Old Builders Theory

So, you've been wondering who are the old Builders are, right? Well, I have some clues to find out about them here are some and what I think about them.

  1. It was said that the Old Builders had the Eversource, but now it ends up Isa had the Eversource. She could possibly be an Old Builder because of this, but she doesn't know there's an Overworld below.

  2. When you look at the bookshelf in the palace of Sky City, you'll find a book by Soren. You'll find another book by looking at another bookshelf twice at the White Pumpkin's lair. Also there was a painting of the portal room there too. Soren and Cassie could've possibly be Old Builders. But how did Cassie get stuck in a world with 2 moons that she decided to kill people to find a portal key? Maybe she was banished from the Old Builders and as a punishment got stuck in a world.

  3. Ellegaard said that Soren made "impossible" stuff. Maybe he made that Flint and Steel?

Those are some clues I've found out. They may hint on what might happen on future episodes. Tell me what you think in the comments below.


    1. Isa knows what "sand" is, and unlike the rest of the people from skyblock, she also knows how to use the blocks efficiently which could be a hint. A hint that she could be from another world (or that she is smarter than the rest of the population). Why am I saying that and disagreeing with every theory that labels her as Old Builder? Because she asked Jesse what a portal is, and that alone should be an evidence that Isa is not a builder.
    2. Cassie could be an adventurer, like Jesse & co. She finds a portal already lit and goes through it without knowing what could happen. Let's not forget that the manor has shelves with information regarding the portals and how the work. That's how Cassie understood that she needs a special flint 'n steel. I dunno about Soren, but Cassie is definitely not a builder.
    3. Ivor said that the flint and steel belonged to OB, the oldest group. Even older than Order of Stone. I doubt Soren would make something like that and then not share it with the rest for fame.
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