What is the atlas?

is the atlas a map or some sort of technology?


  • it`s a map that has all the portal worlds i think and it is with the new character that we will meet in the finale episode

  • I think it's a map

  • I expect it to be pretty cool, Telltale hasn't dissapointed with the stuff they've incorporated into the game: enchanted flint and steel to other worlds, the Eversource laying spawn eggs, a device like a compass that instead tracks people, VR to control mobs under PAMA's control... Maybe the Atlas gives a projection of a map of the portal hallway or something. Whatever it is, I know it's gonna be awesome.

  • "New character" is probably Soren.

    mohmar2010 posted: »

    it`s a map that has all the portal worlds i think and it is with the new character that we will meet in the finale episode

  • Coughs loudly

    The Atlas can locate things correct? Well, what ELSE can locate things? THE AMULET. SOREN USED THE ATLAS IN THE AMULET. Am I the only one who had this idea?

  • geez calm down

    Coughs loudly The Atlas can locate things correct? Well, what ELSE can locate things? THE AMULET. SOREN USED THE ATLAS IN THE AMULET. Am I the only one who had this idea?

  • yes i must say the armour was a tough choose because it looked SO COOL

    • i choose The PURPLE SPIKY ARMOUR
    Cendre posted: »

    I expect it to be pretty cool, Telltale hasn't dissapointed with the stuff they've incorporated into the game: enchanted flint and steel to

  • hes not mad, just exited :)

    geez calm down

  • Yeah the armors in this game look pretty cool; I'd venture to say that the regular outfits look better than in Minecraft, even the choice in which Jesse to play as was difficult. My favorite was the Star Shield ;)

    yes i must say the armour was a tough choose because it looked SO COOL * i choose The PURPLE SPIKY ARMOUR

  • The atlas my friends, harper said that it acts like a everything that can help you to locate things on minecraft, i think that there are no more worlds, just places, isnt weird that in minecraft worlds are infinte, but in the game dont, isnt the game an adventure in the very minecraft world, in the game the farlands are the "limits", the "end", but, whats beyond the "limit", i think that Beyond are more "worlds", and the portlas take you to another place in the reality, and the hallway is in the nether, so...

    If the atlas is a :

    Map: it must be a map the shows what "world" is next to another. A even bigger map than the one in the order's temple.

    Compass:a compass shows a direction, where a place is, it must be something that you told what "world" do you want to go and show you which portal is.

    The order's amulet:i saw a post here that said that the amulet can show where the members are, so it make sense, because in all the "worlds" we visited, there was a book of soren, all of them about endermans, but the last dont, was about the heart so harper know soren, and if soren is the architect, builder of worlds, he built the heart, do he is an old builder?thinking about it, how Soren get the comand block, was the comand block property of the old builders, soren stole it?, or soren get it by being a member of the old builders, exist more comand blocks?is it yhe journeys end? Do exist a powerful creature, more than the wither storm?, but ivor at the end said "Adventure?", we will have an adventure, plus, what happened to the original order when we defeated the wither storm, wheres Soren?, he might be there with the atlas , but if is Soren, he is our friend, he is a chiken, but our friend, so he might give us the atlas friendly, but that wont happen because that will be too easy, so that give us the impession that Soren is actually evil, and he is evil, will he realease anther powerful creature?, and the amulet cant be bacause we have it, in the episode 5 in the new temple we can see many frames at the back, one of them with the amulet, soren has been in every "world", Why?, we will never know until ep 8 is out, so...

    Is Soren an Old Builder?
    Is Soren evil?
    Is the atlas a comand block?
    Why Soren traveled trough the "worlds"?
    Will the original order appear again?

    Is Soren who we think he is?

    All the anwers in Minecraft Story Mode Ep 8!

    Who is ready for an Adventure?

  • The atlas my friends, harper said that it acts like a everything that can help you to locate things on minecraft, i think that there are no more worlds, just places, isnt weird that in minecraft worlds are infinte, but in the game dont, isnt the game an adventure in the very minecraft world, in the game the farlands are the "limits", the "end", but, whats beyond the "limit", i think that Beyond are more "worlds", and the portlas take you to another place in the reality, and the hallway is in the nether, so...

    If the atlas is a :

    Map: it must be a map the shows what "world" is next to another. A even bigger map than the one in the order's temple.

    Compass:a compass shows a direction, where a place is, it must be something that you told what "world" do you want to go and show you which portal is.

    The order's amulet:i saw a post here that said that the amulet can show where the members are, so it make sense, because in all the "worlds" we visited, there was a book of soren, all of them about endermans, but the last dont, was about the heart so harper know soren, and if soren is the architect, builder of worlds, he built the heart, do he is an old builder?thinking about it, how Soren get the comand block, was the comand block property of the old builders, soren stole it?, or soren get it by being a member of the old builders, exist more comand blocks?is it yhe journeys end? Do exist a powerful creature, more than the wither storm?, but ivor at the end said "Adventure?", we will have an adventure, plus, what happened to the original order when we defeated the wither storm, wheres Soren?, he might be there with the atlas , but if is Soren, he is our friend, he is a chiken, but our friend, so he might give us the atlas friendly, but that wont happen because that will be too easy, so that give us the impession that Soren is actually evil, and he is evil, will he realease anther powerful creature?, and the amulet cant be bacause we have it, in the episode 5 in the new temple we can see many frames at the back, one of them with the amulet, soren has been in every "world", Why?, we will never know until ep 8 is out, so...

    Is Soren an Old Builder?
    Is Soren evil?
    Is the atlas a comand block?
    Why Soren traveled trough the "worlds"?
    Will the original order appear again?

    Is Soren who we think he is?

    All the anwers in Minecraft Story Mode Ep 8!

    Who is ready for an Adventure?

  • But he's not new ...

    "New character" is probably Soren.

  • I appreciate your username @ASaltLick

    ASaltLick posted: »

    But he's not new ...

  • <3

    kmatie posted: »

    I appreciate your username @ASaltLick

  • And? Nothing ever said the person we will meet will be new. I put "New character" in quotations because no one said it was a new character and I'm implying that it'll be Soren.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    But he's not new ...

  • edited August 2016


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