Marvel Cinematic Universe Discussion Thread



  • A new poster for the Fantastic Four movie has been released!

    Pretty much confirms that the suits Reed and Sue are wearing will be the suits in the movie, and the retro-futuristic city in the back pretty much confirming the alternate universe approach.

    Also just a neat detail with the lines on Johnny's suit mimicking his original design from Jack Kirby's run.

    Spoiler tagged for being a big ass image.

  • Episode 5 of X-Men '97 released and it is incredible. An absolute triumph in storytelling and animation, that had me teetering off the edge of my seat. If the series continues with this level of quality, the series could become one of the greatest things Marvel Studios has ever released. So much love and care is put into this world and its characters and it really shows. It's so fun, dramatic, and heartbreaking! This is the most I've cared about X-Men since First Class.

    Now I'm just left wondering what the hell did Beau de Mayo do to make Marvel so mad.

  • edited April 22

    A new trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine is out and it looks GREAT!

    Lots of swearing, blood, sleeveless Wolverine, it's got it all. Also looks like the villain of the movie will be Cassandra Nova who is a very very weird villain from the comics and also

    Spoiler for comicbook bullshit

    the alien parasitic twin sister of Charles Xavier who he fought a telekinetic battle with in the womb.

  • edited May 15

    The first season of X-Men '97 is over, and I don't think there's a better word to describe it than astonishing. In my humble opinion, X-Men '97 is not only the best onscreen adaptation of the X-Men to date but also one of the greatest superhero adaptations of all time. Every aspect of the show radiate love and dedication, from the characters and dialogue to the visuals and animation.

    The series stands out by fully embracing the crazy and, more often than not dark themes that have defined the X-Men since Chris Claremont's era. There's a rawness to the show that feels refreshing, as it doesn't shy away from depicting intense violence, exploring moral ambiguity, and tackling significant societal and political issues of our modern day world. These elements are handled with a level of maturity that really elevates the narrative, making the stakes feel real and ever-present.

    It's incredibly evident that the '97 crew were given free rein to whatever they wanted with minimal constraint, and it's reflected in pretty much every episode of the season. I can't believe I'm saying this, but X-Men '97 really pushes the boundaries of what a superhero story can be. The show is damn near perfect and sets the bar for what the MCU's X-Men should achieve. I cannot wait the for the next season.

  • The Deadpool and Wolverine popcorn bucket has been unveiled.


  • I've never bought a special edition popcorn bucket before, but this just might be my first one. It's SO silly, I must have it...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The Deadpool and Wolverine popcorn bucket has been unveiled.

  • edited June 3

    The first trailer for Venom: The Last Stand is out! It'll be the last solo Venom movie, so hopefully they go out with a bang, but considering the... overall quality of the SSU I'm not holding my breath.

    Ngl it does look like fun.

    Rhys Ifans, who played the Lizard in ASM and NWH is at 1:58 as the guitar dude. I'm going to assume it's just him playing some rando character for fun rather than being a Curt Connors variant lol. Also the bartender from the No Way Home end credits scene is in this movie at 1:27 but with long hair. So I guess he's a variant? But Venom also left seems to have dropped another sample of him in the same bar, but in this universe???

    Something to do with Spider-Man I think. He should put together a team. Do some good. It'd be intriguing.

  • The whole Sony No-Spidey Verse has been one big fustercluck so far, but at the very least the Venom movies have been mildly to stupidly entertaining throughout.
    Can't wait for the movie to end on like some kid who they vaguely name "Peter", which Venom (after a fake out death) looks on from a distance, directly contradicting the NWH stinger about being aware and extremely interested in MCU Peter... Because Sony just loves to lure you in with the promise of Marvel cake, only to trash it immediately after with all these movies lately.

    Like... "We... Are... Ven-WEAREVENOM!!"
    I get that "haha making fun of a trope is funny" meta-""humour"" but... they're making fun of their own joke?! They already had a whole cool "We are Venom" thing in the first film famously in trailers even... but now it's just not cool to do that all serious-like?!! H U H?

    Anyway I love how this film has such a dramatic title like "The Last Dance"... lmao. Yet the movie and Venom antics look as ridiculous as EVER!
    Also, the tagline? "Till Death Do They Part"??
    VenomxEddie Gay confirmed?? Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈

    Also this is both extremely cool and metal and also really silly omg!! XD

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The first trailer for Venom: The Last Stand is out! It'll be the last solo Venom movie, so hopefully they go out with a bang, but considerin

  • VenomxEddie Gay confirmed?? Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈

    Lmao Venom 2 pretty much confirms that. It couldn't be more explicit unless they showed full penetration.

