What are your thoughts on Straight Pride Day?



  • I think the Greeting Card industry has gone too far this time.

  • edited July 2016

    You must be referring to something is going on in Russia. One thing I do know, that recently Russia had made straight pride flag.

    You know personally the way I look at it, is that it is cool for gay people too be proud of their sexuality, the same thing must be true for straight people. And if gay people can have parades to celebrate their sexuality, then straight people can too.

  • I dislike it. Straight people are celebrated in the media and in society every single day, there is no need for it IMO. It was invented by homophobes.

  • edited September 2020


  • Straight people are celebrated in the media and in society every single day, there is no need for it IMO.

    How so exactly?

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    I dislike it. Straight people are celebrated in the media and in society every single day, there is no need for it IMO. It was invented by homophobes.

  • I care little for gay or straight pride parades. I think the idea of being proud or ashamed of your sexuality to be ludicrous. That being said, if gay or straight people want to organize pride parades, then more power to them. I personally think that we should be more proud of our achievements as individuals rather than the achievements of one specific group of people.

  • Some context would be nice.

  • The gay people hating on heterosexual pride day are hypocrites. If you can have a pride day then the other sexuality can as well. It's pointless of course, but so is gay pride day.

    It is definitely very amusing to watch people get their panties in a twist over it.

  • Honestly, we should stop focusing on race or gender or sexual orientation, and just be proud of our achievements as people. Whether we're black or white, male or female, gay or straight, we've all got our own good and bad traits. Being born straight, black, gay, white, male or female doesn't change that.

    The gay people hating on heterosexual pride day are hypocrites. If you can have a pride day then the other sexuality can as well. It's point

  • I may sound rude, but why does it exist? Honestly, Straight Pride Day is just as pointless as Gay Pride Day. I mean, is it really necessary to dedicate a day for being gay/straight? But to each to their own, I guess.

    With that being said, I couldn't care less about Straight Pride Day and Gay Pride Day.

  • Straight pride day is stupid as hell. Is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday not enough for y'all? damn.

  • gay pride day is a day where you can freely express yourself without feeling judged for who you are, so it's not really useless.

    The gay people hating on heterosexual pride day are hypocrites. If you can have a pride day then the other sexuality can as well. It's point

  • is this even a question? Straight people are not shunned for their sexuality and we live in a society where straight is seen as the "default" sexuality by many.

    Straight people are celebrated in the media and in society every single day, there is no need for it IMO. How so exactly?

  • Not being shunned doesn't mean you're celebrated. We don't think about a TV character's sexuality if they're straight because it's usually not the focus. It's the same with the real world.

    And to address your point, isn't the large majority of the human population straight (I could be wrong on that one)? And not to mention that to naturally reproduce requires a man and a woman. Heterosexuality is how the human race continues, because you'd need a man and a woman to produce a child without modern scientific and medical breakthroughs.

    TWD_stan posted: »

    is this even a question? Straight people are not shunned for their sexuality and we live in a society where straight is seen as the "default" sexuality by many.

  • Heterosexuality is how the human race continues, because you'd need a man and a woman to produce a child without modern scientific and medical breakthroughs.


    Not being shunned doesn't mean you're celebrated. We don't think about a TV character's sexuality if they're straight because it's usually n

  • Gay, Straight whatever pride day is stupid as hell. People should stop expressing their sexual affiliation on the streets and do it where it belong, in bedroom. Period

  • I can say the same about Gay pride day useless and stupid.

    TWD_stan posted: »

    Straight pride day is stupid as hell. Is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday not enough for y'all? damn.

  • edited July 2016

    Ugh, all these comments agreeing with this made lose faith in humanity.

  • I'm not even remotely afraid of that guy, actually he looks hilarious!

  • Its not a guy its a demi queer trans fluid pansexual, people like you make me sick with your little boxes you put people in your truscum

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I'm not even remotely afraid of that guy, actually he looks hilarious!

  • Damn psychiatric clinic must be such a good business now! Never ending supply of clients...

  • enter image description here

    who knows feel like taking a risk today?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited July 2016

    No shit, I wonder if they cure a guy/girl that thinks that he/she is a bird by asking them to jump out of the window and fly...from 10th floor

  • Every time I see this I crak up XD

  • edited July 2016

    Me when i saw this thread:

    enter image description here

    Me now:

    enter image description here

  • So would an otherkin pride parade.

    Make it happen world!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Some context would be nice.

  • And how does that work? Do you somehow lose the feeling of being judged specifically on that day? You're still getting judged as much as any other day, there's no difference.

    TWD_stan posted: »

    gay pride day is a day where you can freely express yourself without feeling judged for who you are, so it's not really useless.

  • definitely didn't expect this comment

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    Me when i saw this thread: Me now:

  • edited July 2016

    Dear Future Generations,

    I think I speak for the rest of us when I say,

    sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet
    Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something.

    Sorry we listened to people who made excuses,

    to do nothing.

    I hope you forgive us,

    we just didn't realize how special the earth was,

    like a marriage going wrong,

    we didn't know what we had until it was gone.

    For example,

    I'm guessing you probably know what is the Amazon Desert, right?

    Well believe it or not,

    it was once called once called the Amazon Rain Forest,

    and there were billions of trees there,

    and all of them gorgeous and just um..

    Oh, you don't know much about trees, do you?

