are somebody's bitch - that you get to take it up the ass, whether you want to or not. And if it's for the latter reason, that makes you a victim of male rape.
And with that being said, I don't understand why any straight man, regardless of age, would want that kind of message associated with them?
So when it comes to fashion, I dress in a casual, yet timeless way - a look that i lIke in particular is the denim look. When it comes to my hair, I get a classic short haircut - which I was growing out long and gonna pull back into a ponytail, but my job wouldn't permit it, so I keep my hair short. And mainly cause I don't like to shave, I have a full - neatly trimmed - beard. I dress and groom myself well, but I'm not gonna chase after the latest fashion trends.
So anyway - what are your thoughts on modern fashion, and the fashion industry?
I like to dress very casually, and tuck in my buttoned shirts and all that good stuff (I can't stand when people think an untucked button-down and jeans are appropriate for a formal occasion!). But jeans, t-shirts and jackets are my go-to.
As for designer brands, I don't really wear them! Unless anyone considers Polo a designer brand. They're overpriced and I can find loads of better stuff in the thrift store.
But really, nobody should be asking me about my views on fashion, because I own a pair of overalls.
I honestly don't understand it.
There was this girl in my bio class and she was wearing this ugly brown top with countless holes in it. She looked like a hobo. I asked her about it and she just gave me the biggest death glare and said, "It's called fashion look it up!" Oh Honey... No.
Sweatpants and muscle tanks, that's my fashion....slay
I'm a guy but actually pretty into fashion. Australia's got a real 'surf/beach' culture outside the cities, so those brands are generally the main market.
I disagree with the gay statement though, nothing to do with 'homophobia' or anything, I really couldn't care less haha, but they wouldn't make these styles or haircuts if they didn't sell...there's more straight men than gays. Skinny jeans and fancy haircuts can suit anyone for example.
Fashion really is a statement though, everyone expresses themselves differently.
Yet again though, great thread Kenny. You make the best discussions here.
"Sagging pants come from prison and mean your someone's bitch" lol belts are contraband in prison.
This whole thing feels a little homophobic. I personally dont care, the fashion industry is strange at the moment I think its because how easy it is to order stuff online people tend to have more eclectic tastes.
This post says more about your discomfort with homosexuals than I possibly could. Nobody is forcing gay styles on you. You ought to accept that clothing styles change and that there's nothing wrong with them not catering to your tastes.
As for the questions...
I don't care that much about fashion, but I like to match and generally look good. Bright colors look good on me do I wear those a lot. I get most of my stuff secondhand and get a lot of stuff that's out of my price range that way.
The fashion industry on the other hand, is completely vile and has no redeeming qualities. Fuck an industry that uses sweatshop labor, has union organizers killed and sells their shit on the market at a huge markup. If that's not enough, they create demand for their horrendously expensive scraps of fabric by bombarding the public with unattainable standards of attractiveness, the fashion magnates are scum, but their sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
How did you turn a thread about fashion into you being a homophobe?
I don't give two craps about fashion myself. I mostly just wear whatever I can find in my wardrobe, which mostly comprises of hoodies and jackets.
I don't follow the fashion trends, I personally don't see how a single pair of shirts is any different from another, sure some look good and formal but that's pretty subjective. I like to stick to my own brand of fashion - black pants, black shirt, black jersey and when I'm in really good moods, more colorful shirts or jerseys.
"So the way I figure it, why would I, as a straight man, want to dress up, or look, like a homosexual man?" - I didn't realize there were set looks for homosexuals and heterosexuals, the way I see it, if people want to dress up in whatever makes them comfortable, be that restrictive clothing, loose clothing or even a hot dog suit, they're dressing up as an individual person rather than a sexuality. I feel like people judge clothing a bit to harshly sometimes depending on where it belongs. People will say that these clothes are meant for women whilst the others are meant for men and if someone wears a clothing item not designated to their perceived gender, then people will assume they are homosexual. Personally, I see clothes as clothes, I don't personally wear clothes meant for females but as long as I feel comfortable in the clothes I wear, I feel good.
