Is the Leader of the Old Builders Evil?



  • It was that ONE line thats been bugging me ever since I saw the books in 5, 6 and 7. I basically had to replay that option to hear those words again to see if he not only was keeping secrets that he lied to the whole world, but was an Old Builder the whole time.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Riddle me this, if these theories are true and Soren is an old builder and he's helped people out that means Soren's been places. He's manag

  • If impossible object were all the old builder thing then why didn't Cassie make her own enchanted flint and steel to leave the world that she claimed to be stuck in.

    Well impossible objects like Mob Spawners, Eversource Crown, Redstone Heart, and Redstone Chips, are what Old Builders make. Even Ellegaard

  • Maybe each Old Builder has a unique set of skills? Because it looks like she just knows how to make mansions and traps, and can also paint.

    Jenjamboree posted: »

    If impossible object were all the old builder thing then why didn't Cassie make her own enchanted flint and steel to leave the world that she claimed to be stuck in.

  • Exactly, I hope Jesse confronts him and asks why he kept it a secret unlike Harper who just slid it into the convo like whatever. I really want answers, Soren is my favorite and one of the most mysterious characters. If he was so deprived of positive human social interaction then why didn't he just leave his home? I understand the loner and important research aspect but he didn't HAVE to be alone. Harper I understand, everyone was chipped.

    It was that ONE line thats been bugging me ever since I saw the books in 5, 6 and 7. I basically had to replay that option to hear those wor

  • Makes sense. Theorizing like this is really fun. It really makes you think about the dialogue and when you get clues or hints (like Soren's books) you can start to infer and really look into the depths of dialogue and actions that took place, try to see a deeper meaning.

    Ooh maybe, just maybe she was trying to start a new life like Soren did, he made a fresh start when him and his new Order friends were just

  • Yeah, its no secret now, because ep. 7 showed us plenty of Soren hints.

    • Harper being a little coo coo in the head like Soren.
    • Ivor hinting about Harper being isolated reminds him a little of Soren.
    • Reading the title "The Redstone Heart", if you didn't see Ivor's FACE when he heard Jesse say "By Soren." and immediately turned his head to look at books. is there something Ivor's not telling us? How did he know about the knowledge of the Old Builders in episode 5? * Keeping secrets is EASY * Clever Ivor. :)
    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Makes sense. Theorizing like this is really fun. It really makes you think about the dialogue and when you get clues or hints (like Soren's

  • When you look at Isa and Harper, they seemed nice, but for Cassie, she had the same trust issues like Soren, except she took a murderous route.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Exactly, I hope Jesse confronts him and asks why he kept it a secret unlike Harper who just slid it into the convo like whatever. I really w

  • Translated: "You actually care enough to translate this"

  • The sky blockers outfits look somewhat medival-ish.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Well she did have a major advantage over other sky blockers, she had the eversource.

  • Haha, I don't think Ivor knows it could have been just him reverting back to the standing by the bookshelf animation. Hey, you never know and that's why we're here to prove and debunk. IKR Ivor's face was like: O.O "ohmergawd!" haha XD

    Yeah, its no secret now, because ep. 7 showed us plenty of Soren hints. * Harper being a little coo coo in the head like Soren. * Ivor

  • Soren's aren't as bad as her's. She decided to murder people, not just one but 3! She went off the crazy train and landed into insane town. You try to be kind and nice and she tries to murder you. Great, fabulous she probably has a huge vendetta against Jesse. Soren is (thank goodness) not murderous, I don't think he would have the heart to kill. Poor Cassie is lacking in that heart stuff (except for Winslow). Soren should have left to see what it was like up there since the poor guy forgot and decided to build a replica of it. (I would love to know the reasoning behind that though)

    When you look at Isa and Harper, they seemed nice, but for Cassie, she had the same trust issues like Soren, except she took a murderous route.

  • Yes, that could possibly happen.

  • The first person to hear Jesse say those words and his face expression was "omg."

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Haha, I don't think Ivor knows it could have been just him reverting back to the standing by the bookshelf animation. Hey, you never know and that's why we're here to prove and debunk. IKR Ivor's face was like: O.O "ohmergawd!" haha XD

  • Theres gotta be a reason why Soren and his friends split apart. Jealousy? Betrayal? Hatred? I still think the leader of the group is responsible, maybe was jealous of Soren? Or maybe Soren was the leader, and the person spread lies to each member that Soren isn't capable of leadership.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Soren's aren't as bad as her's. She decided to murder people, not just one but 3! She went off the crazy train and landed into insane town.

