Will Isa, Milo, Aiden, CassieRose, Harper, and the three Youtubers come back in the finale? THREAD



  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    So glad you think so!! I love how that ending turned out.

    kmatie posted: »

    Episode 5 ending was fantastic. One of my favorite episodes. Aiden is/was the best villain in my opinion, and the thunderstorm mixed with mobs mixed with utter chaos made everything better.

  • The Battle Mode is the same thing as Hunger Games

    What about that online Minecraft Battle Mode? Players grab certain items to battle their competitors, also remember the image where Jesse an

  • Ohhhhhh, thats true. I think they'll add this. Or maybe a huge ancient Rome-like coliseum.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    The Battle Mode is the same thing as Hunger Games

  • edited August 2016

    Wow, this is a lot different then 'fighting one big ass beast w/friends.'
    The HG/BM theme also explains the director. That kind of theme would require a lot of action throughout the episode.

    Ohhhhhh, thats true. I think they'll add this. Or maybe a huge ancient Rome-like coliseum.

  • edited August 2016

    I still hope there will be either an all-out war with mobs or gladiator-type adventurers, or both. (Petra is wearing some sort of gladiator armor. XD)

    kmatie posted: »

    Wow, this is a lot different then 'fighting one big ass beast w/friends.' The HG/BM theme also explains the director. That kind of theme would require a lot of action throughout the episode.

  • Does anyone have a idea when episode 8 will come out for mobile like will it come out a day after or the same day

  • After episode 8 releases

    amoore12321 posted: »

    Does anyone have a idea when episode 8 will come out for mobile like will it come out a day after or the same day

  • Omg, i hope is true xD

    Is Aiden actually the narrator who tells the story of Jesse on "A Journey's End?" The narrator's subtitle text color is green.

  • Well actually, I don't think he is. Because the people in Minecraft don't really age or have their voice changed.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Omg, i hope is true xD

  • Vahram is beast at directing action scenes, imagine what he'd do with Telltale Game of Thrones season 2, since they speculate the battle with Jon Snow and Ramsay will tie in with the Forresters.

    Probs. xD

  • Well, its just strange how these certain characters would remember what choice you said to each of them, TFTBL for example, had the same thing.


  • I feel like only Harper will be in episode 8 because she came with us from episode 7 and she needs to show us how to do thingies

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I want Isa, Cassie, and Harper, AND Soren to return because they might be Old Builders.

  • I wonder if they brought the actors who voiced as Axel and Olivia to play in the finale.

    I feel like only Harper will be in episode 8 because she came with us from episode 7 and she needs to show us how to do thingies

  • I would like that but maybe we see them once we get home i think

    I wonder if they brought the actors who voiced as Axel and Olivia to play in the finale.

  • I don't know, I think they foreshadowed in episode 6, that Axel and Olivia are following them, since Lukas brought it up at the beginning, they wouldn't pop up in Sky City thats overflowing with monsters, the portal could transport them somewhere else like when Aiden and the Blaze Rods somehow ended up in the Founder's city without having to use blocks to get there. So that means the portals randomly teleport to different locations in each world.

    • Like the Nether Portal in Minecraft for example, when you go through then exit the world, it instantly makes another Nether Portal somewhere in the Overworld.

    • The Portals in the Hallway have the same thing except the entrance portal doesn't appear and Jesse and friends have to find the exit portal to keep going.

    I would like that but maybe we see them once we get home i think

  • Although I could be wrong about Milo and Aiden returning, but I think the others will come back, TTGs probably doesn't want to have alot of actors, but then again, they'd possibly make the finale two hours long like TFTBL's finale.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    If this were to happen it would depend on choices Here are the choices I think you would have to make for certain characters to come Isa/

  • Hopefully. I have a feeling that this finale will be great.

    Although I could be wrong about Milo and Aiden returning, but I think the others will come back, TTGs probably doesn't want to have alot of actors, but then again, they'd possibly make the finale two hours long like TFTBL's finale.

  • My thoughts exactly.

    kmatie posted: »

    Hopefully. I have a feeling that this finale will be great.

  • Yay, about time, episode 8 has been rated PG. A trailer will come soon. :)

    kmatie posted: »

    Hopefully. I have a feeling that this finale will be great.

  • I wonder if the Portals Jesse and company went through will open for Axel and Olivia to find, which is how I think its going to go down that they will probably bring these characters to help Jesse.

