Episode 8 Waiting Thread -Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox One/360, Mobile, PS3/4 NA&EU



  • I'm putting all my hopes into tomorrow, if there is no news then I guess it's not the 6th.

  • I said that in my playthrough! Gotta love Jesse! He makes it sound so awe like yay! Haha.

    Thats what I said in one of the comments, the friendship and love of the new Order of the Stone that they can overcome challenging obstacles

  • Considering they have to do voice-overs and animate the entire thing from scratch, I think they do a great job time-wise. Besides, we've waited longer before.

    disappointed. I thought telltale was going to start monthly releases again. guess I overestimated them.

  • Yeah, "Ivor being an Old Builder", thats just absurd.

    That video is a fake. This person claimed that she's the daughter of voice actor who voiced Axel but he has a son. Also this was already di

  • Gotta be patient, news comes at 8:50 PM

    Linkyop posted: »

    I can't believe... NO INFORMATION TODAY?! NOOOOOOOO!

  • For sure??

    Gotta be patient, news comes at 8:50 PM

  • Yesterday someone said news was coming tomorrow or the next day.

    For sure??

  • Yes, it's totally fake. If it was legit, TellTale would have taken the video down.

    vickytonner posted: »

    I watched this video on episdode 8 plot on youtube i think it is toallay fake but im not sure can someone tell me if its 100% fake please Episode 8 plot?

  • I'm sure he bleeped out 'it's a great ending to the story'

  • Well, they are rating episode 8, so, it can't be much more time until the release.

  • ok

    Yesterday someone said news was coming tomorrow or the next day.

  • Are you sure it's 8:50 PM?


  • edited August 2016

    Who was that someone? It clearly wasn't Telltale, so its wise to not trust it.

    Yesterday someone said news was coming tomorrow or the next day.

  • Usually episode comes 2 weeks after raiting :)

    Well, they are rating episode 8, so, it can't be much more time until the release.

  • Cool story bro.

    I'm sure he bleeped out 'it's a great ending to the story' https://twitter.com/stirpicus/status/756141517857632257

  • For some reason, I want this episode to come out as late as possible. I mean, there's a chance of a season 2, but what if there isn't? Episode 8 could possibly be the end of story mode.

  • They got the episode when that bug to download ep8 occurred. The press copies should've been sent by now.

    Well, they are rating episode 8, so, it can't be much more time until the release.

  • We might get news today if where lucky

  • It could've been a kid, but the spelling was good, but still, also I scrolled down and saw a few comments were saying the same thing. Wait, didn't Ozzy say we would get news today or tomorrow? I forgot.

    Who was that someone? It clearly wasn't Telltale, so its wise to not trust it.

  • According to an answer to an ask on Eric stirpe's tumblr, there's likely to be a great fighter in episode 8. The toughest one Jesse has yet to face.
    I know pulling things from tumblr sounds stupid but, some of his answers are pretty interesting.
    So I guess that's something?

  • You should look at my thread "Is the leader of the Old Builders evil?" this person will possibly be far more worse than the foes he's/she's come across. Jesse VS. Leader of the Old Builders.

    CryingOnion posted: »

    According to an answer to an ask on Eric stirpe's tumblr, there's likely to be a great fighter in episode 8. The toughest one Jesse has yet

  • I'll check it out, but I'm not entirely sure it'll be the leader they'll be fighting. I'm guessing another outside force that wants the atlas.
    Like say, if it IS going to be hunger games themed or pvp, what if all the fighters want the atlas? What if the atlas is the prize to being the sole survivor ?
    But, yeah. I'll check it out since I'm mostly just pulling these theories out of my rear.

    You should look at my thread "Is the leader of the Old Builders evil?" this person will possibly be far more worse than the foes he's/she's come across. Jesse VS. Leader of the Old Builders.

  • It could be a hunger games, but, you'll never know. Also the trophy achievements could be metaphors or just poetic sometimes, we'll have to see. Skilled Old Builder who has the Atlas, gladiators who want the Atlas, or another beast that tries to kill Jesse. And also, if they were to add the hunger games, the characters already look the gladiator-type, except Ivor, unless he has his old Order of the Stone armor from the adventure pass image.

    CryingOnion posted: »

    I'll check it out, but I'm not entirely sure it'll be the leader they'll be fighting. I'm guessing another outside force that wants the atla

  • edited September 2016

    I'm not sure but that's what I heard from @PetraTheTrader

    EDIT: heard and that's and I'm
    They were incorrect plz don't call me a correction officer I don't want bullied me hehe

    Release posted: »

    Are you sure it's 8:50 PM?

  • edited August 2016


  • O_O

    SarniX posted: »


  • What? No.

    DenikRG posted: »

    You kidding?

  • There could be more games other than hunger games, but maybe it is a hunger games. Although maybe it wasn't organised and it's more like everyone starts fighting for the atlas and "Let the games begin" is just a reference to the hunger games.

    It could be a hunger games, but, you'll never know. Also the trophy achievements could be metaphors or just poetic sometimes, we'll have to

  • Jesus Christ, children on this forums can be so obnoxius...

  • I don't have to click on the link after seeing this face, thank goodness. If its inappropriate, I say "no way."

  • Excuse me?

    Jesus Christ, children on this forums can be so obnoxius...

  • Never gonna let you down.

  • Don't understand why they can't give us news now, we know that the episode is long finished.

  • Damn. You guys want news but at the same time you don't want them.

    Don't understand why they can't give us news now, we know that the episode is long finished.

  • I know, right.

    Jesus Christ, children on this forums can be so obnoxius...

  • Plus in my opinion, the finale of the series/season needs to be AWESOME! they are wrapping the season up. Of course it's going to take longer! Granted that they are making it really good because it's the final one!

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    Considering they have to do voice-overs and animate the entire thing from scratch, I think they do a great job time-wise. Besides, we've waited longer before.

  • :(

    I didn't know that

    Well, they are rating episode 8, so, it can't be much more time until the release.

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