Marrying **** statistics (only 1/4th)?



  • I didn't do it purely for Tom. He was 1/3 of the reason, but not the whole one.

    I would say the oposite about @Sardorim. You don't win the 'Game of Thrones' by putting Coal Boys' lives ahead of yours. You also don't win

  • edited July 2016

    I know! I'm not questioning your choice. Just saying that the way Sardorim is thinking is probably one of the best ways to play and win 'The Game of Thrones'. Defenitely not the best in terms of morality, tho.

    I didn't do it purely for Tom. He was 1/3 of the reason, but not the whole one.

  • Oh, well, sorry I read the comment wrong

    I know! I'm not questioning your choice. Just saying that the way Sardorim is thinking is probably one of the best ways to play and win 'The Game of Thrones'. Defenitely not the best in terms of morality, tho.

  • Mira can still commit suicide later, or drink moon tea, it's not the time.

    Not Today

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Only if they come forth to claim it, which unless they have the manpower to protect themselves showing their face (such as trying to claim I

  • Even if Rodrick/Asher died as a result of their injuries, there is still Ryon who although being the youngest Forester, is still the next in line to be Lord of Ironrath. If he were able to make it to another Northern house, that house would likely help him take back Ironrath in exchange for a betrothal to one of that Lord/Lady's daughters. The same could be done with Talia, thus potentially gaining the support of two northern houses. Morgryn's claim would be mute as Mira is only the eldest daughter.

    There is also the potential of another house relieving Mira of her marriage by killing Morgryn in exchange for a marriage between Mira and someone of that house. It's a long shot I know, but it is still possible.

    Yes okay you got me on one point and that is the fact that blood is prioritized. HOWEVER that does not take away from the fact that Ironrath

  • Yeah, stick him with the pointy end! My Mira kept the dagger and she knows how to use it =p.

    Chusets posted: »

    I am glad that I am on the minority on this case mate. I have seen people put out a lot of reasons as for why they chose to sacrifice Mira,

  • Good one mate, Morgryn is going down.

    Yeah, stick him with the pointy end! My Mira kept the dagger and she knows how to use it =p.

  • Well said.

    Maybe from her brothers. Maybe she can escape or help from the inside by herself. What I'm trying to say is that there can be a happy ending

  • As with every metric in TTG games, the numbers you speak of are subject to change. But to answer your question. Even though the choice results in death, its the only choice that says"Go F yourself" Thus, its the only choice! But as soon as they say that S2 is coming I think many will "undo" this choice!

  • The thing is though, Mira has proven herself to be someone who takes action, ok so she wasn't a hostage like Sansa, but if a Lannister guard had tried to kill her do you think Sansa would have defended herself or even tried to kill. Mira had the option to flee, but she also had the option to kill him and in the process try to help Tom.

    I think Mira would be more than capable of not only being able to engineer an escape, but turn the situation to her advantage while also getting rid of Morgryn, essentially killing two birds with one stone. She could for example find a way to get a message out to another house, for example offering to betroth herself to one of the Lords sons, or even the Lord himself. Obviously for the marriage to go ahead they would have to Kill Morgryn (assuming they are already married) or even if they were not, it could be one of the conditions of the betrothal, that and taking back Ironrath from the Whitehills.

    If Mira wanted to potentially do even more damage and if Gryff is still alive, she could pretend to ally herself with him. Offering a marriage to seal the deal and make him the Lord of Ironrath. Then at the wedding feast kill him, the rest of the Whitehills and their soldiers, by poisoning their food and drink.

    If only....but I highly doubt it would work so well or be so satisfying. Telltale will probably just give us a generic ending to the whole series =(.

    KCohere posted: »

    Sansa had a lot of help, starting with Theon helping her escape. Would Mira expect the same?

  • I agree.

    Sardorim posted: »

    They only see the short term. Never the long term. Long term viewers would always choose to marry Mira to Morgryn and Asher to Gwyn. Only short sighters wouldn't.

  • edited July 2016

    For me, it was a matter of honor and defiance. I mean, I was about to choose "Marry", but then he told me Tom would be killed in my place. After I heard that, I decided that Morgryn can go fuck himself. Tom did more for me than anyone else; even if it wasn't a LOT, it was still there, an effort was made. What kind of selfish bitch would I be if I let a young boy die because I had no honor? It's despicable to think about.

    So, choosing to die is the honorable choice. Better to die with your head held high, than be a cowardly whore living on your knees, both figuratively and literally.

    Like, I get it, it's Game of Thrones, only those who play dirty will win, yadda, yadda, yadda. But even then, I still feel it's better to die honorably, than to live like a coward.

