Rank and rate all episodes that are out (MAJOR SPOILERS)

Here's my list from worst to best, as of now:

  1. Episode 3 - The Last Place You Look - It felt like a drag to me, nothing extremely eventful happened, it's just the chain connecting 2 and 4. 5.5/10

  2. Episode 2 - Assembly Required - It was interesting at the beginning to meet Ellegaard/Magnus. When they returned back, from there on it just got stale. 6/10

  3. Episode 1 - The Order of The Stone - The pilot, got us into what was going on. It wasn't the most exciting episode, but it's an adequate pilot. Not much to say, but it definitely was more interesting than 2 and 3. 7/10

  4. Episode 4 - A Block and a Hard Place - Out of the first four episodes, this was definitely the most exciting and strongest of the bunch, but still is behind 5-7 when it comes to quality and excitement. A little sluggish at the start, but it got more exciting, and the ending when they became the new order of the stone was a great ending. Reuben's death scene was very emotional. 7.5/10

  5. Episode 7 - Access Denied - A great adventure, and a cliffhanging ending. It was fun to learn about Harper as well, and the action was also exciting. A leap in quality from episodes 1-4. However, it felt like episode 3, just a chain between 5/6 to 8, unlike an adventure. 8.5/10

  6. Episode 5 - Order Up - It was sort of slow-paced and bland at the beginning, but as soon as we got to Sky City, it was an exciting adventure and a great start to the adventure pack. That ending kept me hanging for a while! It was also fun to be stuck between Isa and Milo's rivalry. At first, I hated Isa with a passion, but then I grew on her and left her in charge. Milo's Build Club was pretty snazzy as well though. 9/10

  7. Episode 6 - A Portal to Mystery - Nothing can beat the excitement of this, finding out who the white pumpkin is, and knowing that he could be lurking, ready to kill you any minute. I would have never guessed it was Cassie Rose as the white pumpkin! The entire time, it was exciting and mysterious, and I replayed it a few times to see what other outcomes could have happened! I will miss the feeling I got when I first played through this episode. 10/10

Overall series rating: 8/10, a fun series, may drag on occasionally, but it's full of fun adventures in the later episodes. They called it the adventure pack for a reason.

Whats yours?


  • edited July 2016
    1. Episode 4 - A Block And A Hard Place - 9/10
    2. Episode 3 - The Last Place You Look - 9/10
    3. Episode 6 - A Portal to Mystery - 8.5/10
    4. Episode 7 - Access Denied - 8.5/10
    5. Episode 1 - Order of The Stone - 8.2/10
    6. Episode 5 - Order Up - 8/10
    7. Episode 2 - Assembly Required - 6/10

    Overall that's a 8.2/10

    I took the liberty of calculating your overall score which is actually a 7.6/10

  • I guess that's close to 8, but 7.6 more accurate I guess.

    * Episode 4 - A Block And A Hard Place - 9/10 * Episode 3 - The Last Place You Look - 9/10 * Episode 6 - A Portal to Mystery - 8.5/10 *

    1. Episode 4
    2. Episode 6
    3. Episode 1
    4. Episode 7
    5. Episode 5
    6. Episode 3
    7. Episode 2
  • Episode 7 > Episode 6 > Episode 5 > Episode 4 > Episode 1 > Episode 3 >>>>>>>> Episode 2

    1. A Portal To Mystery
    2. Access Denied
    3. A Block and a Hard Place
    4. Order Up
    5. The Last Place You Look
    6. The Order of the Stone
    7. Assembly Required
  • Best to Worst:

    1.Episode 5 is clearly the best in my opinion, the storyline was captivating, a nice new start and felt well constructed.
    2. Episode 4 is the next best to me because it finally felt like the writing was much better and interesting than the three previous episodes
    3. Episode 7 was also great, interesting characters, the new storyline felt like it was going somewhere.
    4. Episode 6 was good but wasn't as good as the others. The youtuber appearances were pointless and the episode largely suffered due to their voice acting which (obviously) wasn't good as the talented actors and actresses we're used to. Some aspects of it also felt a little strange.
    5. Episode 3
    6. Episode 1 - a weak start to the game
    7. Episode 2 - this episode was the worst to me because it felt pointless, the writing was not up to standard and the episode felt very lacking. Guess that's what we get for getting this episode only around two weeks (I think it was at least, may have been three) after the first.

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