Texting at a press conference?
When Bruce attends the press conference about the new mental hospital, Alfred tries sending urgent text messages to him.
Did you try to read and respond to them or did you ignore the texts?
In my first playthrough, I just ignored them. My reason was so that I didn't look rude to Harvey and the others.
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I responded to them.
I mean, it's a text, not a call.
I responded them, I did think it was really funny that hes just up at the stand texting though.
It's the modern age now. General norm...

Ignored them, both times, because the first text didn't explain what was going on so I figured it wasn't important...
Remember kids! I am not a role model!
I wouldnt really say standing in front of a podium texting is exactly professional or normal.
I just thought it was funny that hes standing right there in front of the press as Harvey is saying all this good stuff about him, and hes just texting.
Ignored it. How embarassing would it be if Bruce was caught texting at a press conference.
I responded, Bruce hates the spotlight any excuse to not pay attention to it he takes! Why he even stayed after the first text is a bit of terible writeing. At a min he should have stepped to the side bar area and came back. Why he did'nt who can say?
Well since you get no penalty at all for responding, the choice is pretty easy.
Doesnt effect anything so meh I didnt care lol
I did respond to the first text, telling Alfred to hold off, and kind of responded later.
Responded as it didn't really matter anyway.
I ignored the text messages because I was at a press conference, in front of all of those reporters. Last thing I need is for those weasels to see me texting when I should be paying attention and helping Harvey with his campaign.