This is not Batman
This has elements of Batman, don't get me wrong. But this is not Batman. You have changed way to many things for me to like this game. Right off the bat (pun intended), Why the hell is Harvey Dent running for Mayor? Do you not realize that was never a plot point? He would never be able to do anything more as mayor that he would as a Defense Attorney. Then, who the hell did you make Oswald into? That IS NOT OSWALD COBBLEPOT! That was more of a Joker with a British Accent, which if you were trying to go for Penguin you even got that wrong. Its supposed to be a Cockney accent not whatever you gave us. What the hell was it that Catwoman was using against Batman? She never had any gadgets. You also made Bruce to whiny. I just can't stand the character outside of the Batsuit. Also Harvey's and Bruce's body types should be flipped. Bruce Wayne's body type should be the more bulky and Harvey's should be the smaller frame.
Now with saying all of that there are some things that I did like. Such as the Drones, that was an interesting take on the Detective aspect of the character. The story is just interesting enough to continue but it really pains me to continue because this isn't Batman.
I was really looking forward to this game from you. I knew that it would never be able to touch the Arkham series's greatness but I was at least hoping for a good Batman game which I don't feel was delivered.
All in all I give Episode 1 a 3 out of 10. The story is interesting, yet aggravating. Otherwise this is a complete DO NOT BUY.
This is Telltale's own take on the character of Batman, they are allowed to do with him what they please. Yes the characters are based off of the comic characters, but Telltale is allowed to do with them what they want to tell their story. This is not an adaptation of a certain comic, this is an original story they have made.
When making something related to Batman, or any superhero or comic for that matter, the makers are going to make changes, and that's fine. Even the best Batman related forms of media (the Burton movies, the Nolan trilogy, TAS, the Arkham games) didn't follow the comics 100%, they made changes as well.
Gasp! it's almost like they're doing their own version of Batman! How inconceivable!
So what's your point?
I mean, a lot of adaptions have done their own version based onto Batman's canon.
It would be silly to them be constrained to re-tell what the comics tell. Especially if the point is that you are allowed to affect how Bruce Wayne reacts to things.
So if there ends up being a point that allows you to prevent certain villain from actually happening, you probably will rage how they changed things and that's fine (the whole changing things part.)
Do you really wanna play the same universe and origin stories over and over again ? You need to expand your mind and accept the universe TTG has created or you will keep getting rehash stories and thats why BAA and BAC were so successful as they were original stories that were new and fresh but then in knight they tried to use the old stories tie ins and its boring , predictive and thats why knight fails as a finale ! Oh and playing as a tank over half the game and how do you un scary the scarecrow lol .
Its just like Gotham the tv series as normally I wouldnt watch something like that but its new and creative and they mostly stay true to the universe they created and thats I all I ask for if their gonna stray from true origin stories and thats why Gotham works .
Ah, I'm so glad that I don't have to get angry about these things, as I'm someone who doesn't read comics
I mean, come on, you even said yourself that the story is interesting, that (and the gameplay ofc) should be all that matters. Screaming "that's not canon!" just makes you look like a stereotypical angry comic book nerd who cares more about canon than the story being innovative and interesting.
I don't want just another canon batman story. We've had so many of those in the last 70+ years. It's telltale's universe. I suppose you hate the gotham tv show for being different too.
I too, would have preferred if Telltale just did the same story over and over again with no change or creativity.
Interesting take for sure. I'm gonna wait and see how it pans out until I make any final judgements. My intrigue outweighs any reservations I may have at this point. I wish they would have tapped Hush instead of cobblepot but it's not a huge issue. Also I like bakers voiceover work but I can't help but imagine Rhys at this point. My only real issue with this game is the qt events. I'm playing on ps4 and I can basically hit any button and the qt prompt will work. sometimes I'll do nothing and it still works. I have faith in telltale though and will stick it out.
If the story is interesting, everything is fine(because this is a Telltale game)...
And have you ever heard of multiverses??? That is why everything is different...They are trying to do their own take on the character and not just adapt the comics...
I personally love Telltale's adaption. And Oz is the best part! I love him. He's one of my favourite characters at the moment. "You're ruining the moment!"
Oz is suppose to be The Penguin, right?
Personally I'm really pleased it's a different adaption, I wouldn't want to play another identical copy of the other games - that's boring to me.