    Well let me tell you that trees are amazing,

    and I mean, we literally breath the air

    they are creating, and they clean up our pollution,

    our carbon, store and purify water,

    give us medicine that cures ours diseases, food that feeds us.

    Which is why I am so sorry, to tell you that,

    we burned them down.

    Cut them down with brutal machines, horrific,

    at a rate of 40 football fields every minute,

    that's 50% of all the trees in the world all gone

    in the last 100 years.

    Why? For this.

    And that wouldn't make me so sad,

    if there weren't so many pictures of leaves on it.

    You know when I was a child,

    I read how the Native Americans had such consideration,

    for the planet that they felt responsible,

    for how they left the land for the next 7 generations.

    Which brings me great sorrow, because most of us today,

    don't even care about tomorrow.

    So I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we put profit over people,

    greed over need, the rule of gold above the golden rule.

    I'm sorry we used nature as a credit card with no spending limit.

    Over drafting animals to extinction,

    stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness,

    or become friends with them.

    Sorry we poison the ocean so much that you can't even swim in them.

    But most of all, i'm sorry about our mindset,

    cause we had the nerve to call this destruction,


    I'm sorry we doomed you

    and I'm sorry we didn't find another planet in time to move to.

    I am s...

    You know what, cut the beat, I'm not sorry.

    This future I do not accept it,

    because an error does not become a mistake,

    until you refuse to correct it.

    We can redirect this, how?

    Let me suggest that if a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy,

    they don't look at the branches to diagnosis it,

    they look at the root, so like that farmer,

    we must look at the root,

    and not to the branches of the government,

    not to the politicians run by corporations.

    We are the root, we are the foundation, this generation,

    it is up to us to take care of this planet.

    It is our only home, we must globally warm our hearts

    and change the climate of our souls

    and realize that we are not apart from nature,

    we are a part of nature.

    And to betray nature is to betray us,

    to save nature, is to save us.

    Because whatever you're fighting for:

    Racism, Poverty, Feminism, Gay Rights,

    or any type of Equality.

    It won't matter in the least,

    because if we don't all work together to save the environment,

    we will be equally extinct.

  • edited July 2016

    Why are there prides anyway? To tell people about yourself? I suppose because I don't really feel the need to tell anybody about my private life that it baffles me.

    Oh i'm straight btw, i'm gay btw, i'm ....... btw. Just give everyone a pride while you're at it.

    When's Vegan pride?

    (Is that offensive ? - think I've been putting strange comments in threads recently)

  • Tl;dr: Cliche the world is doomed and it's all your fault copy pasta.

    Mich19 posted: »

    Dear Future Generations, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say, sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet . Sorry that w

  • But you get to dress up and get pissed in the steet while blaring music, there are street performers and cheap club nights gay pride is a fun day out, even though once a butch clocked I wasnt gay and had a problem with that but a lovely guy put her in her place overall 9/10

    And how does that work? Do you somehow lose the feeling of being judged specifically on that day? You're still getting judged as much as any other day, there's no difference.

  • edited July 2016

    Oh, sure homosexual people are shunned all the time. That's why it's so strange that whenever I go on Facebook I almost always happen to see some fool droning on about some homosexual couple marrying and saying they're so happy and proud of them, how brave they are, etc. And it just so happens that they always get hundreds upon thousands of likes and shares. Oh man! The homophobia! Also, when the US made same sex marriage legal for all states, I do recall everybody and their fucking mother on Facebook had a rainbow profile picture and on twitter, I do recall sooo many people tweeting #LoveIsLove. The homophobia is unreal!

    TWD_stan posted: »

    is this even a question? Straight people are not shunned for their sexuality and we live in a society where straight is seen as the "default" sexuality by many.

  • 'Default' does not equal 'only right one'. Heterosexuality is 'default' because most people are straight, that's just how it is. That doesn't make people who view heterosexuality as the norm, which it is, homophobic.

    Also, I wish people would stop forcing themselves in victim roles. If you really are shunned, actively, then do something about it other than whine on the internet. If you aren't and just assume that everyone hates you because you're gay or black or a woman, then you are simply wrong.

    TWD_stan posted: »

    is this even a question? Straight people are not shunned for their sexuality and we live in a society where straight is seen as the "default" sexuality by many.

  • The solidarity of others in the same situation probably goes a long way in helping people not feel so alone.

    And how does that work? Do you somehow lose the feeling of being judged specifically on that day? You're still getting judged as much as any other day, there's no difference.

  • I don't have an opinion because I don't care. Any "Pride" day can exist. It's not my business what other people do and don't celebrate.

  • edited July 2016

    Pride in the context of the LGBTQ parades is not about 'yay we're good because we're gay', it's about 'we shouldn't be ashamed to be gay'.

    And whether you like it or not, lgbtq people have historically and currently been told to hide away, and to be ashamed of their sexuality. It's less bad than it has been, but there are still massive problems with it.

    If there start being straight conversion camps, maybe then you can start talking about needing a 'straight pride' parade.

  • edited July 2016

    What about people who are both environmental and civil activists?

    How much do you personally do to save the environment? Because I'm willing to bet I do more. And I'm a pro-feminist, pro-gay rights activist too. I recently volunteered in a gay community in India with people who have been forced out of their families for their sexuality, and this summer I'm working in an environmental lobbying office.

    It's not an 'either/or' choice! :)

    Mich19 posted: »

    Dear Future Generations, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say, sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet . Sorry that w

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