How to read between a person's words to figure out what they're really saying?

Personally speaking, this is something I really suck at. If something is not explained to me, and and in a rather blunt way, I don't get it.

I realize that makes me probably a geek, a dork, a loser. And that is probably what leads people to be extremely irritated with me, and therefore not wanting to have really anything to do with me.

Not to mention the fact that I can be quite smothering, quite overbearing, insecure and needy. All of these qualities make me an extremely annoying person, and therefore nobody really wants anything to do with me.

How about you? Do you have trouble reading between people's words to figure out what they really mean?

And what would you say are your most annoying traits?


  • I have no clear idea what I am talking about and I do not wanna offend anyone (if I have I apologize for my ignorance) but isn't that associated with autism you have once mentioned to have?

    But nobody can 100% of time know the other one is saying, especially if not clearly, so yeah, no worries about knowing everything,

  • Human society is build on interaction. So, I really don't know if anyone should find some hidden senses. I am convinced that people say what they want to say, even if it is not 100% based on reality. For example, if someone tells you "it will get better/you'll manage/etc" and you both know it is highly unlikely, you still shouldn't doubt those words. They do believe in you and want to cheer you up.

    The sum up: don't look for hidden message, there is none, imo.

  • you should be irritated by them. If they what to tell you something then they should tell it like it is.

    To most people that's exactly what they're doing.

  • Precisely deducing what people mean and do not explicitly say is a valuable trait for sure, but I would argue that one can't be held accountable for understanding something different than what the person meant if they've left room for interpretation.

  • Learning to intuitively pick up on Body Language is one way you can go about it. However, you have to put yourself out there to have actual experience to learn from as well.

    This link is a good place to read up on Body Language:

  • edited September 2016

    One can typically tell what a person means by examining their body language, facial expressions and paying attention to their tone.

  • There's no clear way to know for sure because everyone has different speech patterns and sometimes different meanings behind what they say, sometimes what you think they're implying is right, sometimes it isn't. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could ask them what they mean rather than consulting with people online who likely have no clue xD

  • The title literally sounds like it was written by a sociopath, I was friends with a diagnosed sociopath in school.

  • Good luck going to Japan. Over there it's ALL about reading between the lines. Extremely tricky. TheGreatLeoDio is totally on point. However, achieving this type of skillset takes a lot of practice and experience in my opinion. Especially body language.

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