Is the Elder Scroll III: Morrowind worth buying?
So I have played Oblivion and Skyrim. I have enjoyed both games. But I have never gotten myself to buy Morrowind. They all say that this is the best game in the series. I probably should have asked this during summer sale, but I was still very unsure because of the aging gameplay and enormity of the plot because you will be reading a lot of text. And I fear getting disappointed by listening to all the praises from fans of this game.
So, next time when there is a sale on Steam, is this game worth buying? If so, please tell me why.
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Well I haven't played it myself but I think a good way of getting into the mind-set of trying to enjoy something that everyone else seems to praise quite allot is to lower your expectations
if you don't expect anything that great, then you might find yourself enjoying the game more in comparison to where you'd be more so 'critiquing' the game based on the praises people have for it.
The game is worth buying, but you need to keep a few things in mind. Morrowind is drastically different than Oblivion and Skyrim. There is no fast travel. There is no quest markers. The combat is utter shit, and takes a while to get used to. What class you pick at the beginning of the game actually matters a whole damn lot because it dictates if you can actually use spells, and what weapons you can actually use worth a damn. For example, you pick a class that has shit marksman, and you try to use a bow, unless you get really lucky, you won't hit anything.
The game takes a while to get into, and the NPC's directions will sometimes piss you off because sometimes their directions...aren't the best. Lower your expectation. Morrowind, while a good game, if you go into it buying into the "Morrowind was made by God himself" hype, you're going to be disappointed.
Also, fucking Cliff Racers, man.
Yes if you're a fan of old, really hard RPGs with a very difficult beginnings but truly satisfying end-games. No if you're not a fan of these things, because seriously, Morrowind can make people go crazy with it's old mechanics and gameplay mechanism.
Morrowind is awesome!!!! It is great but in its own way... it was my first ES game and I love it.
I guess the way to describe it is that Morrowind is full of lore and minor details but looks pretty bad graphically at this point. Skyrim is a graphical powerhouse but less heavy on lore because it was pretty mainstream. Oblivion was a nice middleground.
Soooo if you can stomach some dated graphics and enjoy the lore and universe, then yes yes yes. Great game. Also if you play on PC you can get mods to update the graphics to Skyrim or Oblivion standards.
it's old so you'll just have to accept that to play, and i don't just mean the graphics are old, the gameplay and general gaming ethos is old eg. there is literally no hand holding not even really any strong hints as to what you are supposed to do, and your mana doesn't regenerate over time, however if you can accept all that i would totally recommend it, and if you have the time get into it the first try, then maybe start again now with an idea of how things work in the game.
personally i think if a new elder scrolls had everything this game has plus modern mechanics, graphics and a more modern approach it would be the best game to come out for years, and yes i am implying that skyrim didn't achieve that.
Try watching gameplay from other YouTubers. See if it fits your playstyle or not.
In short, yes.
However, if you want the best possible experience, wait until Skywind is finished and download it.