Male or Female Jesse?

Who do you play as and which voice actor do you prefer? I played as female Jesse and I don't know why but I find her acting at emotional scenes way better than the male Jesse


  • Male Jesse. Female Jesse has such a bad voice acting IMO.

  • Well when the game first came out I chose Male Jesse because I heard his voice in the trailers and knew who the voice actor was. But now that I heard both, Im glad I chose male Jesse, something about Female Jesse always feels off to me.

  • I hated female Jesse's voice acting at first, but I've compared her acting to male Jesse and I'm coming to like her more and more. I like female Jesse now because I think her voice actor puts a lot more variety in the lines she has to say

  • That's probably why I prefer Fem!Jesse playthroughs, too.

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    I hated female Jesse's voice acting at first, but I've compared her acting to male Jesse and I'm coming to like her more and more. I like female Jesse now because I think her voice actor puts a lot more variety in the lines she has to say

  • edited August 2016

    Male Jesse anyways.
    I don't like a lot Female Jesse, for me she doesn't fit Jesse character and personality (no, i not sexist ._. ) .i usually choose the Female protagonist on Games because i'm a girly videogame player girl (?) ,but in MCSM i don't like a lot the Female Protagonist :v .but her design is kinda cute ,without her lipstick :v .Taber has a amazing voice and a big future (?) ,but she needs more practice she is a newcomer .Who knows Maybe she can win a GOTY for the best actress one day .but right now i stay with the male one

  • Female Jesse. I think she shows better emotions.

  • I prefer Patton's performance, but Taber does a good job. It's nice either way to listen to how different they read their lines.

  • I like male Jesse. The voice actor is pretty good in comparison to female Jesse.

  • I prefer Oswalt's voice acting; it may not have as much depth as Taber in terms of emotional reactions, but the way he hams up and delivers his lines is a lot funnier to me, and his direction feels more spot on for what the scene calls for. Some of the deliveries on Taber seem questionable and I'm not a fan of her voice, but that may be my bias for male voices kicking in. I still play through a save with female Jesse, and I find myself hearing a delivery I much prefer from Taber for some lines or scenes, but nine times out of ten I prefer Oswalt.

  • I play as both of them (Slot 1, i play as male Jesse, when in Slot 2, i play as female Jesse)

    Male Jesse have WORST subtitle in Episode 5 when the first time it released, but not if you play as female Jesse. But if you guys talking about Voice Acting Skills, i prefer Patton Oswalt (Male Jesse) voice acting, because he delivers a lot funnier to everyone who play the series, and in some scenes, he show his emotions better than female Jesse

  • Male Jesse

  • Female Jesse. I've played as both but, ultimately, I prefer her performance.

  • I just love Patton Oswalt

  • I don't really have a preference. They both do great.

  • Female Jesse because at times the voice of male Jesse is extremely annoying. Sound glitches with Jesse happen with male Jesse, but not female Jesse.

  • I am a male but with some dumb way i fined my self playing as a female its took me two twooooo episodes to fined out i was playing as a female i was thinking i was playing as a kid
    I heard the male voice and i am fucking sure the female voice is way more better cuz its put more emotions in in the voicing i like the male one i watch a game play for him but the truth its a truth female jesse better then the male

  • I'd say Patton did very well voicing Jesse. The male Jesse sounded more genuine than female Jesse (sorry, fem!Jesse lovers. Taber sucks! Nah, I'm joking. I quite like Taber. ) From a very neutral point of view, both actors did very well about certain scenes, making the character either emotional or dead serious. But yeah, I prefer male Jesse.

  • It's obvious that male Jesse has had more experience, but for me personally, female Jesse seems more natural.

  • I like Male Jesse's voice better, but im fine with both.

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