What do you think was sadder? The ending of TWD S1 or the opening of TLoU?
I think the ending of TWD S1 was sadder. Because it was one of my favorite characters that died right there
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I think the ending of TWD S1 was sadder. Because it was one of my favorite characters that died right there
lol what a strange question
TWD S1. The Last of Us was at a disadvantage because it was the beginning of the game and you hadn't formed a connection to the characters yet.
please. TWD. yes the opening was sad but not that sad. not even the whole farm scene, the winter finale or finale was as sad as what TWD s1 put us threw.
and i love TLOU, i have it as one of my favorite games of all time.
TWD, of course. I didn't know much about Sarah. She was just there to give Joel a big development for the plot.
Exactly lol.
Obviously TWD wins here. In TWD you had already spent many hours playing as this character, connecting with him, and then having to say goodbye. Everyone who played The Last of US had to know that Sarah was a gonner due to her mysterious absence from any promotional material.
TLoU, shooting lee was not hard to do. He was turning it had to be done. Watching a father lose his daughter right in front of him and nothing he could do was heart wrenching.
Honestly, TLoU for me. Because Sarah was a little girl who was really scared, crying and whimpering. It was horrifying.
I knew Lee would die the moment he got bit, so I was prepared. It was still sad, but I knew it'd happen, and killing him wasn't that hard because not killing him would doom him to become a walker. Add to that that Lee was a grown man who knew what was going to happen, and yeah. Sarah was way worse.
I mean I love the Last of Us opening. It was fantastic and the highpoint of the game for me.
But at the same time, in the Walking Dead, you had spent hours playing as Lee, you connected with him (probably). It's just not the same.
It's kind of an unfair question I would say. A more fair question I think would be if your ending of Season 2 was sadder than the ending of Season 1.
Bruh I knew Sarah for 15 minutes, Lee's death is the saddest moment in gaming history. Which one am I gonna pick?
Both equally
You spend a whole game with Lee (10-12 hours) but you spend 15 minutes with Sarah. It's kinda hard to make a bond with a character that's only been with you for that short amount of time.
The Walking Dead's by quite the landslide. We only knew Sarah for a few minutes (was neat we played as her briefly though) before she was killed. It was tragic yeah, but I had yet to grow any kind of emotional connection to any of the characters, doesn't hurt to mention I did kinda see it coming.
Lee's death was far sadder, we played as him the entire first season and we shape him as the ideal character we envision we would be like in the apocalypse. We see him as our avatar so to speak since he's the player character of the entire game and thus, grow a HUGE emotional investment into his character. And when that bite mark showed up on his arm, I was yelling along with him; "No... oh nononono! Please no!" It was horrifying and I did NOT see it coming (I just didn't think at the time Telltale would be gutsy enough to kill off the main protagonist) and from that point onward we knew Lee was going to die. And it was gut-wrenching, but the man went out a badass.
While I was just a "puppet master" to character known as Lee, the fact that we get to play him most of the first season kind of makes it a bit bigger than a character you might play a few minutes or more, depending of your playstyle.
When characters have their own personality, ideas, dialogue etc I don't think them as myself and that's fine.
the ending of TWD. I didn't really find TLOU sad at all, it looked really awkward.
The Walking Dead's literally made me cry.
For The Last of Us, I wasn't nearly as saddened over Sarah's death as Lee's. Yes, I completely understand the whole situation was devastating, but I didn't have much of a connection.
That's why it didn't effect me as much.
The Walking Dead Always
I agree. TLoU was more of an "oh wow, she died" reaction. I didn't feel sad at all.
The ending of The Walking Dead Game because I saw the main character I played and made decisions with die
I feel sadder watching a character I know and love die, especially if I made that character someone who helped others, showed compassion and a like-able person, in my point of view.
While the beginning of TLOU was sad, it didn't hit me that hard because you barely knew Sarah although it was an amazing way to set the tone of what the game was going to be. Meanwhile TWD S1's ending was devastating, legit the saddest I've ever been over a form of entertainment. Honestly the end of Summer was probably the saddest part of TLOU, at least for me.
TLoU's opening was sad? I was laughing my ass off.
Nothing funnier than a parent holding their dying child.
I Laff evrtim
I like watching people mourn, cry and die.
Makes me go crazy.
the last of us opening it was just really sad same with twd ending
TWD's finale. Although I'm going to be completely honest here, and I've gone on record saying it before, but I never found TLoU to be overly sad. There were definitely some poignant moments that made me tear up a little, and I still think it's a fantastic game on just about every count, but TWD was much more emotionally potent for me across the board. But hey, different strokes for different folks and all that, right?
And on a side note, I never really understood why some people tout Sarah's death in TLoU as one of the saddest moments of the game, let alone one of the saddest moments in gaming. I mean yes, it's tragic, it's undeserved, and the actors played the scene damn near flawlessly, but I just don't understand how people found it one of the saddest scenes of the game. Most of our investment in the characters at that point is still surface level. I mean yeah, there's all kinds of stuff around the house that give us an idea of who Joel and Sarah were, but most of the time spent with these characters was just them driving a car and running around town from set-piece to set-piece. Again, it's not that I didn't find the scene sad at all, I just never understood how some people see it as one of the saddest of the game. Is it just the acting being that good? The music? A combination of both? The more I think about it, the more it seems like people aren't necessarily as sad at the death itself, as much as they are at the execution of the scene (music, cinematography, acting, etc), which is totally valid, as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes all a scene needs is a good soundtrack and a good performance to push it from being simply depressing to being sad as fuck.