Minecraft: Story Mode Thread - (Overall series Discussion)

I have been here since Episode 5 waiting thread, many have been here in 2014, many 2015 or even more older. Minecraft: Story Mode hit me, so much, it was one of the best story telling games I have ever seen! October 2015, Episode 1 came out, and September 2016, is when the series ended. Big thanks to the guest stars, voice actors, animators, and much many people more. We all had our ups and downs in this community, but we all stocked together, through this whole series, this sounds cheesy, but I mean it, this is something we checked every day (most of us) and something we ahh a routine of doing. I know I'm not moderator or staff, but I want this thread to be something where we can discuss things we never saw, like Easter eggs, fun twists, unknown choices, and even more for Season 2. Episode 8 was great, season 2 can happen.

Season pass announced: July 2016
Episode 1-5: October 2015- March 2016
Episode 6-8: June 2016 - September 2016

Thanks and see you here

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