Selling my Sam and Max Stuff...Noooo

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
Hy fans, thought id post here incase any of you were interested...I've got the Comico Issue 1 of Freelance Police 1989...The Special Colour Collection from Epic from 1992...The age of S & M reprint (sealed)...and the season 1 case file which has never ever been opened...And the original 2 signed purcell prints that telltale did....I've come across massive financial hardship this year with my health and i'm selling off pretty much everything...(holding onto my original surfin the highway at the mo, but watch this space).......

Just thought id ask if anyone was interested...i can post to wherever but just preferably a fan of the series like me...


  • edited July 2009
    What country to you live in? I'm interested in the sketchbook.
  • edited July 2009
    want me to buy it and hold it for you until you can afford it lol
  • edited July 2009
    Aww, sad to hear that you have to give away your collection! :( I hope they all find a good home, though.

    That being said, I'm definitely interested in some of your stuff, but I'm having hard time with the money as well, so.. think I'll pass this time.
  • edited July 2009
    Hey dude, sucks about your health problems. Hope you get well soon!
  • edited July 2009
    Well people can i just say a massive thank you to ''surfinsamandmax'' a member here on the forums who has just bought my entire collection (minus surfin the highway of course heh)..And i am currently wrapping up his goodies over here in the UK..for their long long trip to australia! Just thought I'd mention the name for future purchases etc to let people know he's paid and is trustworthy!
  • edited July 2009
    also thank you for the comments about my health...I'll be posting some fan art, done whilst i've been ill and bored keep a look out..
  • edited July 2009
    It must be hard, to give this stuff away.
    Hope your situation is going to be better soon.
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