Gameplay mechanics you'd like to have in real life?
in General Chat
What would be some mechanics from video games that you'd love to see in real life? I'd like to see Nonstop Debates from Danganronpa, it'd definitely make arguments more interesting.
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Getting laid like Geralt from The Witcher.
Double jumping. MK's drunk guy's fart attack, Intense fighting combos, free roam flying without worrying a damn about paying travel expenses, etc.
To see if my relationship is good or bad, from Dragon Age Origins.
Falling off tall places without something bad happening to me, like in Borderlands 2. c:
Quick save and quick load so I can find the best answers to any situation.
Fast travel and Respawn
fast travel and cheat codes
A Portal gun would be pretty useful for travelling and could be fun unless you get stuck in a terminal velocity loop, also the ability to have a infinite money cheat could be pretty useful :P
'Do you wish to edit your character before you proceed'
'Edit Appearance' - 'yes'
'Edit Attributes' - 'yes'
Infinite Inventory and Cheat Bar...
And you could always just give them stuff you find on the ground to make it better.
damn easy to answer: Save/Load
That would be at top of my list for sure, then also Respawn, Timestop, Possess/Dominate, and True Regeneration
1.Infinite Lives
2. Instant Replays
3.Being able to fall off high places without getting hurt.
Same as Poogers, but to have multiple save slots. That way if I want to relive a certain moment of my life, I can simply reload it again.
Just imagine if saving were a real thing. You could experience and re-experience almost anything.
To able to use V.A.Ts when killing a radroa- i mean cockroach , and powers like in saints row
Or, y'know, that shift ability from Driver San Francisco. That'd be fun to use.
Magic Pocket, Respawn and Fast Travel
pretty much what's already been said. Save/Load. Then if I want to punch someone I can and get away with it.
You could make the ultimate Groundhog Day! Go to your bed to save, wake up, learn everyone's pattern, repeat!
Respawn points or/and save/load points. The ability to magically use any weapon sounds pretty cool, too.