Do you think there will ever be a cure for autism?
For those who are afflicted with autism, I would certainly hope that there will be. It is sad that such things like autism exist, and it's even sadder for those who have been born with it, because they never have, nor will I ever get to know, at least at this point, what it's like to live without autism.
Unfortunately though I don't think it's going to happen with Western medicine, and the reason for that is because there is frankly no money to be made in curing disease if you want to use that term, only in treating it. And the best kind of treatment is the kind that is largely ineffective, because it keeps the patient coming back for more and more.
But that in itself is not quite the point of this thread. Rather, it's just simply to ask do you ever believe that there will in fact be a cure for Autism?
Now for those who have autism, or some form of it, please believe me that I do not make this thread to insult you, or belittle you in any kind of way, shape, or form. Just because somebody might have been born different, does not make them any less unique, or valuable as a human being.
I'm confident, that regardless if someone has autism or not, but they can still make their lives a success. That they can still be champions. That they can still be winners.
Yes. In fact, I believe there already IS a cure, but my general paranoia can be discussed another day. Back on topic, they have already discovered, and isolated, which parts of a shark's brain are similar enough to ours but different enough to make the shark basically "immune" to mental health issues, (unless you believe that the sea is so salty because it's the tears from all the misunderstood sharks who can't figure out why they're hated so much and are all so depressed about it they cry all the time).
My 8 year old son is autistic. He contracted meningitis at 5 weeks old and nearly died. "Luckily", (I hate using that word there), he's ONLY autistic from the illness. Lucky because there are 2 children near to where I am and a few years back they contracted the illness. The boy is completely blind now and the little girl lost her right leg, so I begrudgingly use the word "Lucky" when relaying the incident. I would like to think that the cure would be made public knowledge, and be affordable enough to be a realistic option for everybody who is affected by autism, patients and carers, SHOULD THEY CHOOSE TO USE IT but you said as much yourself; There is no money in curing, only treating, so I doubt it will be available any time soon.
But, hey! If I'm wrong and they do announce they have "cured", (again, words I don't really like using. There isn't anything "wrong" with my son, so he doesn't NEED "curing", and I'm likely to raise my eyebrow at anybody who says as much to my face, just for a split-second........before flying at them like a furious spidermonkey!!), if they DO find and release an affordable option, I'll happily denounce the documentary series "Zeitgeist" to anybody who's silly enough to pretend to be interested in the inane babble I waffle on about most of the time.
EDIT: Additional words entered to clear up the way some might take the words of my post, I wouldn't want anybody to think I condone forced medication on to anybody who is self-aware enough to make a cogitative and reasonable decision on whether to take the theoretical cure or not.
No and I don't think there really needs to be. Many people with autism are about as high functioning, if not more high functioning, than people without autism. They can get married, go to college, support themselves financially, and be good at what they do whether it be their hobbies or their everyday occupation. I've known people with autism in my life and every single one of them have made peace with the fact that they're different and would most likely disagree with your statement.
Not saying that autism was a disease. Nor did I say that people with Autism cannot be contributing members to society.
Some the greatest Minds in history are believed to have been autistic. One's like Michelangelo, and Albert Einstein are believed to have been autistic.
I never said anything cruel, or insulting about autistic people. I try not to do that with everybody. I never try to insult people, I never try to belittle them.
Even when people are not always kind to me, I still try to show them respect, even if I don't like the way that I'm being treated by them.
I was just merely asking a question, whether or not folks believe that autism can ever be cured.
I am sorry that your son suffered meningitis as a baby. No child should ever have to go through something like that.
And I hope you can appreciate that I was not trying to be insulting towards autistic people in any way shape or form. As I stated in a previous answer to another user, some of the greatest Minds that history's ever known were believed to be autistic.
That's why I was merely asking if anyone here thinks of the disorder can ever be corrected. If I can ever possibly be the cure for the disorder.
I was just merely acknowledging that autism is in fact a disorder, and I was merely hoping that for those who are stricken with it, that perhaps one day a cure might be created for them.
Well this topic seems like a bundle of fun.
Bit of an overreaction, don't you think?