  • How ironic that we are facing against a skilled Old Builder leader, possibly more worse than PAMA, or Cassie, or Aiden combined.

    Yes, that could possibly happen.

  • I agree with Wolf, that Ivor isn't aware of Soren being a old builder. But hey it's just a theory, a game theory!

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Haha, I don't think Ivor knows it could have been just him reverting back to the standing by the bookshelf animation. Hey, you never know and that's why we're here to prove and debunk. IKR Ivor's face was like: O.O "ohmergawd!" haha XD

  • Still that face was too priceless...and somewhat suspicious.

    I agree with Wolf, that Ivor isn't aware of Soren being a old builder. But hey it's just a theory, a game theory!

  • I didn't translate it on google, because I thought I already read it. XD

    Translated: "You actually care enough to translate this"

  • Remember, I said something similar before that maybe their leader was not very good and Soren founded the Order to prove that he was better. Another theory could be that maybe Soren is the leader and after they split for some reason possibly he went and founded the Order to be a leader of something again. If Soren wasn't the leader maybe the original leader got corrupt or just wasn't the best so maybe Soren founded the Order to prove that he could be a good leader. If Soren was the leader maybe they took him for granted, took the items and just betrayed him or one of them spread rumors and stuff and Soren founded the Order to prove he is capable of leadership. Sadly the Order suffered a similar fate the Builders did. Or better yet what if the leader was fine and they all split and Soren just wanted to be a part of something again so he founded the Order. Remember the line where when Soren doubts your motives and if you say as Jesse "I won't do that." (I chose that) Soren replies "That's what they all say." So there also stems poor Sorens trust issues too, maybe they lied to him...

    Theres gotta be a reason why Soren and his friends split apart. Jealousy? Betrayal? Hatred? I still think the leader of the group is respons

  • This could mean something, Soren maybe didn't always agree with the leader, maybe they were once the best of friends until he went corrupted and became resentful showing his true colors.

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Remember, I said something similar before that maybe their leader was not very good and Soren founded the Order to prove that he was better.

  • became resentful showing his true colors.

    Quoting Soren I see, yeah it really depends on who the leader is. Also what happened and hopefully it's touched upon in episode 8.

    This could mean something, Soren maybe didn't always agree with the leader, maybe they were once the best of friends until he went corrupted and became resentful showing his true colors.

  • Yeah, I was thinking that really happened between him and leader. Soren could have gave him the Atlas and then the person backstabbed him. XD

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    became resentful showing his true colors. Quoting Soren I see, yeah it really depends on who the leader is. Also what happened and hopefully it's touched upon in episode 8.

  • The aging process for the characters doesn't change, except for the common animals. That is whats fascinating about MCSM, but wait why does Harper look old? Her portrait in episode 7 shows she was young a long time ago. Do you think aging goes slower for characters in the game?

    Super1710 posted: »

    Yes Isa could have previously met an old builder, which would explain how word got out about the Eversource. (And how they all still speak t

  • It is quite strange. We know that PAMA had control over the towns people for 25 years, I'd assume that picture of Harper was between thirty and twenty six years before when the first prototype was made. But what's odd is when Eric answered the question he said something like "in our worlds time it would be about..." basically saying time must work differently in the MCSM universe, maybe like how dog years work compared to human years.

    The aging process for the characters doesn't change, except for the common animals. That is whats fascinating about MCSM, but wait why does

  • It is quite strange. We know that PAMA had control over the towns people for 25 years, I'd assume that picture of Harper was between thirty and twenty six years before when the first prototype was made. But what's odd is when Eric answered the question he said something like "in our worlds time it would be about..." basically saying time must work differently in the MCSM universe, maybe like how dog years work compared to human years.

    The aging process for the characters doesn't change, except for the common animals. That is whats fascinating about MCSM, but wait why does

  • Yeah, that could be it.

    Super1710 posted: »

    It is quite strange. We know that PAMA had control over the towns people for 25 years, I'd assume that picture of Harper was between thirty

  • Well we all know that Harper is an old builder!

  • Huh...

    Super1710 posted: »

    It is quite strange. We know that PAMA had control over the towns people for 25 years, I'd assume that picture of Harper was between thirty

  • Yep, I bet they'll surprise us with the rest.

    Well we all know that Harper is an old builder!

