A Journey's End? - Your choices (Spoilers, duh)

Haven't seen a thread about this so far, so yeah, what were your choices?

Here are mine:

enter image description here


  • I helped Ivor
    Agreed to work with Em
    Rescued Nell
    Accepted Hardrian's deal (I wasn't listening and did not know what I was choosing for)
    Brought Em back to Jesse's homeworld

  • That's a nice choice pal, but not in the game. Stay relevant to the topic.

    Vote for the season 2 http://www.strawpoll.me/11221176/r

  • Rescued Petra, agreed to work with Em, saved Nell, accepted Hadrian's new deal, and had Em follow us home.

  • My choices

    enter image description here

  • Rescued Petra
    Refused to work with Em.
    Rescued Nell
    Accepted Hadrian's deal (Mainly because, it just fits with my Jesse's personality. Despite his hotheadedness, he is damn self-sacrificing for his friends.)
    Encourage Em to go back home.

  • edited September 2016

    enter image description here

  • -Rescued Ivor
    -Refused to work with Em (didn't trust her)
    -Won the race
    -Accepted Hadrian's new deal
    -Brought Em to our home world

  • edited September 2016

    Saved peta

    Teamed up

    Didn't take deal

    Saved her

    Had her help make the games

    -I rescued Petra. I didn't want anything to happen to her. She and I even talked about how we keep ending with situations like this. Also, I was wondering how Ivor wasn't cold in that snowy village since he was left without his clothes during the respawn.
    -I chose not to trust Em. It seemed really fishy, so I went with my gut.
    -I saved Nell. She's cool, and if there's one thing I believe in competitions, its sportsmanship.
    -I rejected Hadrian's deal. If he thought kidnapping my friends and the surfer usher, was gonna make me do things his way, he had another thing coming.
    -I brought Em with us. I figured she earned it after helping us take down Hadrian and Mevia.

    Bonus Choices
    -I told everyone that Tim was fake. I figured that they deserved to know the truth. I couldn't lie to them.
    -I got Slab to join us and give Lukas his journal back. He was a jerk, but sometimes playing the nice guy pays off in the end.
    -I chose the axe to start off with fighting Hadrian and Mevia. My favorite close combat weapon, like when I made the enchanted diamond axe.
    -Went after Ivor to stop him. As fun as these adventures have been and all, I just wanted every one in the New Order of the Stone to take a break. They certainly earned one.

    • Rescued Ivor
    • Agreed to work with Em (I agreed but after it I saw that maybe she would betray us)
    • Rescued Nell
    • Accepted Hadrian's new deal (fits my Jesse's personality, her friends are everything to her)
    • Encouraged Em to go back to her home
  • edited September 2016
    • Rescued Ivor
    • Didn't work with Em
    • Beat Em (let Nell die)
    • Rejected Hadrian's deal
    • Encouraged Em to help restart the games

    EDIT: no idea why it posted twice lol

  • edited September 2016
    • Rescued Ivor
    • Didn't work with Em
    • Beat Em (let Nell die)
    • Rejected Hadrian's deal
    • Encouraged Em to help restart the games

    Other choices

    • Told everyone Tim was fake
    • Slab refused to join (Due to me being a dick lol)
    • Chose Enchanted sword
    • Gone with Ivor
  • Rescued Petra
    Agreed to work with Em
    Saved Nell
    Agreed to Hadrian's new deal
    Let Em come to Jesse's home world

    Didn't tell everyone that Tim was fake
    Slab agreed to join
    Chose Enchanted Axe
    Let Ivor go (I think I trust him enough to come back eventually)

  • Well, telltale tweeted that the ending can be changed (but whatever u do, its the same though). So I thought winning the game was more important. Nell respawns anyway. So yeah..

  • Mah Choices:
    * Saved Ivor (don't know why, I just thought Ivor was the most incompetent to save himself at the time...)
    * Did not work with Em (I knew something was up, that maybe she wanted to get some of my glory, or some of my freedom. Glad I said no later..)
    * Saved Nell (Like, why not brah? She's totally cool.)
    * Agreed to Hadrian's new deal. (Just so I could disobey him later and see the look on his face. Mwahahaha.)
    * Made Em help Otto restart the games. (She thought it'd be cool, so why not.)

    Other stuff:
    - Told people Tim was fake. (So that they'd be even more mad the Builders lied to them and start an uprising.)
    - Slab did not want to join. (Oh well, he missed some cool stuff.)
    - Chose Enchanted Shield. (Well, I just wanted to see what cool stuff Jesse could pull off with it. It was mediocre...)
    - Went after Ivor to "stop him". (Well, we just got back, I don't want him to get in trouble or ruin someone's world. He can get quite eccentric. Plus, I secretly missed the Adventure already...)

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