The Grateful Thread!

Not sure if a thread like this already exists, so I decided I would make one. In here I simply want to go over things that we as people, as individuals, are grateful for.

It seems like no matter where you turn, there is always something negative happening in the world today. Weather is another terrorist attack, or it's some idiot in Washington screwing things up for everybody.

So with that said, I want to personally make a thread where we can be positive, and we can share the things that we are lucky, and therefore grateful to have.

Well for myself personally, I'm thankful that I have a warm bed to sleep in, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food to put in my stomach. So many people don't have those things, even though they live in this country, which is been deemed the land of opportunity for decades.

Something else I'm thankful for, I am thankful that I have a family, even though they don't owe me anything, they are still willing to support me, and put up with my bullshit.

And finally, I'm thankful for the few friends, and the animals have in my life. I have never been a popular person, I've never been part of the In Crowd, but one thing I can say is that I do have a few friends that wouldn't trade for anything.

And I got four Great Pets, two dogs and two cats, who bring me a lot of joy. Even though at times they can act extremely clingy, or they just don't shut up.

And finally, I am personally very thankful to be living in a country that for the time being where we have all these rights and freedoms to enjoy. Do I think it will last forever, that we will continue to have those things, probably not. So in the meantime I'm enjoying these things for however long that is.

And now I know I've made other friends and comments where I was exhibiting a highly negative and quite frankly annoying attitude. And I just said you know what I'm going to change that, from now on I am not looking at the negative, I am instead going to be looking towards the future, towards the bright side of things.

So with everything said, in reality I am doing better than I deserve.


  • I used to keep a journal where I would write all of the things I'm grateful for each day. I should make a new one :)

    Anyway, I'm grateful for...

    • The ability to travel and see the world. You really notice how different life is when you have seen it through so many people's eyes.
    • My family and that they're healthy and happy.
    • My good health and strong genes.
    • My goals and ambition. They give me something to wake up every day for.
    • Clean water and nutritious meals (clean water is a big one. We always take it for granted even though it's so important.)
    • An education which provides a future for me.
    • My friends and boyfriend who always stick by me.
    • And though it may sound selfish - my origins. I'm glad I live in a country not filled with war and suffering.
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