    AChicken posted: »

    The whole Sony No-Spidey Verse has been one big fustercluck so far, but at the very least the Venom movies have been mildly to stupidly ente

  • The teaser trailer for Agatha All Along, the spin off to WandaVision is finally out!

    Not gonna lie it seems like fun and feels appropriately spooky. It looks different from the usual MCU stuff. Probably helps that it looks fairly low stakes, with the plot focusing on Agatha simply wanting to regain her powers. Aubrey Plaza is always a nice get and it'll be great to see more Kathryn Hahn. Interesting that Debra Jo Rupp's character from WandaVision becomes a witch in this.

  • Can't say I was wondering at the end of WandaVision, "So, how does Agatha's story continue from here?" On the other hand, I also wasn't thinking 101 Dalmatians needed a prequel to explain where Cruella came from, so we'll see.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The teaser trailer for Agatha All Along, the spin off to WandaVision is finally out! Not gonna lie it seems like fun and feels approp

  • edited July 11

    Marvel Studios has found Beau DeMayo's successor for X-Men '97 in the form of Matthew Chauncey, one of the head writers for What If...?. Season's 2's script had been revised before then, so he'll be officially taking over for season 3.

    Alright look I enjoy What If...? for what it is, I think it's a fun show, but the writing for '97 is leagues above anything from the two seasons we've had so far. Unless Chauncey pitched something that the studio absolutely loved, I really can't help but see this as a massive downgrade. Not to mention the optics of replacing a gay black man with a straight white dude to head a show about a group of marginalised people. I'm not saying they should have kept DeMayo on considering what he's supposedly done, but come on Marvel, there are other writers in the world give them a chance.

  • edited July 12

    The teaser trailer for Captain America: Brave New World is out!

    Looks like Captain America will be doing what he does best, butting heads with the government! Cautiously optimistic for this. Falcon and the Winter Soldier is one of my favourite MCU shows even with the underwhelming finale, but hearing all about the reshoots and writing issues behind the scenes has me worried. Not to mention the timely inclusion of a... uh... specific character from a specific country.

    Non-spoilery notes

    • "Still getting used to the new look." Very tongue and cheek, just like the "Deal with it" moment from Iron-Man 2.
    • Seems like Isaiah Bradley's turned heel, or more likely been mind controlled by The Leader I assume.
    • Giancarlo Esposito's playing a character named George Washington Bridge. I have absolutely no idea who that is lmao.
    • Glad we'll get to see the white suit one more time before he gets the blue suit.
    • And finally we have the appearance of the Red Hulk.
    • Also at 0:31 that's totally the frozen Celestial from Eternals. Finally after three years they're acknowledging the giant fucking alien that's just sticking out of Earth.
  • Sam Porter Bridges walked (across America 😏)

    so "George Washington Bridge" could run.

    ...Kojima, is that you?? 😂

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The teaser trailer for Captain America: Brave New World is out! Looks like Captain America will be doing what he does best, butting h

  • edited July 19

    The final trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine is out with an incredible surprise in it, so if you don't wanna get spoiled DO NOT watch it. I do wish they didn't reveal this considering the movie's out in less than a week, but I guess If this is what they're putting in the trailer, then there must be some crazy stuff instore.

    VERY excited for the movie nonetheless. Only a few more days to go!



  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 23

    Sorry for the nerd-out, but I just realized a few things about Wolverine's costume In Deadpool & Wolverine that I hadn't before. In some shots, Wolverine's costume has no sleeves. That's awesome because it almost makes it a complete match of John Cassaday's Wolverine art from Astonishing X-Men.

    I say almost complete because of the other thing I just noticed. Wolverine wears a rectangular X on his belt rather than the circular X in Cassaday's version of the belt. It's a rectangular emblem inside a gold belt buckle with a black background and a red X. That's exactly how it looked in Jim Lee's Wolverine art in the 1990s. It's also an inversion of the colors of the belt he wore in X-Men: The Animated Series and that he wears in X-Men '97. I think it's especially cool that they are using elements of the Wolverine from the 1990s, because that's from my childhood and definitely gives me the feels.

    I haven't been this excited for a Marvel movie since Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

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