As for sagging pants, I never really understood why it was so popular but if people want to sag their pants, then they can feel free to. I don't think all people care about the association clothing gives them, if they find it cool or feel comfortable wearing clothing that way, why the heck shouldn't they wear it? Just like sagging pants subjectively implies someone wants to have sex in prison, some people think short tops and pants subjectively implies that someone is a slut or whore, which I personally don't understand. I feel that people judge clothing a bit much sometimes. It's really just something we wear so that we aren't naked in public and so that we're warmer.
Overall, I don't really care about the fashion industry. If people want to follow fashion trends that's up to them although I can't lie and say that none of what the fashion industry produces looks appealing xD
I actually find it ridiculous and funny with some of the comments on here.
Are you serious? Correct me if I'm wrong but what I get from this is that you think people wear "sagging pants" to get raped? I just... I don't understand.
At the end of the day, clothes are just pieces of fabric and material. Society is so obsessed with putting labels on everything that people forget to see the bigger picture. Like seriously, judging someone on the clothes they wear is pathetic. Not wanting to wear skinny jeans or have a specific hairstyle because you don't want to be "associated" with a label is silly as well. Who cares what you wear. People should just wear whatever they like, be whoever they like. Fashion is a way of expressing yourself. People should embrace that. People should embrace that everyone is unique with their own, personal style. Life is too short to be concerned on what people think of you just from what you put on your body; there are far worse things in the world.
I don't really care.
I wear whatever I want and everyone else has to deal with it. That's my opinion of fashion.
You do realize that there's no certain looks to a sexuality, right? What you're saying here is purely based on stereotypical ideas of what gay men look like. There's a ton of masculine looking/dressed men who are gay, just like how there's a ton of feminine looking/dressed men who are straight.
I'm not saying there isn't feminine looking gay men, I just think that you associating a certain type of clothing style to a sexuality is stereotypical.
Why does their sexuality matter? Oh wait, it doesn't. And "designer stubble" what? Are you saying that every guy to groom their stubble got it from George Michael? lmao, c'mon now. That's a bit absurd.
Um, the sixties? You mean where most women were wearing dresses and skinny jeans weren't a thing? Skinny jeans have been a prominent part of fashion since 2005, they haven't been "trying" to bring it back, it's been here the entire time since. And what's so bad about men wearing skinny jeans anyway, it's not like you have to wear them against your will. They're marketed towards men as well as women because a lot of men wear skinny jeans. They're there for those who want them.
Here's something; wear whatever the hell you want regardless of gender, style, "in" looks, or criticism. Your clothes are yours, weather they're apart of a trend or not. Just wear it and do you.
This isn't new lmao.
What is this ahahahaha, gay men don't look intrinsically different to straight men..???
Heterosexuality so fragile.
Thank you!
What? Are we talking about fashion or homosexuality?
Fashion is ugly. It's so ugly we must throw it out every few months because we despise seeing it after that.
Also, the gay stuff? Is that really how your mind functions? Time for some serious introspection if you ask me.
Considering the OP is a disaster, I'll skip from reading it.
I will say that I personally, I don't give a damn about fashion though. Some of the things we have in style now are wonderful and others are ugly. That's how it'll be tomorrow and ten years from now. It's a cycle and will always be considering humans are always on the lookout for new and exciting things.
I'm just outdated trash who can never let the 90s grunge fashion go.
Good, wear whatever you want.
Instead of trying to follow some kind of popular fashion sense, I tend to wear more unusual stuff.
Since I'm somewhat aversed by the real buttons in the clothes, all of my usual clothes are buttonless.
My general wear is simple pants or shorts coupled with some kind of simple shirt and accessories.
"The nineties aren't over until I say their over!"
Black jeans and merch t-shirts is all I wear. I don't own clothes without something on
Bands, games, tv shows, movies.
My favs tops are
Many models out there need to eat a few happy meals.
I personally love clothes. When I go shopping, that's where all my money goes. In terms of designers, I never really care about that kind of thing. If somethings cute, I'll buy it no matter what brand.
My two obsessions literally contradict each other. Clothes and video games. I have a closet full of outfits, but who's going to see them if I sit inside playing Uncharted all day? lmao
Today's fashion is trash. Just look at this picture below. That is embarassing:
If that is today's fashion trends then I don't want to live here anymore.