if you could change one thing about your life, what would it, and why haven't you started doing it?

edited June 2016 in General Chat

I thought this would be an interesting question, because not only would he give us a chance to think about what we would like to change in our lives, but also why we haven't done it.

You know there tends to be a relatively old saying, "we are what we are."

Well I can tell you from personal experience that that is frankly a load of crap. And the reason why is because as human beings, we are capable of being whatever we choose to be. It doesn't mean that we do it perfectly, but we keep striving to be as close to Perfection if you will as we possibly can.

So really, what is it about your life and you really want to change, what is it about your life if you want to be different? you haven't already taken the steps to make it different, why is that?

Now if the this thing you want to change about your life is really personal, as well as the reason you haven't done so, then please don't feel obligated to answer this thread.

I don't want anyone to feel obligated to post information on a public website that they would not feel comfortable with talking to a stranger about.

In other words, if it is too personal, then please do not post it. And I say that out of respect, and concern for my fellow users. I do not want you to unintentionally create problems for yourself in the future by posting information that would be too personal.

The reason that I'm posting this thread to begin with, is because quite frankly I see a lot of people who complain about their problems all over the internet, but to me that just seems to be a way of helping them nit feel bad about what they've done, instead of taking necessary actions to try to fix what causes them to act a certain way.

And so really this thread is just really to get people to think on a personal level, it doesn't mean you have to necessarily reply to it, it's just something that I'm trying to create, so that people can think on a deep level about their lives, what they want to do with them, who they want to be, and what is standing in their way.

If you feel comfortable with posting something on this thread, then feel free to do so. But if you don't, please don't feel obligated to reply to this.

And in case of any moderators read this, I just want you to know that all I am is a person who wants to try to help other people, try to help them to think about where their lives are headed, what they want to be, how they can get there, and what stands in their way from reaching their goals.

I may be a drunk, as I have admitted to on other theads and whatnot, but I do have a genuine heart, and I just want to help people.


  • edited June 2016

    if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    I should quit being an indecisive asshole.

    and why haven't you started doing it?

    Because I'm an indecisive asshole.

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