What's the worst part about living in your parents home?
I was recently forced to move back in with them, due to some financial difficulties, and I forgot how much it sucked!
I never thought that at my age I would be living at home again, but it is the way it is. Things have been rough ever since the great reccession.
The biggest thing that sucks is that they don't want me to date anyone, nor can I have any women over. Shit! Shit! Shit!!!
And when I do get a woman interested in me, I can't bring her back to my place, which TOTALLY FUCKING SUCKS!!!
Not being able to bring her back looks kinda weird. And doesn't make me look good. It looks like I'm hiding something from her.
I am an adult. Yet they wanna treat like a kid. It's completely stupid. Can't wait until I'm on my own again!
So how about you? What is the worst part about living at home for you?
You venting or trying to ask something?
Edit: Sorry, TMI.
Back when I was living with my parents, their overprotective nature annoyed the shit out of me. They were always walking in on me, telling me that I couldn't leave the house without their permission, it was annoying as hell.
I'm not allowed to throw my typical sexy parties...
Nothing really, I'm 21. Work full time, earning money. I'm not paying as much if I was living in my own home - so I can save up for things etc
The criticism
Ah nothing like parents criticism,
I get the "when you getting a girlfriend" chat and "when are you going to go out"
"Ew who wants friends, mum"
Since I don't know your parents myself, I can't really make much of a judgement, but do you think it could be possible that the reason they're treating you like a kid is that they think you're not capable of managing your life like an adult? I won't pry into your financial or family situation, but it might be a good idea to show that you're able to manage your own life and make sure they understand how you ended up in that situation.
Since I'm still a teenager, I can't really compare it to anything else, but I imagine that there might be a senses of freedom that comes with having your own space that you don't really have when living with someone else. I hope you can get back on your feet soon, because not having a place to call your own must suck quite a lot.
I love him to death, but my dad is such an asshat. He's literally a real life Kenny. Looks just like him, same attitude, and all. Lemme tell ya, living with a Kenny is NOT fun.
He's really fucking loud, thinks he's always right, won't listen to reason, verbally abusive, a huge hypocrite, etc.
No privacy. I don't like having people in my room (I'm a 15 year old girl). Sometimes, my dad just comes into my room and chills in my chair. Once, I was watching Netflix while laying in bed. He just came in, sat in my chair for an hour while playing on his phone, then left. This happens a lot. Or he tries to use the electronics that I bought with MY money, and claims they're his.
They'll never see you as anything other than their little boy. You need to get back out, even if it means taking a crappy job to afford it. Don't go out of your way to meet girls 'til you've got your own life back on track.
I hatr having no privacy and only allowed 2 hours on the internet and my dad keeps comparing anime to porn which annoys me and nobody knock i could be doing anything behind that door
I moved out at seventeen, I can't stand my parents.
For me, it was verbal fights (dad) and physical fights (mom). There also the criticism from both of them and the many arguments between my Mom and her boyfriend that involved screaming, hitting and whatever else - sometimes I was pulled into them. There was also the lack of privacy, the attempt at babying that crippled me for being ready in the real world and so on and so forth.
But hey, that varies with everyone. I think?
I really have no issues with my parents these days, but the few issues I did have were:
1.Lack of privacy
2. Them being overcritical
From my experience, two things:
What bothers me the most is probably, that I can't just walk out the front door without getting questioned
I get they do it because they are looking out for us. But it's annoying when it becomes a habit.