Is it a tactful, and respectful way to State your political views? Let me know!
So once again, we are in the midst of another election. And in a few months, the polls are going to be open, and people are going to be voting for the next President of the United States of America.
All week long I've had people asking me home I'm going to vote for, and then giving me that deer-in-the-headlights look, when I tell them that I will not be voting this time around, and more than likely never will vote in any presidential election.
So I figured that I would try to as respectfully as humanly possible explain why I feel this way, and why I choose not to vote.
And just to be clear I do NOT look down on anyone who does vote - not in any way, shape, or form. I respect the fact that they have the right to vote however and for whomever they choose - just as much as I have the right to decide not to vote at all.
If you feel that it is your civic or patriotic duty to vote, than by all means do what your conscience tells you, and God bless you for it.
Personally, the first reason I don't vote is because, I do not feel that politicians are honest, nor dependable. Time and again they are caught in something that is either unethical, or illegal, and then get caught trying to lie and bribe their way out of the situation.
Two of my favorite quotes from Politicians who've been caught in unethical or illegal activity are: "I am not a crook." - Richard Nixon.
And: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." - Bill Clinton.
Plus, there being able to get into the office and stay in office, depends on not only how many votes they can get around election time, but also whom they can get to vote for them.
So therefore, they have to take great care as to not to actually say anything, because if they dare to make a stand on anything, then they risk alienating potential voters, which in turn might just screw up their chances for getting in the office.
So they become more interested in keeping their jobs, instead of actually doing their jobs.
2nd Reason I don't vote, is because if I vote, and the person I voted for turns out to be dishonest, corrupt, or flat-out incompetent, and gets an office and screws everything up, well then I am partly responsible for what he has done, because I helped get him in the office in the first place.
And respectfully, I don't want to be responsible for the actions of another person, whose actions I can't control. The only person's actions I want to actually be responsible for or my own, because those at least I can control. And I don't see anything wrong with feeling that way!
3rd reason I don't vote is because when you vote - if you stop and think about it, you may perhaps be voting for policies you agree with, but you're not voting for exactly how you would enforce said policies - or how you think you would enforce them.
Rather you're voting for how THE CANIDATE would enforce those policies if elected. So really, you're just agreeing to let him run the country however he sees fit.
How you would want to do something, compared to how you are actually able to do something, or how you end up doing something - both of which are largely dictated by circumstances, are two totally different things.
So given the 2nd and 3rd statements, what right would I have to complain about what they do?
4th reason I dont vote is because things are never going to get better, as long as we have people, particularly those in power, who seem conent to just fight among themselves. "United We Stand - Divided We Fall."
So what's the point in voting when are own leaders cannot even agree on which direction is the right course to take? Respectfully, it doesn't make any sense - not to me!
Now even though I don't vote, does that mean that I think we need a man in office who is willing to make tough decisions? Absolutely!
Do I think we need a man who's willing to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the traditional values it was founded on? Absolutely!
Do I trust any of the politicians we have now to do such? No! And given the track reccord of a lot of these politicians, I think that it is pretty easy to understand why I wouldn't trust them.
The way I see it, it starts with us, the public. After all, that's where these politicians come from. They come from among the American public, and they're elected by the American public.
So if we - not just as American citizens - but as people in general - want Decent, Honest, Hardworking, Selfless, Respectable, Responsible, and United leaders, who willing to be held accountable for the choices and decisions they make, than that is how we have to be as people.
And until we as a society are like that, things will NEVER improve. And term limits ain't gonna do any good, as we will just end up with another batch of the same type of leaders we have now.