Returning Characters For Episode 8 Theory

So, I was looking through the achievement lists for episodes 7 and 8. The ones for episode 8 seem to hint at a hunger games/battle royale/PvP plot, as everyone else is guessing. Then I remembered the characters still remembering the things you said and did to them in every episode. Both for emotional moments, story, and future plot points.

Since episodes 5 - 8 deal with portals and other worlds, what if the villain for episode 8 somehow brings back Aidan, Cassie Rose, the episode 7 villain, and other past characters to fight you?

This way it fulfills the "your past decisions affect future episodes" theme while still being separate, experimental stories that Telltale is trying with M:SM. It would make a very interesting episode. Did you spare Aidan? He takes your side in a fight. Did you take pity on Cassie and give Winslow to her? She helps out the gang.



  • So your pridicting a battle royal between the youtubers the blaze rods and the new order of the stone battling to the death

  • Well, if it is as you say, it's gonna be epic!
    I spared aiden and gave Cassie her pain-in-the-butt-kitty

  • Well Aiden decides to change and become a writer depending on your choices so i can't see him becoming evil again

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