Recycled Lines?

edited July 2009 in Tales of Monkey Island
I noticed that when leaving the conversation with the VooDoo Lady, Guybrush says, "Don't get up, I'll see myself out," the same thing he said to the metabolically-challenged pirate in MI4 on Knuttin Atoll. Did they have him repeat the line for this game or did they reuse it? Also, did anyone else notice this in other instances?


  • edited July 2009
    Inside jokes are what make Monkey Island... well, Monkey Island.
    They don't do it so much that you're like "ugh, I'm so tired of hearing this," but they don't do it so little that you don't recognize the Monkey Island-ness of it all.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm sure all the lines in this game were recorded fresh.
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah... should be easier to simply record a line rather than writing the script in a way so you can reuse certain lines from older games :D

    Sounds like a lot of unnecessary work to me.
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