Thank you!
it depends. For some people, like if they have a social disability, like aspergers, the longer they spend inside or away from people, they worse it'll get. But if they socialise more and start to get used to talking to people and seeing that talking to people isn't that bad, the disability won't be that bad anymore. It's happened to one of my friends, when I first met her, she was extremely shy and refused to even speak to anyone, but the more i talked to her and the more she talked to other people, the better it got, she's practically a different person now and no longer very introverted.
If there was a cure, then it really comes down to whether the individual wants the cure or not, and whether the cure is actually going to help or hinder the individual in many ways, especially when society is involved and how they perceive disabled people.
Bear in mind that those with disabilities may not necessarily want to be pitied or have their condition being perceived in a sympathetic light, as it would end up making them feel as if society deems their disability as nothing but a hindrance and is what defines them as a whole, which is not necessarily true. I'd like to think that they would rather be treat as equals, and be respected just as how you yourself would want to be respected.
Considering that I was born with hearing impairment, I wouldn't want my disability to be perceived as some sort of horrible curse that constantly fights against everything that I do on a daily basis, and I certainly wouldn't want to sudden wake up in the morning with my disability having suddenly be cured either. My disability is a part of me and I wouldn't want it any other way, so there's nothing for me or for anyone to feel sorry about.
Granted I don't speak out for anyone who have disabilities, and I am aware that there are many others that are far worse off than I am, but those with disabilities are generally strong people, far stronger than society gives them credit for. It all comes down to the needs of the individual, how they want to be treat, and whether they would want to accept and live with their condition or choose the cure.
A cure for autism or Asperger Syndrome, to me, is basically a quick-fix to resolving the 'problem', while disregarding how society really should try to learn to understand what autism and Asperger Syndrome are, and learn to treat them as people, not as broken and dysfunctional individuals that needs constant care and protection.
So if you were able to get your hearing improved you wouldnt want that?
That's right, I wouldn't.
I'd understand if others like me would want the treatment to improve their hearing, and I wouldn't think of them any less for it.
But my own choice would be to refuse the treatment..
autism isnt a disease its a condition with various levels from mild to severe i have mild aspergers syndrome and believe me its not fun to live with i was picked on at school peoe thkught i was wierd and employers dont understand what autism truly is they think its a severe case even if itell them its a mild case of aspergers it was hard to get a girlfriend with autism/aspergers because of course peolle think were wierd i like anime japanese music and the country in general which people think is wierd but we can live a normal life it can be hard but it can be done im now in a job (that i hate) but am getting payed and now have a girlfriend. i just feel sorry for the very severe cases of autism
im aspergic and i get what you mean here i am a qualified computer tech with a girlfriend already thinking about the future i had to come to peace with who i am i cant change that i am very good with things like anime and gaming soeverything youre saying is correct
As some one who is mildly autistic, the main thing you can do in my case specifically is just do your best to fight it off. We're still similar to nearly everyone for the most part, we're just neurologically wired differently from the typical person if that makes sense. For me, it's super hard to talk to people I don't know well or people that aren't very similar to me for longer than a few minutes, and normal tasks may take me just a bit longer. But other than that, I'm just like someone that doesn't have it.
As for a cure, I would absolutely fucking LOVE one right now. One little pill and I'm socially on par with everyone else? Sign me the fuck up.
What caused you to react like that?
I doubt there will be a cure any time soon, but with the advancement in medical science I think it's silly to suggest we will never find a cure to ____(enter disease name here)____. As for capitalism stopping us from finding a cure to anything? No. It may delay such things as people try to keep their bottom line up, but you can never stop scientific discovery. It's just not possible to stop people from progressing, no matter how hard one might try.
Okay, as to people who said I was overreacting, I'll say this.
There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. Autism.
In fact, I've heard some people with autism that are smarter than people without it.
What this guy basically said was "autism is a curse, it needs to end."
I'll say this: he's wrong.
