Cannot play episode 6, "Network Unavailable" please help!

Well, I got the Game of Thrones Season Pass Disk for my birthday a few days ago, and it's great. I played through the first 5 episode very fast and was very excited for the finale. However, I cannot play it. When I go to the episode it says "Network Unavailable: Please connect your Playstation4 computer entertainment system to the Playstation Network" Okay, I do have slow internet at my house, but I see my friends, I can send messages, and I can go to the PS store just fine. I also cannot go to the "Telltale Account" or I get the same notification, and on the "Episodes" list it still says "Coming Soon!" for episode 6, despite it being released nearly a year ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I REALY love the game and want to finish the season otherwise I couldn't play Season 2! Thanks!


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