Still No Adventure Pass on Euro PS3?

I don't especially know what the PS3 Sony Europe's beef with Telltale is lately, but it does feel like they are constantly delayed compared to everyone else. All three episodes of WD: M were delayed by one week (with Ep 5 of M: SM oddly coming out the right time whilst Ep3 of WD: M didn't), then Ep 6 of M:SM had the same issue. And now it's up there, but you still can't buy the Adventure Pass for Episodes 6 to 8! Is there some issue happening in the background here where Sony Europe are being problematic or something? It's gotten bad enough that I don't want to get Batman and S3 of WD until I get a PS4 in the fall now, just to be safe.

So can someone please resolve this issue? I've gone on the Adventure Pass buying section several tmes now since Episode 6 was revealed and still no sign, and I don't want to be buying episodes separately because I have to. I still love you guys, but these issues with Sony Europe on PS3 need resolving. :(

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