Subtitles are WAY Incorrect in Episode 5

I'm nearly finished with Episode 5 (started slow but really became a cool story near the end). I generally play with subtitles on so I can catch all the dialogue. One thing I noticed in Episode 5 compared to the other four is that the dialogue is way off. Sometimes the subtitles show things that aren't being said at all. Or it's the same general idea but worded differently. And other times, things are said and never show up in the subtitles. Is this on purpose or just real bad QA on the part of TellTale Games?


  • edited July 2016

    Telltale dun goofed.

  • It's more than a goof. I mean, it's real bad. I'm willing to offer my services by typesetting all the subtitles for them if needed. I can do 70wpm. lol

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Telltale dun goofed.

  • I believe this was fixed in a recent patch, but I may be incorrect on that.

  • There's a few typos in the response options as well.

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