I would like to say something about Star Wars Knights of the old republic 2: the sith lords


Before you guys are gonna unleash your hate on me or anything else hear me out please!

So I wasn't really a big fan of KOTOR 2 while I liked the gameplay the storyline was the biggest reason for me to play the game after KOTOR 1. I played KOTOR 2 something like 40 hours before I installed the Restored Content Mod which made more sense in storyline and gameplay but the games storyline itself that is what I am gonna talk about.
I thought the storyline was kinda good but had some issues and I don't see alot of games today that go into the grey between good and evil on this level and Kreia really helped with this but I don't think that many people would've remembered this game storyline if it wasn't for Kreia
enter image description here

I think the biggest reason whenever I talk about KOTOR 2 storyline it is because of that one ''twist'' that you realise her ideals and how she guided you through the story and I think this really worked well BUT I almost missed that moment. See I was playing 40 hours to get the Jedi order together which I found taking to long but I can understand because of the plot.

I was going to the toilet and my PC was still running and I lost a few back up save files and my PC can be a real pain and I almost missed this scene THIS one scene is so important because if I had missed it I probably had some issues with the plot of the game.
And in the eyes and some of my friends this scene stand out the most of the game just like I think. My other problem is what if you didn't like the twist ''Yo I used 40 hours of my life to get back the Jedi order OOH WHAT I AM WOUND IN THE FORCE?'' hell some people don't even like Kreia at all and that made them upset.
You know after 40 hours of searching for the Jedi and they get killed I didn't feel completion and while we still defeated Nihilus and the other I still couldn't feel but be let downed by the boss battle with Nihilus.

They make him out to be this freaking strong but because the Exile and some other reasons the boss fight just comes over as weak and I just laughed at the screen a few times.


  • edited August 2016

    To be honest, I always found the first KOTOR a better all around game. I think KOTOR II holds up only because of a cult style fan base says it does, and that it had darker and deeper undertone to the story, and for some silly reason that makes a story better in some people's opinions. Despite the game is so broken that choosing the wrong dialogue could literally ruin your entire possibility of progressing in the game before the Restoration Project. lol

    It was an incomplete game with way too many pieces missing, some parts of the story definitely for much of the cast are just not there. Much of the restored content is often speculation based on what fans thought they meant to happen based on content that remained and some comments from former devs of the game.

    From Peragus to Telos Station, it was already apparent to anyone playing the game it was going to have serious problems, for how lazy it was done.

    Best way of putting it, everyone's story on KOTOR II was shitty, I mean they had a shitty life, it was over "Dark" you can say. So much so it felt like the game was beating your over the head with it and I hated that. Where as KOTOR I was interested in almost every character's story, KOTOR II most of the cast I couldn't help but shrug them off and hated just being around them. As every single one of them were stereotypical broken goods.

  • I liked it, but it was far from perfect. I say that even taking into consideration the RC mod and the fact the game was rushed out. I've played both and while 1 was better, I felt 2 had the potential to surpass it. It just didn't come to be. 2 had some really great parts. It's just really hard to leave with a pleasant feeling about it with the ending it has... Never mind the fact it forced me into an apparent relationship that wasn't there before. I got the double screws on that one.

  • I have read that LucasArt was pushing and rushing Obsidian Entertainment to release the game when it was being developed, resulting in the state it was when it was released.

  • The first one will always better in my opinion, though KOTOR 2 holds a special place in my heart since I played it first when I was a kid.

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