  • Are you CuteClem?

    Sardorim posted: »

    They only see the short term. Never the long term. Long term viewers would always choose to marry Mira to Morgryn and Asher to Gwyn. Only short sighters wouldn't.

  • I'm wondering, if Mira does wind up escaping the marriage in s2, would that change everyone's opinion?

  • edited July 2016

    Maybe, maybe not.

    But as for me personally, no. I made my choice and I'm sticking with it.

    Smoughstein posted: »

    I'm wondering, if Mira does wind up escaping the marriage in s2, would that change everyone's opinion?

  • Sometimes death is the easy way out and carrying on is harder.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    For me, it was a matter of honor and defiance. I mean, I was about to choose "Marry", but then he told me Tom would be killed in my place. A

  • I don't think they will. Mainly because Tom would still be dead.

    Smoughstein posted: »

    I'm wondering, if Mira does wind up escaping the marriage in s2, would that change everyone's opinion?

  • I think my opinion on the choice mostly depends on Tom's relation to it.

    If Tom was not involved in the choice, the decision to marry Morgryn is strategic. It's choosing to carry on with a hard life and bad odds as long as there is a chance of defiance in the future. Then death would be an easy way out.

    But with Tom involved, I feel the decision to live is framed more as cowardice. Now choosing to live is the easy way out, because you're shoving someone in your place to take the ultimate consequence of your actions for you, if that makes sense.

    Sometimes death is the easy way out and carrying on is harder.

  • edited July 2016


    Listen, I totally get it if you think having Mira marry Morgryn and having Asher marry Gwyn is the right choice, okay? I totally understand that. But you don't gotta insult us by calling us short sighters for not doing the same.

  • edited July 2016

    Regarding the "sex slave" thing, that's actually one of the reasons the marriage to Morgryn is what I'm most excited for in season 2.

    Rape is seen as just about the worst thing that could possibly happen to a woman in western society today, but being forced by family and/or circumstances into an unwilling and potentially unhappy marriage is a reality women have lived with throughout all of history and in fact still do in the majority of the world. And yet a heroic or sympathetic woman actually being in that situation without a convenient romantic alternative coming along in the nick of time or the husband turning out to be worthy of her after all is something you almost never see in the mainstream media.

    I absolutely just cannot wait to see Mira having to deal with being confined by a hostile marriage, figuring out what kinds of agency she still has and what kinds have opened up to her. And I'm certainly not going to think of her as being ruined or suddenly too tragic to live much less play just because she's put in a position where she'll likely have to have sex at some point without wanting to.

    I didn't want him to have any claim on Ironrath, and I didn't want Mira to be a sex slave.

  • If you had Gared choose to head back to ironrath, that means that there will be more then likely a three way standoff or fight. And then there's Elsera's weird power to control people and plenty of hearts to go around. And whos to say she couldn't start over. I don't think to many people would think twice on sacrificing a Whitehill or Bolton solders heart or hearts to make her stronger and give her a bigger army.

    We don't know the extent of Elsera's powers. And there's those that choose to sacrificed Cotters heart, already making her stronger.

    I wouldn't mind making Josera the Lord of Ironrath with Gared as his sentinel, but that would probably mean that Asher and Ryon and maybe the girls would have to die first.

  • Mira would only be his battered wife if she doesn't do as he says. She is in no real danger as long as she does as he says. That is what Morgryn said to her in the dungeon.

    KCohere posted: »

    To be totally honest, I dont think I really believed I/Mira was going to die until it happened. I took a gamble, lol. But I think I would st

  • If Mira thinks that she can't make it, she can commit suicide anytime. But that time is not now.

  • edited October 2016

    The chances of Mira having any revenge or even some freedom of movement and to live a mere month after she produces a son are all zeroes even in telltale-convenient universe.
    I did marry her to Morgryn and now I realize what horrible mistake it was. It's just that anger blinded me for a time and I too didn't give two fucks that she may end up worse that any of Ramsay's wives and that it's simpler to just not give the fucker a claim, Morgryn will definitely make sure Mira won't even have a possibility to spit him in the face or to kill herself before producing an heir anyhow.

  • What? She can kill herself any time.
    Don't worry, he can't tie and rape her. And, even if this occurs he will be forced to release her soon.
    Also, even if she ends up worse than any of Ramsay's wifes, she will be alive, when, if you don't marry him, she will be dead.

    The chances of Mira having any revenge or even some freedom of movement and to live a mere month after she produces a son are all zeroes eve

  • Not if Morgryn will take precautions. There are ways to forcibly keep very driven suicidal people alive, after all.
    And what makes you think he can't? Will neighbors call cops and get him arrested for domestic violence?

