Alien Hand Syndrome
This is a real medical condition in which a person's hand has a mind of its own and they can't control it.
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You have just given about 1000 kids a new excuse for shoplifting.
Poor Guybrush it may not be a voodo hex after all, but brain damage due to a naval accident.
...actually that would be sad...
I go now and think of my dark sense of humor.
Can we expect a new production for the 2nd episode like u and some others did for the 1st?
It is a little off-topic, but if you want you can open a new thread and we can discuss all about it.
The hand syndrome, i mean.
So what they really meant all along was that you shouldn't let your left brain know what your right brain is doing?
Thank you, thank you, I'm here till Thursday!
On a more serious note ... that sounds like one bizarre and frightening condition to actually live with. There's good reason the idea of one's hand (or other body parts, for that matter) becoming possessed by forces beyond one's control has persisted throughout different cultures and eras -- it's pretty much universal nightmare fuel, if you think about the real life implications enough. *shudders*
Hmm... sounds very similar to our favourite poxed pirate! It must be awful to have in real life tho.
Its the opposite, people with split brain syndrome its the inability of right and left hemisphere to comunicate. Our brain works crosslateral, meaning that the right hemisphere of your brain controls the left side of your body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side of your body. The corpus Callosum is the one that communicates what part of your body is doing which order. Split brain happen with traffic accidents or head traumas, strokes and brain operations. I know this because im getting my Psy.D in psychology.
guybrush's hand is different however, because it really has it's own personality, that sometimes takes complete control of his body....