youtubers in next episode??? herobrines mansion?!

ok everyone i know what your thinking "oh herobrines not gonna have a special episode in the game" well then if u go to see the episode 6 art theres a mansion and im pretty sure the people who made the herobrines mansion map made his mansion look like that and theres also youtubers the only two i can recognize are danTDM and captainsparklez so 3 things could happen, 1, you travel to another dimension only to be inhabited by famous youtubers (cough telltale plz put ssundee and crainer in there) and the mansion is theirs, 2 you travel to another dimension finding out that youtubers live in that dimension to avoid paparazzi and they need your help to stop herobrine from taking over their dimension, or 3 almost the same thing as 2 except a corrupted version of notch lives in the mansion who has an item more powerful than the command block and you have to destroy it with the help of the youtubers and items from their adventures and mod reviews it be pretty cool to see modded stuff in MC story mode


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