    Both "Stark girls" run away with outside help, probably both will get revenge, no one is out to save Mira, nobody who would will even know where she is until Morgryn will decide to waltz in and take a bite of war-scarred land from a drowned-kitten helplessly dying House.

    Another one of Ramsay's wives did die of hunger, but she didn't die broken inside, she stayed defiant. Didn't remember her name, so to say, that she was Snow now. And her nightmare ended pretty quickly, in days basically.

    Makeran11 posted: »

    What? She can kill herself any time. Don't worry, he can't tie and rape her. And, even if this occurs he will be forced to release her soo

  • Oh, and that Tyrion quote, I'd consider it if he'd say the same thing if faced a choice to die or to forfeit Podrik and become a sex slave to Illyrio Mopatis so that the latter could then shame all the Lannisters as sinful sexual deviants so that the mobs would like Danny more when the goes west.

    Wait, wut I just wrote

  • Man, this thread refuses to die.

    But ultimately I think the opportunity to move up or down is better to risk than just give up. The assumption the move will be down is dangerous, as you're all ready pretty low and you know what they say about assuming. The alternative is dying so there's not much to lose.

  • The only reason I choose death was to protect Ironrath from Morgryn. Frankly I didn't really care about Tom but I didn't want my family's home to get anywhere near him.

  • So... better off under Whitehill occupation?

    IbaMelly posted: »

    The only reason I choose death was to protect Ironrath from Morgryn. Frankly I didn't really care about Tom but I didn't want my family's home to get anywhere near him.

  • Isn't the main problem her being a determinant character ? It's most likely people will barely see her or she won't have any big impact.

    I hope I used the spoiler function right on this website, if not don't continue to read this.This is about what happened in The Walking Dead Season 2&3.

    If you look at the determinant deaths of Jane and Kenny in Season 2 and how they carried over to season 3 with those stupid flashback, I won't have much hope for Mira.

  • Would be cool if they made the story with Mira as playable character or if she is dead we play as Tom.

  • I agree.

    Makeran11 posted: »

    If Mira thinks that she can't make it, she can commit suicide anytime. But that time is not now.

  • wat?

    Oh, and that Tyrion quote, I'd consider it if he'd say the same thing if faced a choice to die or to forfeit Podrik and become a sex slave t

  • My Mira was loyal to her Northern values and yes, I understood it meant death. By marrying Morgryn, not only would she give up her family land and wealth, but she would also have to throw her loyal coal boy under the bus, which is why I initially did not agree to the marriage arrangement.

  • Well if Asher marries Gwyn it will mean Ludd has control of Ironrath because Asher is considered his son through marriage and Lord of Ironrath! So I think Asher not marrying Gwyn is seen as a better option to other players!

    Mira marrying Morgryn is better if Asher marries Gwyn because Ludd and Morgryn will want control of the Ironrath and the Iron Wood Trees! Meaning Morgryn can go to war against Ludd and Asher can assist Morgryn and then Asher can betray him and free Mira!

  • I see a lot of logical reasoning here. I myself refused Morgryn's proposal because I didn't want Tom to die.

    Maybe it's somewhat off topic but I bought this game after watching someone play episode 1&2 on youtube. I found Mira and Tom's time on screen so endearing that I just had to get the game. Mira's death was absolutely devastating, but I am glad I had the choice not to sacrifice Tom.

    Does anyone else feel unfinished business with Mira? My favorite types of characters are the ones that start off weak and become stronger/more cunning. I felt that Mira was getting there.. Being executed or becoming a subservient child bearer came across as unfair after all the time I spent getting attached to her and making her learn "the game". Even her and Tom's relationship felt like unfinished business, they were getting really close (not sure if they were into each other) but you can see how he was going in for a hug or something before he got caught by the guards.

    I'm ok with killing off characters but it's usually done for a reason. Every chance she had at helping her family got shot down, and I know she had that small win against Lord Andros but that was treated more like an after thought, her family got destroyed anyways.

    There is a few reasons why I think they may somehow bring her back from death but I know it's extremely unlikely.

  • I chose the axe in my first play through; accepted the marriage in the second. It's funny, but it seems the only way to maintain Margaery's favor is to lie to her the whole time, sell out Sera, and get Tom chopped up (marry Morgryn). Even then the little wench is still 'unsure'. Ugh!!

  • Ludd is an idiot. Taking Ironrath back from him is simply a matter of time.

    Morgryn however, is a lot more cunning, and probably will be a lot more difficult to remove from power.

    Better the devil you know, as they say.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    So... better off under Whitehill occupation?

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