7 Days To Die Unofficial FAQ

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited August 2016 in General Chat

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7 Days To Die Unofficial FAQ

Please note all information here is compiled by volunteer moderators who are not Telltale Staff members.

Community moderators including Jennifer, Vainamoinen, Blind Sniper, and InGen_Nate_Kenny have helped create this unofficial FAQ. We check our facts thoroughly and have a lot of Telltale experience on our backs, but this is not an 'official' source, we're just volunteers!

Latest Updates: August 17, 2016

  • Added information on The Walking Dead Skin Pack 2

(1) What is 7 Days To Die?

7 Days To Die is a open world sandbox survival game developed by The Fun Pimps. Set after World War III in the savage, gritty land of Navezgane County, Arizona, overrun with the undead, you play as a survivor who must scavenge, craft, and build to survive the undead horde. Originally only on PC where it achieve 1.5 million digital downloads, Telltale Publishing, in collaboration with The Fun Pimps and porters Iron Galaxy, is bringing 7 Days To Die to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

(2) Will this title effect other Telltale games in production?

As this is a Telltale Publishing endeavor made and ported by separate developers, with Telltale Publishing only publishing the game, this will not effect other games developed by Telltale in production.

(3) When will 7 Days To Die be available?

7 Days To Die is available starting on June 28, 2016 in North America and on July 1 in Europe.

(4) What is gameplay like?

Gameplay of 7 Days To Die is a combination of many styles, including first person shooters, survival horror, tower defense and role playing. This is all in a mixture of combat, crafting, looting, mining, exploration, building, and character growth. With two player split screen mode introduced on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and online multiplayer, you can play with friends or strangers.

(5) There isn't a subforum on the game here, where can I find forums for the game?

This is the link for the official 7 Days To Die forums, but you are welcome to make a thread discussing the game here in the Telltale Talk section.

(6) Where can I find support for 7 Days To Die?

This is the link for the support of 7 Days To Die.

(7) How do I get the skins themed around Telltale's Walking Dead series? Which Character Skins come included?

Players who pre-ordered one of the console editions of 7 Days to Die received The Walking Dead Skin Pack, player skins of Lee Everett, Christa, Luke, Michonne, and Pete (from the Michonne mini-series), characters from The Walking Dead - The Telltale Series. Those who did not pre-order can buy the skin pack for $1.99 USD.

On August 16, 2016, The Walking Dead Skin Pack 2 was released for 7 Days To Die. This skin pack includes player skins of Kenny, Carley, Glenn, Lilly, and Molly, also from The Walking Dead - The Telltale Series. It is available for $1.99 USD.

To see what current and future projects Telltale are working on, follow our "Future of Telltale FAQ" thread for frequent updates!

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