    • They'll go through the portal in the temple to find Isa and the citizens of Sky City
    • They'll see the fake exit portal and will hear meowing from CassieRose's cat, and they'll save her
    • Then they'll end up following the road to "New Mesa" (I think thats the name of the town) to find the next exit portal
    • Then they'll see the long staircase that will lead them to Jesse
  • I think that if they don't get to be involved in the story, we may see what happens to them in some sort of ending montage. We could see Sky City (or it may now be called Land City) and its appearance could change depending on who you left in power, we could see the youtubers doing something, and Cassie Rose either cuddling Winslow or still trying to convince him to join her.

  • edited August 2016

    What about Aiden? I really think the blaze rods shouldn't be at the Sky City dimension anymore. Aiden, Maya, and Gill deserve to come back home.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    I think that if they don't get to be involved in the story, we may see what happens to them in some sort of ending montage. We could see Sky

  • His books appear in bookcases in Season 2.

    (Assuming there's going to be another Season)

  • I hope they do come back, but not as antagonists. I'd rather work with them this time than fight them again.

  • I agree. I think only the hinted Old Builders (and Axel and Olivia) should return.

    Bro that's to much people from the past in this episode that's TOO MUCH

  • Uh huh, also this finale could be like, for example, the final episode of Tales from the Borderlands, where Fiona gets to pick characters they met during each episode depending on what good choices you said to them so they could help in the final showdown against the Traveler vault monster.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    I hope they do come back, but not as antagonists. I'd rather work with them this time than fight them again.

  • I've never played that game, but an ending like that sounds amazing! I think I've been fairly nice to other characters so far.

    Uh huh, also this finale could be like, for example, the final episode of Tales from the Borderlands, where Fiona gets to pick characters th

  • Yes the finale of that game reminds me of whats going on with the good choices you pick to have these people come back to help with whatever epic battle thats about to transpire.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    I've never played that game, but an ending like that sounds amazing! I think I've been fairly nice to other characters so far.

  • Or Cassie I actually felt sad when I left her with her cat, maybe she can have redemption for killing Torquedawg, Sparklez and Dan/Lizzie and help in the finale. Jesse can probably send her home using the Atlas.

  • I think those are supposed to reveal Soren's coming in episode 8 or another season.

    kmatie posted: »

    His books appear in bookcases in Season 2. (Assuming there's going to be another Season)

  • edited August 2016

    It is just for the fact that Battle Mode is an easy-ish game. The map isn't big, there are chests in easy sight etc. But other than that yes the same

    JimMate789 posted: »

    The Battle Mode is the same thing as Hunger Games

  • edited August 2016

    Oh, okay, just leave Milo, Aiden, and the the three youtubers out then. Isa, Cassie, Soren, and Harper with Axel and Olivia will return.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I agree. I think only the hinted Old Builders (and Axel and Olivia) should return.

  • PetraTheTrader,It's Possible Gabriel And Magnus Or Gabriel And Ellegaard Return?Because Them Dissappear Since Episode 4...

  • Well it depends on HOW would they return when they probably retired from being frauds. Only SOREN is a most likely character to return because we haven't seen him since episode 4 when he ran away. Possibly to another world because he thought there was no way to stop the witherstorm, so he bailed out to the Portal Network to be isolated in another world.

  • Truth,When I Played For The First Time Ep 4 Depending The Way When You Talk About It When Soren Flee The Final Battle With Witherstorm Shows:"He Will Remember That"Remember That?!Being What It Flee...And That It's A Clue Of Soren Will Return...

    Well it depends on HOW would they return when they probably retired from being frauds. Only SOREN is a most likely character to return becau

  • Oh @JesseTheBadass...

    I can tell you're new to Telltale games. Whenever those words appear on the screen, it isn't a clue of whether or not someone will return. It's just Telltale's way of making sure you know you have a (somewhat) important say in the game and how it turns out.

    Like in The Walking Dead, there was a girl who was in a fight (verbal) with someone else. You had a chance to stand up for her, and if you did/didn't, it would show up "(name) will remember that". 3 seconds later, she was shot in the face and died. It just goes to show it's not a huge hint of anything...

    Truth,When I Played For The First Time Ep 4 Depending The Way When You Talk About It When Soren Flee The Final Battle With Witherstorm Shows:"He Will Remember That"Remember That?!Being What It Flee...And That It's A Clue Of Soren Will Return...

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