How Game Of Thrones will end (theory)

Game of thrones will end by making peace between Jon snow and the white walkers. Danny and Jon will be the final two players in the game of thrones, but neither of them will get the crown. Danny with her violent plans and targaryen nature will never take the crown GRRM will not allow it. Jon fight when only necessary and never wants more power but he's continuously pushed into these positions. At the of the story after a peace with the walkers happen Jon will be offered the iron throne he's right by birth but he will refuse it Jon never wanted power. Here it will be offered and not forced but he will decline it.

That's what I think will happen. What do you guys think will happen
Thank you for reading :)


  • How exactly would Jon make peace with the White Walkers? That's like trying to make peace with a zombie horde. As far as we can tell, they're just there with no other purpose than to destroy humanity, given that's what the Children of the Forest created them for. Not to mention, they have no reason to surrender or desire a truce. They don't even speak English, so it's going to be pretty difficult to deliver terms, if they even had any. There was a theory that Jon would become leader of the White Walkers for some reason, but that seems fairly unlikely now. Best bet is Jon manages to kill the remaining White Walkers and the Night's King, and thus all wights will die with them without the magic keeping them animated.

  • edited July 2016

    As for Dany and Jon, you're probably right, although I've no idea how anyone would prove that Jon was the rightful heir anyway.

  • Grrrm the creator of the story doesn't like wars over over war is creating more conflict and death. The white walkers aren't zombies.There are different they have their own language. They can be reasoned with if you remember in season 3 The willing called craster gave his male babies to the whites in exchange to keep him alive . This shows that the whites can be reasoned with.

    How exactly would Jon make peace with the White Walkers? That's like trying to make peace with a zombie horde. As far as we can tell, they'r

  • Here is a video to support my case:

    How exactly would Jon make peace with the White Walkers? That's like trying to make peace with a zombie horde. As far as we can tell, they'r

  • The Iron Throne represents both what is best in people (hope, the chance to make the world a better place) and what is worse in people (selfishness, envy, pride, arrogance, the chance to take vengeance, to take control). I think we are going to have an open ending or at least one that show us how the cycle of hate and love, hope and destruction made by people never truly ends.

  • This is kind of copying everything Treesicle said about the ending to Game of Thrones:

  • What do you guys think will happen

    GRRM will troll the readers and kill everyone

  • i think feudalism will stop in westeros, there will be no iron throne, it will only be in some sort of wonder of the world type shit. a new religion might emerge, maybe jon is really the Jesus Christ of GoT (kappa), maybe new houses will be formed ? the wall will obviously come down so something is really gonna change, maybe the weather? maybe the magic on the wall and the magic of the WW will be finished and create normal seasons. oh magic will cease to exit, maybe to an extent.. we have seen a sort of democracy in westeros, Jon being chosen as king in the north, maybe it will trickle in the the rest of the land?? and maybe if dany doesnt die she might, for whatever reason, go back to Valyria. i still think that greyscale is gonna play a role but i honestly dont know how..

    thats all i got.

  • I agree with

    jamex1223 posted: »

    i think feudalism will stop in westeros, there will be no iron throne, it will only be in some sort of wonder of the world type shit. a new

  • edited July 2016

    I know the White Walkers aren't zombies, but the wights (the bulk of their forces) essentially are. I also know they have their own language and their voices sound like crackling ice (i.e. Not human/English, so I don't know how they're going to parlay with anyone). The fact that Craster gave them his sons doesn't mean they can be reasoned with, it just means they needed a source of babies to turn into White Walkers more than the needed him dead. They have logic, yes, but that doesn't mean they'd be interested in negotiating towards a peace. Why would they anyway, when they're clearly the stronger force?

    It all comes down to motivation. If they wanted to be respected by mankind, then they could reach a truce with Jon.
    If they wanted an area of land that belonged to them, then they could reach a truce with Jon.
    But as far as we've seen, their only motivation, the only thing they want, is 1) to destroy mankind and 2) to create more White Walkers and wights in order to destroy mankind quicker. That's it. Like, they were specifically created for that purpose.

    In order for them to come to an acceptable 'peace', the show would need to humanise them somehow for the audience. And in order to negotiate and bargain with someone you need to have something they want. The Wildlings wanted to be safe behind the Wall, so Jon could work with that and made peace with them, in exchange for their help. What's Jon going to offer the White Walkers to ensure a peace, that they couldn't just take?
    At the moment, I'm more inclined to believed the White Walkers just win, kill everyone and take over Westeros, than make peace.
    The only way I can see something like that happening is maybe Jon working out a way to turn the Night's King back into a human, but that seems pretty far-fetched at this stage with only like 14 episodes left.

    Even if Jon managed to get his act together and collect all of the dragonglass and valyrian steel he could find, and be like, 'Just watch out because we know how to kill you', the White Walkers are hardly going to just retreat and leave everyone alone or try to meet with Jon to discuss their differences. They're going to keep killing everyone and/or die trying.

    There's a theory that the White Walkers are intended as an allegory for climate change. Just an unstoppable force that's slowly destroying the world regardless of who is in charge and uncaring to the intentions of mankind. They're basically just a natural disaster indirectly caused by mankind, not something that can be reasoned with.

    Grrrm the creator of the story doesn't like wars over over war is creating more conflict and death. The white walkers aren't zombies.There a

  • But if the conflict ended with war it will contradict the theme of the story
    We were told over and over by GRRM that war is bad and causes destruction
    Why will the white walkers kill all humans and there only way to increase Thier numbers are by turning humans into whites. There is allot of clues that the humans and the whites were at peace in the video below.

    I know the White Walkers aren't zombies, but the wights (the bulk of their forces) essentially are. I also know they have their own language

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