an intermission from your (ir)regularly scheduled T22 posts. (Skit. Sort of. Warning: LONG)

In a basement in a house you never thought to look in...

Person no.1: all you do is Minecraft posts! bring your garbage over to the walking dead! or the wolf among us!

T22: But I don't HAVE those games! And I can't because they're M! I'm not that old yet.

PN1: Wait, so you're just a kid.

T22: Well, Yeah. (how did you never notice?)

PN1: Oh. that makes too much sense. I'm out of here.

T22: What-?

Everyone else: Yeah, let's get out of here. leaves

Person no.2: Come on T22!

T22: What do you want?

PN2: Just apologize! For making that terrible thread.!

T22: What thread?

PN2: The episode 6 hopes thread! and when your done take it down!

T22: ....No... The comments are what I need when I tell a bad joke that I think is funny, but isn't you know?! And it's a really infamous thread! I could get a reward!

PN2: .........

T22: =)

PN2: Look just, apologize, everyone who read it deserves it.

T22: No! it'll be Late! Too late! And that makes it empty. Why would I give a late and empty apology? That's almost as bad as not apologizing at all!

PN2: Well fine! At least apologize for this thread!

T22: Did any one make it this far-?

PN2: Just SHUT UP, and apologize for crying out loud!!

T22: Okay fine! I'm sorry! Now let me go back to what I was doing!

Mother: Jonethen! What have I told you about screaming?? You're not a baby!

T22 (terrible fourth wall breaking much?): ...Oh shoot! Stop everything!

Technical: What is it!?

T22: This thread is too long!! We have to cut at least half of it.

TECH: No I have a better Idea. Go back to making theory, hopes, and joke threads! And stop this stupid skit from ever happening!

T22: Okay ! I'll- whoops!!

Discussion has been posted. Have a nice day.

Thread has been awarded most pointless and cynical thread award.

T22: Well that-


T22: Hm?

Stop! This is too long!!

T22: Too...long?

Yes! Look, T22, I'm glad you want to try a new direction. A funnier direction. The problem is.. you're not funny, you can't write properly either!

T22: What... are you saying?

T22, You had your run. You were readable for a little while, but I think somewhere... you went off the deep end. So pack up, your account needs to become inactive, and go try... something else. A skit website, maybe. Oh, oh, oh!! How about the asylum?

T22: Asylum...wha-?

Yup goodbye.

The end! the real actual legitimate end!


This discussion has been closed.