Unless Pewdiepie/Markiplier is still breathing , no
I feel like your thinking all individuals with autism are like you and have simaler symptoms. Thats really not the case, mild autism or Aspergers can provide some advantages to a person (while they do still suffer some setbacks), however most still require some counseling or social training to allow them to interact with others more easily . However people with severe autism can barely function, need very intense and specific care and struggle with it just as much as many physical disabilities. The condition is a spectrum, people get different degrees of the condition with different effects. People shouldn't be treated lesser because they have autism however its also ridiculous to claim its a gift when in many cases it effectively cripples the person.
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If so not for a very long time. We as the human race are so technologically undeveloped that we are uncertain of what even causes autism much less if it can be cured. It's been said vaccines trigger something but it's debatable. My younger brother is affected with high functioning autism which in a nutshell means he's capable in areas that many people who suffer from basic autism are not. Even though his autism has seemed to mild out as he's grown he still faces social challenges. As a young boy he'd have melt downs known as sensory overload. He'd scream and cry at random. My mother was embarrassed but later came to realize it was nor her fault or his. She realized he was in pain and took him from whatever situation that may have been causing h stress. With some medication and some help he's done far better. He's happy and accepted among people that's what I want most for him and those who suffer the same
I sure hope so, i mean, You can live with autism but it's always better to not have a disease (In my opinion).
I totally understand that, and I hope it is evident both to you and everyone else that I am not in any trying to look down on people with the disorder.
But having an autistic cousin, I am aware of the struggles that many autistic people go through. And so out of sympathy for the struggles that they go through, is why I created this.
And I even stated in a previous comment that many of the Greatest Minds that the world has ever known were believed to have been autistic.
My creating this thread, was not to cause fights or arguments among people. Rather it was to simply ask a question if they think there will ever be a cure for the disorder.
Don't worry - that's just something that we post in various threads to ask that people on both sides have a civil debate. This was not posted against any one person/group with the insinuation there was no civil discussion being bad at the time.
Not to be a stickler here but someone HAS autism. They are NOT autism. So referring to someone as autistic isn't really appropriate or correct.
It's not a disease lol. They aren't 'autism' but they are 'autistic'.
Apparently it's Pokemon GO.
Thats so sweet ♡♡♡
I need to get a new phone so I can play it, I just realised im rocking a jellybean its so fucking old.
It honestly, and this is true, never crossed my mind that you were being anything but curious enough to learn about something you weren't 100% positive about. Not once did I take it as, or think you were causing, any form of purposeful offence.
And thank you for your kind words about my lad, I appreciate that
I have 2 cousins who have Autism, they live happy lives and never have issues adjusting despite it. I guess it comes down to how severe it is and if the person wants treatment or is just content living with it.
This is so beautifuk and great ahhh I could cry
Can there be a cure for the disorder? Possibly. I hope there will be. I have friends affected by it, and it's painful.
Will there be a cure? I'm not sure. We live in a world where our research firms put more money in advertisement than actual research. Plus, all the money, as previously mentioned, is in treatment. This is capitalism, and if they're still making money off treating something you can bet your ass they'll be kicking that horse long after it's dead.
But I seriously hope they come up with something.
This made my day.
Who knows if it can be cured.
What Ai know for sure is that there will be progress. We know a lot more about Autism than when I was a kid and we're learning more all the time. Even if it can't be cured, behavioral and occupational therapy will improve and kids will be diagnosed earlier, giving them a better chance of living fulfilling lives.
I don't wanna sound like a big pharma shill, but fears that the drug companies are withholding a cure are probably unwarranted. A good bit of government R&D is being poured into it and the first company that makes any breakthrough will likely have exclusive property rights over it (this is horrible in its own way, but a good motivator to develop treatments).
Considering probably a lot of very successful people have had autism, do we want to "cure" it?
In fact, is it something to be cured in the first place?
It's like if healthy violet colored cat borns, do we see it as "illness" to be "cured"?
For some people there are some advantages but they still have many setbacks particularly socially which need some support or treatment. However thats at the better end of the spectrum, Some people who are low functioning with the condition cant eat or do basic things without assistance and barley interact with others.
I think cure is the wrong word however treatment for the condition is needed for at least the negative symptoms.
I'm well aware. I used to go to school that had a special class for such people.
In a case you're wondering, the school wasn't aimed to "normal" people.