The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • That was in Thicker Than Water's game files. It was found by @Megami_Kizukanai.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I've been wondering, where exactly did this list come from? Also, does anyone still have a copy of the one from Thicker Than Water?

  • Literally just managed to dig up the old thread. Here's the Twitter link cited there.

    Thanks for the info, though.

    That was in Thicker Than Water's game files. It was found by @Megami_Kizukanai.

  • Do you have the source?

    And yeah im not disputing that Michonne deserves to suffer, she has ruined many many people's lives both in the game and the comic.

    I believe that version of events was confirmed by Emily Buckshot here on the forums somewhere. Norma's line about the Mob Jack checks out. I

  • edited October 2017


    Who would win in a foot race: Sarah or Arvo?

    Though this might become dated, which Diamond would the Richmond Council Members be?

    enter image description here

    What kind of superpower(s) do you think each character would have in an alternate reality?

    (hWo's clnUe gum si hatt in teh harewouse ingurd Edopie3?)

    Any particular reason why Jane didn't carry a picture of her family with her?

    What do you think Jaime looked like?

  • When/where does this even take place?
    enter image description here

  • From megan, posted on my twitter, from there it spread.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I've been wondering, where exactly did this list come from? Also, does anyone still have a copy of the one from Thicker Than Water?

  • Thanks. Still trying to find the one for Thicker than Water.

    From megan, posted on my twitter, from there it spread.

  • Is the thread weird for anyone else?

  • This one? No. Why?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is the thread weird for anyone else?

  • Maybe it's just me, but the site has been in this weird format since noon where every post is a rectangle and I can even see my private messages again.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    This one? No. Why?

  • The website updated. Visit this thread:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Maybe it's just me, but the site has been in this weird format since noon where every post is a rectangle and I can even see my private messages again.

  • edited October 2017

    Well, it's evening here. The website updated. I am actually glad that I can see the PM and discussions.

    I didn't receive a notification from you though... Weird... :neutral:

  • Would anyone like to have a thread to compare and contrast characters again?

  • Anyone else having problems posting images?

  • Honestly I think most people are having problems with mostly everything right now.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Anyone else having problems posting images?

  • Yeah, good point. :lol:

    Honestly I think most people are having problems with mostly everything right now.

  • I found the solution!


    DabigRG posted: »

    Anyone else having problems posting images?

  • Yeah, before Part 1 was released. Which can mean anywhere from one of the many revisions and rewrites that all of the episodes underwent to the finalizing process a month or so before the download information was shipped.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Her relation to Joan was scrapped before Ties That Bind released, so probably not.

  • enter image description here

    Where exactly does "Dave" there come into the picture?

  • edited October 2017

    To the gamedelvers: Any left over info in the game files about characters like Roxanne and the Specialist besides their names?

  • Does Alvin's model have actual pockets in his or does his hands simply clip?

  • How do you prevent the stat where it says "in his time of need, you distanced yourself from David"?

  • Me don’t thinks that worked

    DabigRG posted: »

    I found the solution! ! [enter image description here] ()

  • The pic of Kate looks like the surgery scene. I could be wrong though. You should ask @Joe_Momma to be sure.

    DabigRG posted: »

    When/where does this even take place?

  • That was apparently bugged. I don't know if it was fixed in a patch yet, not that I'd know anyway.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    How do you prevent the stat where it says "in his time of need, you distanced yourself from David"?

  • I actually replayed episode 5 of anf today and it hasn’t been fixed

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was apparently bugged. I don't know if it was fixed in a patch yet, not that I'd know anyway.

  • Thanks for that DabigRG. The reason why I was asking is because I'm replaying A New Frontier and I'm trying to stay loyal and brotherly to David.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That was apparently bugged. I don't know if it was fixed in a patch yet, not that I'd know anyway.

  • So I'm on Episode 5 and I'm at the part where you either go with Kate to Richmond or go after Gabe and David. For some reason Clementine wants to follow Javi wherever he chooses to go but I thought I was supposed to have Clementine split up with Javier, and that's what I want. Here's what I did: I defended Clementine after she shot Eli, I didn't shoot Conrad, I let David inside the warehouse, and I refused to kill Lingard. Yet it says that "Clementine will follow you". Is it a bug? If not how do I get Clementine to separate from Javi?

  • edited October 2017

    It depends on what clementine does in flashbacks. To get clem to follow me I chose to accept Ava’s offer, I injected AJ and I said goodbye to AJ. It is those 3 choices in episode 2 and 3 that determines what she does at the end. If you want her to go with Kate 100% you need to decline Ava’s offer, Inject AJ and spit in David’s face, that’s how I got that outcome, and idk how she goes after Gabe and David on her own

  • edited October 2017

    offer a ration after the st johns show up?

    what? this wording makes no sense. And accept what? Lee's comment about him and Brenda getting along? I can't imagine what else.

  • That's a pretty good attempt, but where did Kenny go? Why would he leave Walter with the knife like that? He couldn't see how distraught he was? Then again, maybe he just didn't give a fuck if he did anything to Nick.

    I have the answer to how Walt discovered the knife as well. * First he is outside having a nice talk with Clem * Kenny comes out needi

  • I always expected them to explain what the hell happened with Luke and Kenny between episode 2 and 3, but nope.
    "I told him to take a hike"

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, that actually makes perfect sense. Too bad they didn't think to implement it into the next episode--or maybe they did and it was one o

  • Why is Jane's theme mostly violins?

    Okay, really scratching the bottom of the barrel here. :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Repeats: Why is Jane's theme mostly Violins? When exactly was Nick's Mom shot? Was it in the same Cabin or was this a different locati

  • edited October 2017

    Has anyone considered putting together a comprehensive scale chart of all the character models from each season set next to each other?
    That would be sweet, but I don't have the capability to do it. I think it's a good idea to be considered.

  • Ya see, it's this shit that's the reason I haven't touched From the Gallows myself.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    So I'm on Episode 5 and I'm at the part where you either go with Kate to Richmond or go after Gabe and David. For some reason Clementine wan

  • So, you only watched it?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ya see, it's this shit that's the reason I haven't touched From the Gallows myself.

  • You forgot to hit the reply button or list my name, but I assume you were referring to me.
    I meant if you give him a ration back at the hotel and then credit Lily in front of him and the St. John. I haven't done it myself yet for obvious reasons, but I do plan on doing so at some point.
    Not sure the second thing is about, though.

    Louche posted: »

    offer a ration after the st johns show up? what? this wording makes no sense. And accept what? Lee's comment about him and Brenda getting along? I can't imagine what else.

  • Basically they just into an argument and Kenny shooed Luke away. Not sure if it was about the invading walkers or Carver showing up, but in the end, they both saw Carver's crew approach the lodge from a distance and took different approaches.

    Louche posted: »

    I always expected them to explain what the hell happened with Luke and Kenny between episode 2 and 3, but nope. "I told him to take a hike" what?

  • Well it's a repeat, so that's kinda the point.

    Louche posted: »

    Why is Jane's theme mostly violins? Okay, really scratching the bottom of the barrel here.

  • Yeah, the day of release once enough parts were up to experience the shitpour at once. It involved Ava getting literally dropped off a bridge and the Splitup to Save Richmond ending, with one of the comments tipping me off that Gabe was determinant.

    I later watched the other endings once the appropriate video(s) were up.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    So, you only watched it?

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