Girls Approaching Guys and Vice Versa

edited July 2016 in General Chat

It seems that in today's society there are many people that think that guys need to be the ones responsible for taking the initiative when dealing with someone that they are interested in. Guys are supposed to do the chasing. I actually just had a conversation with a guy who said it was "emasculating" for girls to do the approaching instead. In my opinion, this is straight up ridiculous. How is it emasculating to attract the attention of the opposite sex? Clearly this makes no sense at all. Why does gender even matter in determining who should take the initiative and who should not? If feelings are mutual, that initiative should be shared. It shouldn't just be up to the guy to win her over. If a girl is interested in a guy and notices that he is struggling to take initiative.. then are they really just going to let things dissolve simply because they will endlessly wait for the guy to make a move instead of just helping the process along themselves? Where is the sense in that? If there is chemistry then both sides should work to take action on that if they wish for anything to happen. It shouldn't matter whether it's the girl or the guy who makes the first move.

What are your thoughts on this topic?


  • I think that it doesn't matter who approaches who. If you wanna ask out someone, just go up to them and ask them. Standing around and expecting them to ask you when it might not happen is just asking for disappointment.

  • edited July 2016

    It really should not matter who makes the first move. The factors that count are the feelings the 2 parties have for one another, and having the courage to approach them no matter who takes the first initiative.

  • It shouldn't matter who makes the first move, if a one person likes another person, they could take initiative, if both like one another, they could both take initiative, or even a third person could aid both in taking initiative if they are too shy to do so etc.

  • Personally I'm WAY to shy to ever do this,but I think if you're a girl and you wanna take initiative go ahead there's nothing wrong with that.

  • My gal pal asked me out first. I don't feel like less of a male because of it. If you don't ask, you risk letting them get away. She just saw something special in me first.

  • Whatever, I like when girls hit on me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Literally have no confidence so either way around is a problem for me.

    But any way around is fine

  • I guess it doesn't matter who makes the first move, I'd actually appreciate if a girl takes the initiative! Mainly cause of my low self esteem... (¬_¬)

    I know I regret not taking action.

    Though I assume some of them face the same fear of rejection but I think of it as this, why would you want to be miserable with someone who doesn't share the same feelings for you? Go ahead! Take a chance you might be surprised.

  • It seems that in today's society

    I dont know what day or society you live in but its not the same as mine

  • If you're a girl in today's society, and you want to ask a guy out, go ahead, there's nothing stopping you. I know several relationships that started with the girl asking, and they're still together years later. I also know of several instances when a girl was interested in me and I had no idea (only finding out years later), and it would have made a world of difference if she had just said something.

    However, there's a reason why this isn't more prevalent. For the most part, girls want to be the one asked. They want to feel like they're special enough that a guy noticed them and was willing to work up the nerve to ask them out. There's also a problem that it's harder for guys to say No when there's free sex on the line. If a guy knows this relationship will never go anywhere, he might not have bothered to ask, but if she's offering, hey, why not? There will be hurt feelings later, but we won't think about that for now.

  • Well from a biological and behavioral evolutionary perspective it makes sense. Men are naturally less passive than women, so it would follow that women would be less apt to "make a move" than men. Men are naturally more responsible for seeking out potential mates (women are the reproductively selective group), so it would follow that men would be responsible for locating and impressing these potential mates.

    That being said, I think it's cool when a woman is confident enough and interested enough to make the first move. Definitely helps out the shy, nice guy. Personally I've only made the first move a handful of times, most of the time it has been interested women.

  • There is definitely nothing wrong with the girl making a first move. In my case, I usually just wait for the guy to make the first move, but that's only cause I'm shy lol.

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