  • Oh wait lol, this was repeated. XD

    Super1710 posted: »

    It is quite strange. We know that PAMA had control over the towns people for 25 years, I'd assume that picture of Harper was between thirty

  • Its like the dawn of cavemen or something. XD

    Super1710 posted: »

    Also he finds it fascinating to watch Jesse craft things, he didn't know what an anvil was, heck, did he even know what a ladder was?

  • I think episode 8's key art could connect to the Leader of the Old Builders being the "Spectator."

  • I'm betting on the Jesse vs Old Builder leader during the final battle where everyone is going all "revolution" against the "Spectators" leadership. Its gonna turn into a warzone. XD

  • Heh, I already know the leader's not simply giving the Atlas like Harper says. Jesse could make a wager for the item as a prize.

  • edited September 2016

    Jim Cummings (Winnie the Pooh, Darkwing Duck) as Hadrian, the leader of the Old Builders; and Kari Wahlgren (Rick and Morty, The Fairly OddParents) as Mevia, the Enforcer.

    Well, we do know the leaders name, Hadrian and i looked it up on google.

    Hadrian (76-138 CE) was the fourteenth Emperor of Rome (10 August 117 to 10 July 138 CE) and is known as the third of the Five Good Emperors (Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius) who ruled justly...Hadrian’s building projects are perhaps his most enduring legacy....Hadrian had a great interest in architecture and seems to have contributed ideas, or even plans, to the architects though scholars no longer believe that he was the lead architect on any single project...Of all his significant monuments and buildings, Hadrian’s Wall in north Britain is the most famous.

    Judging by these quotes i pulled from There seems to be substantial evidence there is a big influence possibly on this character by the name if they didn't just take the name. This implies that the leader of the old builders obviously was very interested in architecture, hence why they're the leader. Hopefully they got the "justly" part too and is a good guy.

    Now we have Mevia which is noted as the "Enforcer". I looked up the name and ended up finding that there was a female gladiator named Mevia, does this have anything to do with the "enforcer" we don't know but it might.

    Not all gladiators were men, though female combatants were usually foreign slaves. In his Satires, Juvenal wrote about a woman called Mevia who fought wild animals such as boars while armed with a spear.

    This came from number 4 is Mevia.

    Okay i'm not 100% sure on this one but even Soren has an ancient counterpart.

    Søren Aabye Kierkegaard was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic and religious author who is widely considered to be the first existentialist philosopher. He wrote critical texts on organized religion, Christendom, morality, ethics, psychology, and the philosophy of religion, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony and parables. Much of his philosophical work deals with the issues of how one lives as a "single individual", giving priority to concrete human reality over abstract thinking and highlighting the importance of personal choice and commitment.

    This kind of sounds like our Soren, yes this Soren wasn't an architect but he was pretty philosophical. Our Soren speaks in a highly sophisticated way implying that he has an education beyond our Jesse maybe from his constant research. He even has a fondness for metaphors, irony and parables, well maybe for the parables part but mostly irony and metaphors. Maybe each of the Old builders are based off of ancient people pulling a few attributes of these people. Plus, Soren is a writer hence why his books are EVERYWHERE. I found this fromøren_Kierkegaard

    The only exception is Harper, if i look up the name i only really get recent people though, i did find a Frances Harper but i had to dig to find it so it's unlikely. She was also a poet which doesn't attribute much to our Harper. The other members though do seem to have attributes to ancient people and it can't just be a coincidence that they got those names, there has to be a reason. So, this is just a theory and the leader may not be evil but they may be competitive. Meiva is quite interesting as well.

    This is just a thought, the new people really intriguing.

  • Did you see the screenshots for episode 8? Its showing Jesse fighting a big guy with a weapon and shield and a big pink-haired woman wielding an axe (Could be Mevia)

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    Jim Cummings (Winnie the Pooh, Darkwing Duck) as Hadrian, the leader of the Old Builders; and Kari Wahlgren (Rick and Morty, The Fairly OddP

  • No, where did you see these? Do you think that these characters could possibly be based off of ancient people? I think so for some of them. It's crazy, it may give us insight on their personalities or something but hey, tomorrow is the big day! I gotta wait for the android release and for you tubers to post stuff up.

    Did you see the screenshots for episode 8? Its showing Jesse fighting a big guy with a weapon and shield and a big pink-haired woman wielding an axe (Could be Mevia)

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