Why some people are so well-liked while some are not?
Some people, for instance, always gets the popular guys asking them to sit with them, talk to them. They get favoured by others.
On the other hand, some are ignored. No one talks to them, they get bullied both verbally and physically.
in my opinion, people who are confident gets favoured, from my own personal experience, honestly.
I'd like to hear your opinions, though
Some of you might realise my posts I make keeps talking about real-life lately, I think these discussions are interesting, I have always liked them.
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People like confidence. If you look confident then people will more likely than not talk to you.
Some people just have naturally good people skills, it seems. Confidence helps, but it's not the only thing. Having a genuine interest in others and making them feel important helps more than anything else.
Some people are just better at social interaction than others. Confidence is definitely one of the factors, people tend to gravitate towards that.
Yep. Confidence really attracts others. I and many others are unfortunately very unconfident. I even almost have a heart attack every time I comment here on an online partially anonymous forum! Not kidding. It sucks.
Still, confidence isn't the only thing that attracts people. Different people feel a connection to different types of people. Some people feel a pull towards introverts, others towards extroverts. Some people enjoy spending time with funny people, others with serious people.
Your first few paragraphs seem to kind of sound like highschool. In highschool, a few types of personalities are favored over all the others. Of course, we can't really condense a complex person into a simple description, so I'll avoid that. If you would like to genuinely forge a friendship with someone whose popular, go for it, but not because they're popular. Do it because they seem like an okay person.
And like @WarpSpeed said, having a genuine interest in others and making them feel important helps more than anything else. I mean, if you make it seem like you don't care about someone, they are going to lose interest in being your friend.
Common interests and basic personality traits go a long way, but it's also important that the other person is nice. One thing that really turns most people off from a potential friend is just them being an asshole. If they're rude, disrespectful, racist, homophobic, or maybe two-faced, I know I kind of inch away from them.
Oh I heavily agree. There are many reasons why some people seem to be more "liked" than others. You don't necessarily even need to have a lot of confidence in order to find friends, friendships between introverts are just as valuable as between extroverts
Amen brother/sister.

Why did I expect the OP to be Kenny/Lee?
Same here, lol.
Looks like my Kenny/Lee detector malfunctioned this time.
Same lol.
You love him, don't you?
I must admit I was surprised when I saw it wasn't him.
I opened this thinking it was a Kenny/Lee thread, lol
No? Honestly, I always liked these discussions.
Kenny/Lee's threads always gets over depressed over nothing.