FBI recommends no indictment for Hillary Clinton
Although the Justice Department as final say, it seems no charges will be brought up. I'm sure people will like this. Discuss!
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Although the Justice Department as final say, it seems no charges will be brought up. I'm sure people will like this. Discuss!
The only statement i have to say about the FBI's recommendation is:
"Are you fucking kidding me!?
Wow someone must really like Trump up there, anyone would love to get such present for campaign! Now his speeches that the whole system is rigged are that more valid.
What? I guess being popular is a powerful shield against stuff like that.
enter link description here
This election is a dumpster fire.
Yeah, it's pretty fucked
Regardless of which side you're on or if you're on no side at all, you can't tell me that this isn't rigged.
Land of the free and corrupted.
Well that's... interesting....
Exactly. What a country to live in, huh?
I don't think this election will have a winner.
It feels like Bush/Kerry again where one makes themselves look bad, the other makes themselves look worse and then goes out to make the first person look like THE worst while the first person is fairly publicly silent.
I didn't feel that election was won by anyone and I doubt this one will either.
Don't take me to complain for any stretch of the imagination as America offers more freedoms than elsewhere, however, there are some obvious flaws in the system and corruption in politics is one of them. It's not even cleverly hidden. You'd think they'd get better at this by now.
Edit: By the way, I love your avatar.
This is complete fucking bullshit! She compromised our national security and is going to walk away unpunished?? Absolutely ridiculous!
It's just business as usual for the rich and powerful. I am not surprised it makes me think maybe I should not have given up on being a conspiracy person years ago.
Yeah, I agree. While America offers plenty of freedom, I really fucking hate the corruption in politics, and it definitely wouldn't bother me as much if I didn't have to see it first hand every day, because seeing that shit scares the shit out of me. They definitely need to learn how to hide this shit.
I love yours too. Blake's new design is pretty awesome. I personally like Ruby's new design the best simply because she looks more like Red Riding Hood, only way more badass. Here's to hoping Blake's new jacket doesn't mean she's working with Adam again. That'd suck.
I'm laughing at conservatives which pushed this so far. Just to ruin someone's political career. Well attempt to. How many millions? It's one of the most expensive investigations in American history on an individual. And yet they found what? 7 Emails that can be considered classified materials at the time she sent them that can be used to criminally prosecute her, out of what 30,000? Seriously digging at the bottom of the barrel to ruin a person's career.
Just another HA HA. At Conservatives. lol
I listened to the speech this morning and I was just smiling by the end of it. If I recall, he even said something along the lines that she shouldn't be criminally prosecuted as what she did is likely more common within the Government than our own government is willing to admit, and even pointed fingers at the State Department being as responsible as a whole as Hillary was. To criminally prosecute her for what they considered fewer than a dozen emails which she mentioned things in which can be considered classified is well pointless, as you would have to go back throughout every administration and see who else might have as these are private emails.
If anything the message the FBI was trying to tell people is our security measures and carelessness is obvious. Hillary likely isn't the first who was careless like this, she is just the first to get caught. And she was only caught because Republics have a Dildo up their butt holes so far that they forced an investigation out of thin air over nothing just because 3 people died from a terrorist attack on an embassy on foreign soil, which is considerably more common than most idiots in our country realize. There have been embassy attacks and Americans killed because of them under almost every administration within the past 30 years. But for some silly reason this one takes precedent because Conservatives found a reason to attempt to ruin Clinton's career just like they tried to get her Husband kicked out of office because he lied about BANGING some Chick. lol
What is funny is how says that what she was in trouble for won't always be given the same results. That means if some other person gets caught doing what she did than they most likely will be indicted.
Issue is no one else will likely ever get caught. Because no one else will likely get investigated in the same way, as politics is the only reason this ever happened to begin with. lol
"Laws: we know what they are and what they are worth! They are spider webs for the rich and mighty! Steel chains for the poor and weak! Fishing nets in the hands of government!"
-- Pierre Joesph Proudhon
HAHAHAHA extreme carelessness? hahaha I believe that a term gross negligence should be applied which is a crime in any normal country...congrats US you just became Banana republic!