Well that's enough play for one day for me. Got my butt handed to me quite a bite, but I still had fun and did ok in some matches. Practice makes perfect I suppose. Just wish I could figure out how to use Junkrat and Pharah. Their guns are kind of well I don't want to say bad, but they are weird.
Junkrat was actually my favourite in the open beta. It always felt so satisfying when I shot randomly in the distance and it killed someone. Plus his ultimate ability is hilarious.
Well that's enough play for one day for me. Got my butt handed to me quite a bite, but I still had fun and did ok in some matches. Practice … moremakes perfect I suppose. Just wish I could figure out how to use Junkrat and Pharah. Their guns are kind of well I don't want to say bad, but they are weird.
Junkrat was actually my favourite in the open beta. It always felt so satisfying when I shot randomly in the distance and it killed someone. Plus his ultimate ability is hilarious.
Went from raging that I was on a team with 2 incompetent snipers to rofl cause I got my team to build a killdozer (see below) and had Reinhardt be such a team player and just shield all the way.
There's also a news article type of thing they released, it's about the return of overwatch and details it's rise and fall. It's a good read if you don't know these things yet.
There's a new Torbjörn comic.
There's also a news article type of thing they released, it's about the return of overwatch and details it's rise and fall. It's a good read if you don't know these things yet.
I've been thinking a lot and this game reminds me a whole lot of Gotham City Imposters. Which that is not a bad thing at all since that game was amazing too.
I got Bastion's Gearbot, Symmetra's Devi, Zarya's Cybergoth. And I got enough coinage to buy Mercy's Imp and Reaper's El Blanco. That was just the legendary skins.
Because people are more interested in PotG and "most eliminations" than they are winning. I usually find myself playing support as well, but that's fine because I love playing Mercy and Lucio.
Because people are more interested in PotG and "most eliminations" than they are winning. I usually find myself playing support as well, but that's fine because I love playing Mercy and Lucio.
So I've finally took the time to see the cinematic trailer with Tracer/Widowmaker in the assassination one. I swear I thought I was watching an action-packed Pixar film with how well animated it is. I can say I automatically love Tracer's character. She has such a bubbly personality and she's adorable.
I've also seen gameplay for the first time. I didn't expect it to be a FPS, I was hoping for a TPS so I can see my environment more as well as all the characters. With all the powers, it feels like it's better suited for TP. Oh well, still enjoyed the gameplay.
So I've finally took the time to see the cinematic trailer with Tracer/Widowmaker in the assassination one. I swear I thought I was watching… more an action-packed Pixar film with how well animated it is. I can say I automatically love Tracer's character. She has such a bubbly personality and she's adorable.
I've also seen gameplay for the first time. I didn't expect it to be a FPS, I was hoping for a TPS so I can see my environment more as well as all the characters. With all the powers, it feels like it's better suited for TP. Oh well, still enjoyed the gameplay.
The pose isn't all that different tbh.
I don't see what's the big fuss over it either. It's not going to affect the overall gameplay.
Well that's enough play for one day for me. Got my butt handed to me quite a bite, but I still had fun and did ok in some matches. Practice makes perfect I suppose. Just wish I could figure out how to use Junkrat and Pharah. Their guns are kind of well I don't want to say bad, but they are weird.
What makes tracer awesome is the attitude and voice. People have gotten too fussy about the pose. =P
I suppose this video belongs here. :P
Clueless Gamer
I can't wait for the Reaper one....awesome!
Junkrat was actually my favourite in the open beta. It always felt so satisfying when I shot randomly in the distance and it killed someone. Plus his ultimate ability is hilarious.
I'll be buying it on Xbox One in about 2 weeks time when I can get to the store to trade in some stuff
I bought Overwatch today and need some people to have more fun. Would be nice if you could PM me your Battletags. :P
EDIT: playing on PC
@JamesDalton1995 Treat him like a demo from TF2, and her like a soldier.
I wrecked so many times in beta with Junkrat, too bad people wised up and it's harder to wipe an entire team with his ult.
Went from raging that I was on a team with 2 incompetent snipers to rofl cause I got my team to build a killdozer (see below) and had Reinhardt be such a team player and just shield all the way.
This will probably help alot
enter link description here
So addicted to the game lol. Just played for hours till 4 am xD. Loving this game and it has helped me socialize more and make new friends
I'm sorry what did you say? I was to busy looking at Tracer's fantasstic butt. XD
Tracers definitely the poster girl for this game.
Today I played a few matches and happened to be grouped with "Armchair General Ass" if you catch my meaning.
Commanding, a moment things don't go our team's way they blow up, that kind of player.
I ended up being auto-kicked out of the match due being inactive for too long, due toxic member in our team.
It's ripped! her pants are ripped!
It can't contain the booty! :O
There's a new Torbjörn comic.
There's also a news article type of thing they released, it's about the return of overwatch and details it's rise and fall. It's a good read if you don't know these things yet.
Definitely. Winston is the poster boy I think. Though in game he kind of stinks lol.
Speaking of Torbjorn, he is annoying as hell with those turrets. Him and Reinhardt piss me off.
I've been thinking a lot and this game reminds me a whole lot of Gotham City Imposters. Which that is not a bad thing at all since that game was amazing too.
Widowmaker one shots Torbjörn and his turret, she brings Reinhardt's shield down pretty fast as well.
:O You take that back! Winston's great. My second favourite tank.
I love this game! I haven't played a game so much in I don't know how long. I'm so invested I convinced myself to drop $40 on boxes!
I haven't gone that far yet lol, but I am thinking of buying some.
Ooh did you get anything good? A legendary skin maybe?
If only I could land a shot on a moving target as Widowmaker!
I'm right there with you man lol
Well, I saw some gameplay on the Tube, and it's all right. I don't like it, but don't hate it either.
I got Bastion's Gearbot, Symmetra's Devi, Zarya's Cybergoth. And I got enough coinage to buy Mercy's Imp and Reaper's El Blanco. That was just the legendary skins.
Think long and hard about it. I know I think ot was money well spent, but I can also see how others would regret the splurge.
As much as I want to play Widowmaker, Tracer, or McCree because they're just so cool, I always find myself on support and tank duty! Whyyyyyy!
Because people are more interested in PotG and "most eliminations" than they are winning. I usually find myself playing support as well, but that's fine because I love playing Mercy and Lucio.
Thank goodness the support characters are well designed, though.
Of course, how she's drawn here is.... well... nvm. Ahem.
So I've finally took the time to see the cinematic trailer with Tracer/Widowmaker in the assassination one. I swear I thought I was watching an action-packed Pixar film with how well animated it is. I can say I automatically love Tracer's character. She has such a bubbly personality and she's adorable.
I've also seen gameplay for the first time. I didn't expect it to be a FPS, I was hoping for a TPS so I can see my environment more as well as all the characters. With all the powers, it feels like it's better suited for TP. Oh well, still enjoyed the gameplay.
Ah yes the "Alive" short was great indeed, my favorite is still "Dragons" though.
Online now XBOX ONE - x Jordaaannn
I added you. I'm HU4L J3T on xbox.
Thought it may have been you. I returned the add. Just so you know im english and dont get on till around 6pm BST