I'm sorry, did you just say that Harvey Dent has never run for mayor before and then say 'This is not Batman' while pretending to have any credibility?
Yeah Ozwald Cobblepot. I don't how or why he'll become The Penguin but at the moment I shall only refer to him as my bestie Oz. ^_^
I think this version of the Penguin looks very interesting. I like that doesn't look cartoonish like his comic counterpart (Yet).
It's Batman, and will always be Batman.
This is Batman, this is a new Batman story. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't Batman.
I actually don't mind that this is an original spin on the Batman thing, since I've never read the comics, and only seen the Burton and Schumacher movies. This means I can enjoy the story as it is right now, without feeling like I'm missing something or being clueless and confused about these characters. And I rather like that Batman isn't SUPER buff, but then that's just my own bias against muscular bodies. 8D;
Wait what? Bruce Wayne's body is that of a body builder.
Unless you were implying you dislike it.
He is muscular yes, but if you compare to Harvey....
(and just to avoid confusion, I'm talking about this game's version of the characters, and I assume fayescarlet did as well)
It's a new take.
But it's really weird to see Penguin to not be a small person.
So, what Earth would this be?I know there are a few Earths are unknown in the Multiversity.
I really don't mind. I can take him far more seriously now than if he looks like his comic version.
He's certainly buff, but compared to Harvey or maybe even Gordon, he isn't THAT buff. He's no Oz, no, but he's not TOO muscular. At least to me. :V I don't really like muscles sometimes.
I was, yes. TTG!Bruce is muscular for sure, but to me it doesn't feel as exaggerated as some incarnations I've seen.
IKR. Telltale do this with every damn IP they use. When I got TFTB I couldn't believe that it was it's own story and not just a Borderlands re-hash. And GoT, don't even get me started on that, I went into that game expecting all the stuff that happens in the books to happen, but no. It was its own story with it's own twists. HOW DARE THEY MAKE THEIR OWN STORIES INSTEAD OF JUST RECYCLING OLD MATERIAL.
All in all -4.5/10 worst telltale ever cause Penguin wasn't a fat old guy.
MRW Penguin isn't penguin and Harvey Dent is a well written character and Catwoman can use a phone:

earth 53...I don't know
I mean it's an original take on the character and universe, so it's kind of supposed to be like that. Harvey Dent running for mayor, well, mayors can do a lot more than District Attorneys, like, a lot more, especially for the city. I don't know if Harvey Dent has ever run for mayor in any other incarnation. If so, well, there you go, that has been a plot point. If not, then, there, a new, fresh item on the list besides all the things he's already done. I can't really see why a new, or at the very least, different approach on Harvey Dent is bad.
Oz here, again, different interpretation. He's meant to be different, not the generic Penguin. Fresh take on the character, taking some things from other characters in Batman lore, while at the same time keeping things on the character there.
Catwoman stole one of Batman's grappling hooks, if that's what you're talking about. Plus, Catwoman, not using gadgets? Pretty sure she's used them before.
But you know, it's your opinion I guess. I do think it's kind of weird Harvey Dent is bigger than Bruce, but maybe that's supposed to be ironic. Doesn't really matter.
The way I see it, Harvey's bulky appearance looks like what a superhero would look like. It just seems to serve as a mirror to Bruce and how to properly help Gotham.
If Harvey turns to Two Face, it's probably so he can be a guy who can take on Batman.
this is his origin story, next episode he'll go to mcdonalds until he looks like danny devito
Lol expected this kinda thread since lots of comic fan seem to hate change.
Telling people to not play the game on a forum board full of people who more than likely have played the game and enjoyed it. You either didn't think this through or you're just fishing for attention.
I have a feeling you're just trolling.
@ InGen_Nate_Kenny
"I do think it's kind of weird Harvey Dent is bigger than Bruce ..."
I really like that little detail, actually, and I'm sure Telltale did it consciously to add a sense of realism to the universe.
At just over six foot, Bruce wouldn't be the biggest, toughest-looking guy in any crowd. And I like that Harvey appears to have the more muscular physique, too; Harvey seems like an ex-football player type who still trains to look and feel good, while Bruce trains purely for function. It's like the difference between a body-builder and an Olympic weight-lifter.
Don't Underestimate telltale game, they always have good reason. if they choose this way, trust them, it's gonna be all right